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Big Brother Australia Media Articles

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Hahaha this is actually hilarious, albeit lame journalism.

Ben had joined Grindr.
Ben was on Grindr before he went in the house! Someone on here has screenshots and even chatted to him at the time. If I remember correctly they even blocked Ben after awhile for some reason. I don't want to out them though so I'll leave it to them if they want to come in here and share them. But the little fibber 100% was!!
Ben was on Grindr before he went in the house! Someone on here has screenshots and even chatted to him at the time. If I remember correctly they even blocked Ben after awhile for some reason. I don't want to out them though so I'll leave it to them if they want to come in here and share them. But the little fibber 100% was!!

Really? Wow. The many fake layers of Ben continue.
Ben was on Grindr before he went in the house! Someone on here has screenshots and even chatted to him at the time. If I remember correctly they even blocked Ben after awhile for some reason. I don't want to out them though so I'll leave it to them if they want to come in here and share them. But the little fibber 100% was!!
All the more reason why he has been full of shit from the start.
Ben was on Grindr before he went in the house! Someone on here has screenshots and even chatted to him at the time. If I remember correctly they even blocked Ben after awhile for some reason. I don't want to out them though so I'll leave it to them if they want to come in here and share them. But the little fibber 100% was!!

Yeah I remember when that came up a little while ago.
All the more reason why he has been full of shit from the start.

Why would it matter if he was on grindr? Downloading an app that gives someone who has gone 30+ years without a relationship a possibility of finding someone (and in the comfort of his own home) is not something I consider unusual, even for Ben.
Why would it matter if he was on grindr? Downloading an app that gives someone who has gone 30+ years without a relationship a possibility of finding someone (and in the comfort of his own home) is not something I consider unusual, even for Ben.
You missed the point of what we're talking about.

I'm referring to how it was proven here months ago that he definitely used to Grindr before (and in all honesty, as if someone like Ben hasn't used it before anyway) but now he is attempting to prolong his 15 minutes of fame and trying to grab headlines by coming out and saying that he wants to "try this Grindr contraption" because he's "never had it before" when we all know it's not true. And like that needs to make the news regardless!

Not to mention, I was one the people who could see right through his act while he was in the house. He was this year's biggest show-pony through and through, and his "crying" at the finale proved it.

So yeah... not really a fan of his faux persona.
Just to clarify, how was it proven that Ben was on Grindr prior to this? I presume he was using his own name and pic for people to be convinced?
Come on now [MENTION=34034]LoveBB[/MENTION]. Don't let a silly little thing like 'facts' get in the way of a good BBBA conspiracy!

*note: I am unaware if there actually is or is not proof. There very well could be*
Come on now [MENTION=34034]LoveBB[/MENTION]. Don't let a silly little thing like 'facts' get in the way of a good BBBA conspiracy!

*note: I am unaware if there actually is or is not proof. There very well could be*

Oh no, I love a good conspiracy theory... I must say the negativity towards Ben postBB surprises me a bit. He's a pretty harmless kid and he's obviously the apple of BB's eye. I am looking forward to seeing him with a partner and a future sans Mum n Nanna. Is that possible?!
Just to clarify, how was it proven that Ben was on Grindr prior to this? I presume he was using his own name and pic for people to be convinced?

Nothing ever dies on the internet.

May I present the proof...

Benjamin Zabel's Twitter pic (@ben_zabel) [FOLLOW] Now I know I'm no beauty. But I never cease to b amazed by the guys I attract on Grindr! An 'interesting' demographic - 2013-02-04 07:41:10



Benjamin Zabel's Twitter pic (@ben_zabel) [FOLLOW] Time for "I can't believe u msg'd me" pic of the day... - 2013-02-14 02:08:29


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Oh no, I love a good conspiracy theory... I must say the negativity towards Ben postBB surprises me a bit. He's a pretty harmless kid and he's obviously the apple of BB's eye. I am looking forward to seeing him with a partner and a future sans Mum n Nanna. Is that possible?!
Well I will not hesitate to say that negativity towards Ben on my behalf hasn't just been post-BB, I've disliked the guy since the start. As was discussed at length in various threads over the course of the season by numerous members, there was something that didn't add up with Ben. He had a lot of inconsistent character traits and he certainly didn't fool everyone with the game he was playing at whilst in the house.

It's the very reason he was evicted so early.
This Ben/Grinder thing is really weird, why lie about not being on it before? Yes I did like Ben during the show, even though I knew he was overacting some aspect of personality, but what really annoys me is why does he have to keep this phoney personality up? Unless he is hoping to get some sort of career out of this person he portrayed of himself while in BB.
Nothing ever dies on the internet.

May I present the proof...

Benjamin Zabel's Twitter pic (@ben_zabel) [FOLLOW] Now I know I'm no beauty. But I never cease to b amazed by the guys I attract on Grindr! An 'interesting' demographic - 2013-02-04 07:41:10



Benjamin Zabel's Twitter pic (@ben_zabel) [FOLLOW] Time for "I can't believe u msg'd me" pic of the day... - 2013-02-14 02:08:29



I can't get those twitter links to show up, maybe because they are tumblr images and not directly from his twitter account. None of these link directly to Ben's twitter. The only one that shows up is the source:twicsy and it is the same message on both of your links. It's the same one that says "I can't believe you msg'd me" pic of the day of the bloke in Melbourne. Not sure how much proof this is TBH.
I can't get those twitter links to show up, maybe because they are tumblr images and not directly from his twitter account. None of these link directly to Ben's twitter. The only one that shows up is the source:twicsy and it is the same message on both of your links. It's the same one that says "I can't believe you msg'd me" pic of the day of the bloke in Melbourne. Not sure how much proof this is TBH.

Ummmmmm Ben's old non BB persona account is protected hence the twicsy cache of them. The twitter links contained in the cache do indeed link to his twitter. i.e.

As for the tumblr pics they are just a upload of the Google cache copy of his original tweets.

But if you want to believe both Google and Twicsy have faked their cache to create fake tweets by Ben then go right ahead.

Also sorry the first source was I've updated it.
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Thanks [MENTION=33411]Consuela[/MENTION]. No way was I going to throw your name out there so I figured I'd let you step in if you wanted to.

It seems Benny boy has locked his account but the fact that [MENTION=33411]Consuela[/MENTION]'s link goes directly to him and the URL provided should say it all for any regular user of Twitter. Those tweets are there - they're now just hidden.
Wow, I am behind the times. I knew Ben was a total faker, but I didn't realise he even had a pre-BB twitter account. So he straight up lied. I suppose I can see why one would lie about using Grindr, like it doesn't bother me but maybe it might some, but he is denying having ever used twitter? I can't tell if he is a bit stoopid, or if he just thinks the mass public are.
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