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Post BB - Housemate Antics 2013

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I really have to agree with you. The other night after watching that documentary I looked up other whales in captive. These whales struggle to go back to their habitat. Also, there is no known story of a killer whale to hurt a human being but the ones held captive are aggressive and have. The most sickening part is that they have bred whales through artificial insemination so those whales have never ever known their natural habitat. It's effing wrong! I'm disappointed with tim on this

There are no orcas at the Australian sea world. The American and Australian aren't related in anyway apart from name. So yeah pretty dumb on whoever chose to copy the other ones name.
Lol Butterface must have passed out!!!
Might have her head down a toilet bowl?
Looking forward to her polo report, I wonder who won?
You weren't far off. Too much mixing of Champagne, beer and Matt Preston's food. Feel like someone's run over me with a truck but I was told that the best thing to get through it was another drink so I'm now gagging down a glass of red. We'll see if that whole theory works at 7am when my son wakes the whole house up. Oh and I *think* the blue team won but don't quote me on that.
You weren't far off. Too much mixing of Champagne, beer and Matt Preston's food. Feel like someone's run over me with a truck but I was told that the best thing to get through it was another drink so I'm now gagging down a glass of red. We'll see if that whole theory works at 7am when my son wakes the whole house up. Oh and I *think* the blue team won but don't quote me on that.
Haven't you heard about the benefits of a 'cleansing ale'?
He's as pretty as a picture :)

always, but is probably smashed out of his brain, similar to [MENTION=35181]Mrs Butterface[/MENTION] maybe? we don't know if any photos were taken, she might of been blinded by Ed :eek:

we should of got her to get Drew to give us a shout out, lost opportunity
It may be time to give in gracefully and take the water...
I'm now at that point. Have been trying to catch up on the thread before going to sleep but it's making me a bit dizzy.

Oh and for the record - Ed looks goofy in the pics posted on here and I would've been laughing at his get up too but in the context of what many of the guys were wearing today, he fit right in. The whole thing is preppie x 1000. One of my guy friends went in a salmon colour suit with a blue shirt ffs and he had his pic taken by randoms for some la dee da social pages and blogs like 50 times and no one knows his name. Each year it's just one big toff fest and every year I swear it'll be my last.

Like I said though, Ed (and Nick) are lovely and they're the ones who I spent the most time with accidentally as it turns out we both knew a couple of the same people including someone who we met up with at the pub. Jazz and I wore clothing by the same designer and someone who works for the label was with me so that again was a strange worlds colliding kind of thing when she came up to us.

Actually the whole thing was a bit bizarre and I don't think it was a good idea for me to meet HMs in that environment as they really were just like any other random there. It took the gloss off of a lot of it somehow. From what I managed to suss out, Drew is still with Tully - and I even set up the best honey pot ever for him to test that but he resisted - and some blonde who I think might've been one of those stylist girls also said "he was all sorted" on the girlfriend front. Drew made a face when my friend referred to Ed being there (but I didn't see the face as I was chatting to Jazz so I can't confirm his exact expression) but I never saw them together at all. I did my best to keep an eye on them but everyone was more interested in Shane Warne and Harry Kewell so the guys kept dragging us to hang out near them so I may have missed it. I don't think so though. And Boog. Oh Boog. She is adorable - AND SHORT - but I'm not sure how to put this in a way that sounds decent... she was a bit out of place in the marquee. I'm just going to leave it at that for a few reasons.

Oh and I kind of blew my cover at the pub as up until then I'd managed to pretend I knew nothing about BB but I said something about Ed and Nick overheard me and laughed. He didn't call me out on it but I know he heard me so if he's reading this, at least I said something nice pal!! I do have some pictures but need to do some editing so I'll do my best to salvage some for the thread. To be honest, I feel kind of odd about the whole thing now. I so could've asked Ed about Jade as I had 100 chances to or even Drew flat out about Tully but it didn't feel right at all. I think I have to ponder this more with a clear head tomorrow. xo
I'm now at that point. Have been trying to catch up on the thread before going to sleep but it's making me a bit dizzy.

Oh and for the record - Ed looks goofy in the pics posted on here and I would've been laughing at his get up too but in the context of what many of the guys were wearing today, he fit right in. The whole thing is preppie x 1000. One of my guy friends went in a salmon colour suit with a blue shirt ffs and he had his pic taken by randoms for some la dee da social pages and blogs like 50 times and no one knows his name. Each year it's just one big toff fest and every year I swear it'll be my last.

Like I said though, Ed (and Nick) are lovely and they're the ones who I spent the most time with accidentally as it turns out we both knew a couple of the same people including someone who we met up with at the pub. Jazz and I wore clothing by the same designer and someone who works for the label was with me so that again was a strange worlds colliding kind of thing when she came up to us.

Actually the whole thing was a bit bizarre and I don't think it was a good idea for me to meet HMs in that environment as they really were just like any other random there. It took the gloss off of a lot of it somehow. From what I managed to suss out, Drew is still with Tully - and I even set up the best honey pot ever for him to test that but he resisted - and some blonde who I think might've been one of those stylist girls also said "he was all sorted" on the girlfriend front. Drew made a face when my friend referred to Ed being there (but I didn't see the face as I was chatting to Jazz so I can't confirm his exact expression) but I never saw them together at all. I did my best to keep an eye on them but everyone was more interested in Shane Warne and Harry Kewell so the guys kept dragging us to hang out near them so I may have missed it. I don't think so though. And Boog. Oh Boog. She is adorable - AND SHORT - but I'm not sure how to put this in a way that sounds decent... she was a bit out of place in the marquee. I'm just going to leave it at that for a few reasons.

Oh and I kind of blew my cover at the pub as up until then I'd managed to pretend I knew nothing about BB but I said something about Ed and Nick overheard me and laughed. He didn't call me out on it but I know he heard me so if he's reading this, at least I said something nice pal!! I do have some pictures but need to do some editing so I'll do my best to salvage some for the thread. To be honest, I feel kind of odd about the whole thing now. I so could've asked Ed about Jade as I had 100 chances to or even Drew flat out about Tully but it didn't feel right at all. I think I have to ponder this more with a clear head tomorrow. xo

Thanks a lot for the update!!

Clever way to get Drew to tip his hand a little to see his cards. Mad respect..

I don't see Boog liking the preppiness very much at all.....Drew either TBH

Hope you feel better :)
[MENTION=37310]Sparrow11[/MENTION]... You are the ultimate loyal supporter! Now, have you had enough sleep to do a day at work or is it time to call a 'sickie'?

I did get a couple hrs sleep and I arrived at work on time. Bleary eyed doesn't matter, I'm here and sort of working. I got quite a bit done already and now I'm catching up on reading the forum. Don't usually come online from work but I wanna hear Mrs B's reports. And yes, I do love my Timothy and will stay loyal. In checking his Twitter and Facebook page often, some of his other fans help keep me reminded of where the lines are and what not to say, ask or do. So smitten kitten yes, (love that label Jo-bot); crazy stalker thinking he will someday be MINE, no... Anyways, I wouldn't approve of me as his new girlfriend. :)
Thanks a lot for the update!!

Clever way to get Drew to tip his hand a little to see his cards. Mad respect..

I don't see Boog liking the preppiness very much at all.....Drew either TBH

Hope you feel better :)
haha thanks! That was one of about 8 plans I had today and the only one I managed to execute before booze, sun and too much dancing did me in. He was having no part of it though and she's one of those sickeningly disgustingly drop dead gorgeous girls that no matter what someone thinks their type is, they all still drool over her. And even worse she has a killer brain, a heart of gold and spends maybe 10 minutes getting ready. But Drew was nothing more than sweet and polite to her and it was after that that the blonde who kept hovering around him all day said he had a girlfriend so I can only assume she knows. After that everything went to custard though and I just couldn't bring myself to ask or say any of the things I wanted to. They just seemed like normal dudes in a weird environment.
Thanks a lot for the update!!

Clever way to get Drew to tip his hand a little to see his cards. Mad respect..

I don't see Boog liking the preppiness very much at all.....Drew either TBH

Hope you feel better :)
Thanks Mrs B. I actually like that you didn't pry. You took things at face value and why not. Poor Boogs...she's an interesting girl. I'm curious about what the future holds.
Now go and drink gallons of water!
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