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Episode Day 38 (15/10/2014) "Live" Nominations

Damn I wish I could vote for Prisus, but I live in Canada. Someone vote extra for me please. We must save the Queen.
Yes and this is disappointing
I feel that Cat and Lawson are easy targets. People hate Lawson. It might be fun to watch them make life worse and worse for themselves.

Sandra barely survived. She won't be gaining massive support. I don't think the show likes her, showing her being so strange.
Honestly. Do you guys really care who wins this season? I just don't. I like Priya and David, but I think they might be better off getting out of this sinking ship. This show is undeniably terrible. The sooner they leave the better.

Serious question: how invested are you?
I'm well invested. Not in any particular winner, but in the genre. Sure, sometimes BB is produced better than other times, no question. But if I'm going to watch something, I'm going to find the good in it and enjoy it for what it is. It surprises me that people who whinge constantly about the show are still watching. If I hated it that much, I wouldn't bother with it.
D'oh! I took a gender punt and failed. Maybe all our avatars should be pics of our peens or badges to save this type of embarrassment! Ummm, also I don't get the ]@Consuela reference.
Consuela is a female name and has female display pic but he is a Mr. Not all user names are Christian names ;). Nice to meet you James.