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Episode Day 9 (16/09/2014) Daily Show

Hahahaha!!!! CaspersDad just goes to bed. He's finally worked it out. He used to talk during the show. I used to glare at him. Now he goes to bed. #winning
we sent kids to bed then watch together, however we always seem to argue what exactly was said by every HMs. one of us need hearing aids!!!
Carpet tiles... I just used to pull it up and replace it. I never actually cleaned it up!
If it was today I would sell them on Ebay - like they guys who sell their worn undies and for an extra few bucks will send you a movie of them wanking in them.
Say this isn't so. Really?
Yay this thread wont reach the heights of mine from yesterday <3

There is a thread (well two as the mods had to split it it got so big) that covers nearly 2500 pages. When you create and participate in a thread that massive I will congratulate you. Until then I think you will find nobody except you cares how long a daily thread does or doesn't get. Just give it a rest.