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Post BB - Housemate Antics 2013

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Hrm we've been spoiled for choice with twitter fights recently; Ben12 vs Tim, OurTim vs UrineTim, OurTim vs Alex Mavriodackya, so my memory is a little hazy.

However from what I can recall there was an article where UrineTim called Tully a train wreck, hot mess, horrible regrowthed, shameless twitter spruiker who was trying to extend her 15 minutes of fame in any way (I may have paraphrased and/or/most definitely embellished here but whatevs I interned at the Daily Mail so I can). So OurTim was all like pot meet kettle towards UrineTim who had recently forayed in the enlightening world of urine drinking a.k.a watersports a.k.a. seriously-apple-juice-is-not-that-expensive-if-want-to-drink-something-golden. Then UrineTim was all like no fair I thought you guys were cool *tears* they is making up lies as I totally did not, but probably did, but definitely not in those words, but actually did in fact verbatim say train wreck.
You have captured it exactly. Wonderful.
And yet if you want to succeed in many jobs your writing and skills in analysis and deconstruction need to be good. believe me, most English teachers would prefer not to have it as a compulsory subject in the senior school, but unless other faculties are prepared to teach writing skills, it's not going to happen.

That's all well good but the compulsory English that I and every other student had to take in VCE Year 12 English had none of that. Year 12 English basically is a rehash of everything students have done since Year 9 through to 11, with the only difference being that it actually counts for determining your final tertiary ranking. That is writing personal essays, analyzing texts and newspaper articles etc... The same boring tripe that 1 year of schooling would have sufficed, 2 at the most.

There was almost nothing in regard to writing in a professional setting, not that I can remember anyway so it kinda amuses me when people claim that VCE/HSC English goes about teaching those things to high school students. In my experience it does no such thing, goes nowhere near it to be perfectly honest. Pretty much the majority of my cohorts agreed that English (as taught in Australian high schools) is about the most useless/redundant subject in the last 2 years of schooling. lol

The only students that seemed to put a great emphasis (love even) on the subject were the artsy fartsy weirdos who despised any science based subject and were hellbent in getting into an arts (aka maccas) degreee. hehehe :D :p

I got study scores of 40 and above for all my VCE subjects except one which was English where I got 31. lol IMO English should be compulsory until Year 10, I think it's reasonable to expect that every high school student should have a decent grasp of English by that stage. Including English in Year 11/12 is overkill.

Call me cynical but many students (like myself) suspect that it is compulsory until Year 12 to keep the majority of teachers employed given that 90% teachers have English/History as their only qualification.
That's all well good but the compulsory English that I and every other student had to take in VCE Year 12 English had none of that. Year 12 English basically is a rehash of everything students have done since Year 9 through to 11, with the only difference being that it actually counts for determining your final tertiary ranking. That is writing personal essays, analyzing texts and newspaper articles etc... The same boring tripe that 1 year of schooling would have sufficed, 2 at the most.

There was almost nothing in regard to writing in a professional setting, not that I can remember anyway so it kinda amuses me when people claim that VCE/HSC English goes about teaching those things to high school students. In my experience it does no such thing, goes nowhere near it to be perfectly honest. Pretty much the majority of my cohorts agreed that English (as taught in Australian high schools) is about the most useless/redundant subject in the last 2 years of schooling. lol

The only students that seemed to put a great emphasis (love even) on the subject were the artsy fartsy weirdos who despised any science based subject and were hellbent in getting into an arts (aka maccas) degreee. hehehe :D :p

I got study scores of 40 and above for all my VCE subjects except one which was English where I got 31. lol IMO English should be compulsory until Year 10, I think it's reasonable to expect that every high school student should have a decent grasp of English by that stage. Including English in Year 11/12 is overkill.

Call me cynical but many students (like myself) suspect that it is compulsory until Year 12 to keep the majority of teachers employed given that 90% teachers have English/History as their only qualification.
You are patronising and offensive but let's forget that. If you think that the English you did was boring, how much worse to exist on writing a diet of business letters etc., although these days there's a course for that too. You obviously think we (English teachers) are self serving morons. That's your right I suppose. Me, I think that you've got a case of sour grapes because of the 31. And given the fact you're obviously literate you made a choice. Teacher bashing is such a cheap sport.
Hrm we've been spoiled for choice with twitter fights recently; Ben12 vs Tim, OurTim vs UrineTim, OurTim vs Alex Mavriodackya, so my memory is a little hazy.

However from what I can recall there was an article where UrineTim called Tully a train wreck, hot mess, horrible regrowthed, shameless twitter spruiker who was trying to extend her 15 minutes of fame in any way (I may have paraphrased and/or/most definitely embellished here but whatevs I interned at the Daily Mail so I can). So OurTim was all like pot meet kettle towards UrineTim who had recently forayed in the enlightening world of urine drinking a.k.a watersports a.k.a. seriously-apple-juice-is-not-that-expensive-if-want-to-drink-something-golden. Then UrineTim was all like no fair I thought you guys were cool *tears* they is making up lies as I totally did not, but probably did, but definitely not in those words, but actually did in fact verbatim say train wreck.

I am gobsmacked! And from the few pages that I caught up on, I get the UrineTim reference! But... I simply MUST know about the Ben12 Tweetfight... I imagine Ben would have Tim on toast... ?

Tim Dormer bagging Tully (passive-agressive style) is soooo 2013...
i understood every single word you said. it's a nightmare for so many

you will find a lot of people who achieve a very high ATAR have chosen subjects where they have the ability to take information they have and put it in an essay or speech. there were no Maths or Science subjects done at all. the people who excel at the Maths and Science but are average at English, and only English, just shake their heads

Yep, I fall under the latter category as well. My ranking took a bit hit because of English. Oh well what can you do. Luckily I did pretty well in my other subjects for it not to be too detrimental to my final overall score. I strongly subscribe to the notion that English as subject should only to be taught up to Year 10.

That is more than plenty of time to have covered the required level of English that students need to get by in the big bad world. To me insisting that it remain a compulsory part of the VCE curriculum seems to be more of an indulgence from the teachers' behalf rather than in the best interest of students who are not all inclined to analyse and/or write flowery prose.
I am gobsmacked! And from the few pages that I caught up on, I get the UrineTim reference! But... I simply MUST know about the Ben12 Tweetfight... I imagine Ben would have Tim on toast... ?

Tim Dormer bagging Tully (passive-agressive style) is soooo 2013...
Even I was pretty much on Tim's side with the Ben one, and...well, that's saying something. Ben may or may not have been ever so slightly inebriated. It was gold.
Yep, I fall under the latter category as well. My ranking took a bit hit because of English. Oh well what can you do. Luckily I did pretty well in my other subjects for it not to be too detrimental to my final overall score. I strongly subscribe to the notion that English as subject should only to be taught up to Year 10.

That is more than plenty of time to have covered the required level of English that students need to get by in the big bad world. To me insisting that it remain a compulsory part of the VCE curriculum seems to be more of an indulgence from the teachers' behalf rather than in the best interest of students who are not all inclined to analyse and/or write flowery prose.

With this logic, perhaps Maths should also be optional after Year 10?!

I'm sure many 'Humanities' students would have preferred to invest their time and efforts elsewhere. Yes, me.
You are patronising and offensive but let's forget that. If you think that the English you did was boring, how much worse to exist on writing a diet of business letters etc., although these days there's a course for that too. You obviously think we (English teachers) are self serving morons. That's your right I suppose. Me, I think that you've got a case of sour grapes because of the 31. And given the fact you're obviously literate you made a choice. Teacher bashing is such a cheap sport.

Apologies prufrock, causing offense was not my intent. Although I'll do admit that spending close double the amount of time and effort of my other subjects on English but getting what was a pretty shitty score in comparison did leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Especially since examiners purportedly only read about a fifth of what students write in their exams, spending between 5 to 10 minutes to come a subjective mark/grade. This is in Victoria though, it could very well be different in other states.
Even I was pretty much on Tim's side with the Ben one, and...well, that's saying something. Ben may or may not have been ever so slightly inebriated. It was gold.

Was that around the same time as the TimBBB? Just trying to locate it on here... Now that you've said this!
With this logic, perhaps Maths should also be optional after Year 10?!

I'm sure many 'Humanities' students would have preferred to invest their time and efforts elsewhere. Yes, me.
It is in Victoria and oh how I envy their ability to chose. I'm all for pro-choice! :D
Even I was pretty much on Tim's side with the Ben one, and...well, that's saying something. Ben may or may not have been ever so slightly inebriated. It was gold.

Was that around the same time as the TimBBB? Just trying to locate it on here... Now that you've said this!
I am gobsmacked! And from the few pages that I caught up on, I get the UrineTim reference! But... I simply MUST know about the Ben12 Tweetfight... I imagine Ben would have Tim on toast... ?

Tim Dormer bagging Tully (passive-agressive style) is soooo 2013...
Ben got his ass kicked every which way. Even his own fans were going in on him hard. And the most embarrassing part was Tim didn't even engage at the time as he was at the Logies posting pics of him having a blast with Kylie et al while this was going on. (Which we later surmised prompted Ben's drunken rants as he'd applied on video to be a red carpet correspondent for someone and got declined)

Estelle whipped Ben's ass, Michael blanked him when Ben tried to drag him, Josh, Tully and Drew in... actually at least Michael responded. The other 3 didn't.

It was horrible but awesome. Thanks to @Mooseface we even learned the German word for second-hand embarrassment as I was dying from it.
Then again I also told Ben to put down the cask much earlier in the night and he didn't listen so I can't feel too sorry for him. Go search for the Logies night in here and you're in for a treat. Seriously hilarious stuff. (I'm going to do it myself haha)
Apologies prufrock, causing offense was not my intent. Although I'll do admit that spending close double the amount of time and effort of my other subjects on English but getting what was a pretty shitty score in comparison did leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Especially since examiners purportedly only read about a fifth of what students write in their exams, spending between 5 to 10 minutes to come a subjective mark/grade. This is in Victoria though, it could very well be different in other states.
Thanks! Let me really pump my tyres for a minute...I reckon I could have made English enjoyable for you :) But just so you know, in NSW, every HSC English exam question is read and marked by two markers, and then if there's a discrepancy it's marked a third time. None of the three markers knows what the others have given. Added to that, twice in every marking session a script goes round a marking centre and each person has to give a mark...quality control :)
I've watched you write here. You'd have loved Extension Two English....promise.[DOUBLEPOST=1399639617][/DOUBLEPOST]
It is in Victoria and oh how I envy their ability to chose. I'm all for pro-choice! :D
Maths isn't compulsory in NSW either after Year 10.
I am gobsmacked! And from the few pages that I caught up on, I get the UrineTim reference! But... I simply MUST know about the Ben12 Tweetfight... I imagine Ben would have Tim on toast... ?

Tim Dormer bagging Tully (passive-agressive style) is soooo 2013...

Wellllll... 'twas a night of glamour and god awful dresses known to the masses as Logie night. Settling in for a night of joyous television viewing was our glorious Bitchy Ben who managed to put down the wine glass long enough to partake in the most ancient of practices - drunk tweeting. He fired his first salvo with a not so subtle tweet about how Tully and BenWhoTalksToPictures had more talent in their dental floss than UrineTim who is totes fake - which makes sense if you're drunk I guess. UrineTim was all like 'Bitch I'm at the Logies who the hell are you? pick on someone your own size' which is so very coy of him because I think he does in fact know who he is. Ben was not impressed and said Tim was small compared to lights and had no where to hide - which again makes no sense to me but I'm not drunk (fine.. I may be a little drunk). I mean if Tim is supposedly so small then he has literally SOOO many places to hide, like in a cupboard. Then Estelle turned up on her horse and was all 'Ben y u always bringing down a brutha? why ya gotta be that way dawg?' (She speaks street cos she is street even with Princess Sparklepony and her Toorak truck). As you can imagine Ben was even less impressed with that and told her to stop banging on about how he bullied her cos he totally didn't even, it was all Michael and Josh and Jesus. The other birds on twitter where like 'NO WAY you is a bully Ben'. By this stage Ben was extremely unimpressed and really low on wine and said Tim was the closet bully (and closet gay) cos he texted Drew telling him not to lunch with losers like Ben but maybe Tim just didn't want Drew partaking in day drinking like Ben obviously does. Stella skated by and shouted 'HYPOCRITE!1!!' at Ben who shouted back 'Go sneak into the Logies again you wannabe!'. At this point Ben experienced an alcohol blackout and his partner most likely tried to give twitter one too by deleting the tweets. Though like any good alcohol blackout the memories lived on in the form of photo evidence.
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Wellllll... 'twas a night of glamour and god awful dresses known to the masses as Logie night. Settling in for a night of joyous television viewing was our glorious Bitchy Ben who managed to put down the wine glass long enough to partake in the most ancient of practices - drunk tweeting. He fired his first salvo with a not so subtle tweet about how Tully and BenWhoTalksToPictures had more talent in their dental floss than UrineTim who is totes fake - which makes sense if you're drunk I guess. UrineTim was all like 'Bitch I'm at the Logies who the hell are you? pick on someone your own size' which is so very coy of him because I think he does in fact know who he is. Ben was not impressed and said Tim was small compared to lights and had no where to hide - which again makes no sense to me but I'm not drunk (fine.. I may be a little drunk). I mean if Tim is supposedly so small then he has literally SOOO many places to hide, like in a cupboard. Then Estelle turned up on her horse and was all 'Ben y u always bringing down a brutha? why ya gotta be that way dawg?' (She speaks street cos she is street even with Princess Sparklepony and her Toorak truck). As you can imagine Ben was even less impressed with that and told her to stop banging on about how he bullied her cos totally didn't even, it was all Michael and Josh and Jesus. The other birds on twitter where like 'NO WAY you is a bully Ben'. By this stage Ben was extremely unimpressed and really low on wine and said Tim was the closet bully (and closet gay) cos he texted Drew telling him not to lunch with losers like Ben but maybe Tim just didn't want Drew partaking in day drinking like Ben obviously does. Stella skated by and shouted 'HYPOCRITE!1!!' at Ben who shouted back 'Go sneak into the Logies again you wannabe!'. At this point Ben experienced an alcohol blackout and his partner most likely tried to give twitter one too by deleting the tweets. Though like any good alcohol blackout the memories lived on in the form of photo evidence.

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