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Post BB - Housemate Antics 2013

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Jade vid from the meet and greet -

Didnt Tully make out with a few of the girls during truth or dare? For a girl in a lesbian relationship, isnt that just as bad as if she had a boyfriend and made out with a couple of guys? Or because the girls were straight its ok?

What are the rules there because that has had me confused me for a while now lol

Yeah don't touch on the fact that Tully was a lesbian in a lesbian relationship, made out with girls for no problem, but when she entered into a very close relationship with a heterosexual male smoke start pouring out of people's ears. It certainly adds a ton of complexity to a situation where many had ignorant knee jerk reactions, so best to sweep all that under the rug. Tully clearly being confused about her sexuality in the house is certainly not allowed to be part of the discussion. It again clouds the knee jerk reactions people had about a relationship they knew NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING , about.
[MENTION=27570]DREW[/MENTION]BB13 it was amazing meeting you ❤️ have fun with Tully tomorrow xx "

One girl jumped on his back.

I don't know what else they did to the poor guy...

Kaisha Barry ‏@kaishaa 2m [MENTION=27570]DREW[/MENTION]BB13 hope your clothes are all still in tact and you don't have to many bruises....

And then there was this exchange on twitter tonight between Laura and two people (I think one of them she follows and sounds like she knows personally and that person retweeted it so she was responding to that person as well).

Person 1: According to Tully's brother, Tully only wanted to be with Drew so she could get deals. That undeserving bitch. Give me Drew instead.

Laura to Person 1 and retweeter: how does this possibly sound true to you? Her brother would never say that and it is not true.

Retweeter: all I saw in that tweet was "give me drew" and that's why I retweeted it hahaha i dno about the rest lol

Person 1: Heard it from my sister who heard it from somebody that knows him. Sorry if it's untrue, it's just what I heard.

Laura: your sister doesn't know anything. Sorry. And that is so far from the truth. Her brother is extremely supportive of her choices.

Person 1: Well then there you go.


For the JadEd people -

AquaNove ‏@aquanove 26m
@Millow161 as a fan of your brother and Jade, do you know if they are "officially"dating? It's the question on everyone's lips #hopeso

Milly Lower ‏@Millow161 17m
Hi @aquanove I am yet to find out myself!!! I'm away for work at the moment...

AquaNove ‏@aquanove 13m
@Millow161 don't work to hard but as soon as you have any news please let me know. Thanks for replying back to me too Milly

Milly Lower ‏@Millow161 12m
@aquanove no worries!!
Did you just ask [MENTION=37440]TravelSweet[/MENTION] out?!

haha perhaps, but in this day and age surely paypal would help me get a fellow forum member drunk and i wouldn't even have to get out of my pjamies.....i mean my leather cat suit.
[MENTION=27570]DREW[/MENTION]BB13 it was amazing meeting you ❤️ have fun with Tully tomorrow xx "

One girl jumped on his back.

I don't know what else they did to the poor guy...

Kaisha Barry ‏@kaishaa 2m [MENTION=27570]DREW[/MENTION]BB13 hope your clothes are all still in tact and you don't have to many bruises.... 

And then there was this exchange on twitter tonight between Laura and two people (I think one of them she follows and sounds like she knows personally and that person retweeted it so she was responding to that person as well).

Person 1: According to Tully's brother, Tully only wanted to be with Drew so she could get deals. That undeserving bitch. Give me Drew instead.

Laura to Person 1 and retweeter: how does this possibly sound true to you? Her brother would never say that and it is not true.

Retweeter: all I saw in that tweet was "give me drew" and that's why I retweeted it hahaha i dno about the rest lol

Person 1: Heard it from my sister who heard it from somebody that knows him. Sorry if it's untrue, it's just what I heard.

Laura: your sister doesn't know anything. Sorry. And that is so far from the truth. Her brother is extremely supportive of her choices.

Person 1: Well then there you go.

Drew sounds like he was almost mauled!

Silly girl repeating such rubbish as if her brother would ever tell people such things, they seem very close and looks like he approves of Drew. I'm sure people just make it up until they are pulled up on it and then manically start back peddling always blaming an anonymous friend.
you know the housemates (tahan, heidi etc) thought jade was holding back and not being herself but from her past photos she seems to have led an interesting life so maybe away from the 7,246 cameras (approx.) she might shine and ed might actually really get into her. As in really like her....perverts.

I just don't get the people that say they were '100% real' in there, it gets tedious after a while. And for eg, Tahan saying that those girls were fake ... you are only fake if you came in with a persona created... like being nice and 'sugar-coating' things like the SS did according to Tahan and Tim etc, is it that hard to understand some people don't really have a nasty side to them and that they're genuinely nice people ... being upfront about it doesn't mean anything, it just means you don't care that you're hurting other people's feelings.
I just don't get the people that say they were '100% real' in there, it gets tedious after a while. And for eg, Tahan saying that those girls were fake ... you are only fake if you came in with a persona created... like being nice and 'sugar-coating' things like the SS did according to Tahan and Tim etc, is it that hard to understand some people don't really have a nasty side to them and that they're genuinely nice people ... being upfront about it doesn't mean anything, it just means you don't care that you're hurting other people's feelings.

hi lucy, not sure if i am understanding your post correctly but i think you are saying that if the housemates come across as nice and not mean that they are accused of not being themselves which is unfair because some people are just nice and it doesn't mean they are not being themselves? I think that's what you were saying, apologies if i read it wrong.

I agree that people like the sugar sisters are just genuinely happy "glass is half full" kinda girls, they also stood up for themselves and weren't afraid to defend someone or say "hey it's just not our business". And i think when they were gone their positive attitude was missed. With jade i think she came across as a nice girl and genuine in her feelings and gestures but i can understand what they meant by her not being herself. I don't think she is secretly some horrible angry person or anything but in her photo's from before bb she looks so free spirited and so much fun. She said she was kinda crazy too but we never really saw that. I don't think she wasn't herself, but that she might have held back on that natural, loving life, free spirited jade that she seems to be in her photo's from Italy etc.....

maybe now without having camera's up her privates every day, Ed will get a better look at the real Jade with no inhibitions. I think she'd be a hoot.
Thalia's life was not ripped apart. Her girlfriend did something she did not like (not even sure cheating is an appropriate description of Drew and Tully in the house.). Then TAHLIA CHOSE to dump Tully. Then instead of moving on with her life has chosen to try and insert herself into every aspect of Tully's life (you know the girl SHE dumped)..

Tahlia is on a deep ocean seek and mind mission aka a sea hunt.

At this point , since Tully left the house, Tahlia has no relevance. She dumped Tully so her story is over. The only people who seem to want to keep her relevant are people who always fail at relationships. Tahlia no longer deserves any attention or publicity. She has become the biggest attention whore by a mile as she has no claim to attention in the first place. Her only claim to fame is bitching on twitter and dumping Tully. Her fifteen seconds is over.

Yes, I have been wondering how anything that Drew and Tully could be classified as 'cheating' (i.e. unfaithfulness). Only thirteen year old middle school girls would define their behavior that way.
That is incredibly unreasonable, yet what several people here think is appropriate. Tahlia dumped Tully. Their relationship is over. A weird expectation that Tully and drew shouid tone down the publicity of their relationship because of the person who dumped Tully is not just weird, it is super weird.

At this point we should not hear anything from Tahlia. She is completely irrelevant to Drew and Tully. We only hear about her because she is a bitter attention whore who had planned her coatriding fifteen minutes of public fame, but had it yanked out from under her.

I don't blame Tahlia for dumping Tully, even though what happened in the house was very complicated and not a clear cut case of cheating. However when she dumped Tully, that was it. Finis, done, fin. No more. It was over and she should have never been heard from again, unless she was trying to be a publicity and attention whore.

On the other hand if Tahlia wants to tell her story she is at liberty to do so. Nobody is required to listen though.
I think it's hysterical that the same people making fun of Tahlia for selling her story and, yes, lashing out somewhat vindictively at the two people who caused her a lot of pain.... are the same people who are also cheering on Drew for getting bitchy on twitter and lashing out somewhat vindictively at those trying to hurt him and his new gf.

Double standards much?

Why is it okay for Drew to speak out against the anonymous people throwing hate at him on the internet, but it's not okay for Tahlia to speak out against the two NON anonymous people who hurt her?

Why is Drew allowed to be mad that people are making fun of Tully, but Tahlia isn't allowed to be mad that her ex girlfriend cheated on her, disrespected her in front of the entire nation and treated her like she was entirely worthless and inconsequential?

Why is Drew allowed to express his anger in bitchy nasty tweets, but Tahlia isn't allowed to express her anger in a one-off story?

Why is Drew's retaliation commendable, but Tahlia's not?

Why is Tahlia expected to take the high road when clearly you guys are loving Drew taking the low road?

Either label both scenarios immature, spiteful, not a good look etc etc, or admit they're both okay. You can't pick and choose, you can't say one is fine and one is not. Stop being hypocrites and start being reasonable.

I think it is a bit too much to say that Tully treated Tahlia like she was entirely worthless and inconsequential. I would say that the opposite occurred.
I think that's a bit rough, and quite hilarious too.
What you fail to realise is that just because Tahlia isn't relevant to Tully and Drew, it doesn't mean she's not relevant at all. She has become somewhat of a poster child for the betrayed, because, guess what, her long time, live in girlfriend DID cheat on her, and in front of all of Australia! Many Australians now (even if for only 15 minutes) are interested in her story and what she has to say.

Tahlia said it was over, then didn't want to talk about it any more, and then went to the mags. So what? She can't change her mind about what she wants to talk about? She can't be confused by it all from one day to the next? She should be silenced and banished? For what? For Tully? And the sake of Tully's relationship? Oh please!

Further, Tully, it seems, can do whatever she likes, and is certainly good at that. She can even cheat publicly and then have her fans pretending she didn't really cheat at all! Your average Joe would expect someone in her position to be a little bit humble and remorseful publicly. But we shouldn't really be surprised Tully is milking her new relationship, she milked her old one to get into the BB house in order to be a pinup girl for the lesbian community - that was one of her major angles going in. She used her longterm live in relationship in an attempt to pull it off. Hello!

You may not realise it, but Tahlia was a big part of the Tully story from the get go and to your liking she may fade away but you must also realise that the girl isn't some inconvenient little stain on Tully's cheek that you can wash away. She's a person who is going to get from this complete fk-up of a situation that Tully created, whatever she can. And so she bloody well should. I'm sick of people blaming the victim, it's ridiculous and nasty. If she was ever of the mind that she would benefit from her partners BB experience I'm sure that at the time it's what her partner wanted too. Now Tully's gone she should claim her compensation. It's her right to do so.

Holy hell! I can't believe people still think Tahlia is so much in the wrong and that Tully never really was. Quite perplexing indeed. Tully is certainly NOT the victim here.

Let me see if I understand you correctly. Are you saying that, like Christ who died to redeem man kind, are you saying that Tahlia is now suffering on a cross as a beacon to all the "betrayed"? Is there a cult of Tahlia to be formed? Could Tahlia become the patron saint of the "betrayed"?

I think you need perspective!
The beauty of all of it is that Tahlia is perfectly justified in stating her opinion, as is Tully, as is Drew. It is a complicated situation in which no 'one' person is in the right.

We can argue and debate about it all we like, but really? They need to say and do whatever makes them happy. It's just entertainment for us.

My opinion (which counts for nothing, as above) is that the hypocrisy of Tahlia selling out to a glad rag is astounding. She lost any 'moral high ground' that she had the minute she gusseted up for a tabloid. Tully has been keeping reasonably quiet about Drew and not commenting on things, as is respectful in the situation. Drew is defending his new girlfriend who is being attacked by trolls.

No doubt she has made a tactical mistake in the context of any contest that may be occurring. But I think its a bit harsh to accuse her of hypocrisy.
Let's be honest as well - Tully's recent updates about how hard the twitter backlash had been the other day made me go - ARE YOU FKG SERIOUS!? You are the one that has INVITED the PUBLICITY around YOUR relationship NON STOP since leaving the house! Not one, but TWO major, public declarations of your "love" for Drew... What did you expect?!

You don't think that single girls should be allowed to make public declarations of love?
Jade vid from the meet and greet -

Didnt Tully make out with a few of the girls during truth or dare? For a girl in a lesbian relationship, isnt that just as bad as if she had a boyfriend and made out with a couple of guys? Or because the girls were straight its ok?

What are the rules there because that has had me confused me for a while now lol

They're kissing. People kiss all the time in the real world.
Here, here. The only thing I will add is that Tahlia IS still relevant to Tully and Drew, otherwise Tully would have just ignored it, instead she reacted several times ;). Dare I suggest, Tully ain't over Tahlia!

There was a point after she was evicted when that was true. Not now. But, just as she was the force behind their previous relationship, Tully is the force behind their present relationship - such as it is.
And tripe to this too. Tully may be idiosyncratic, savvy, lots of things, but I very very much doubt that she was prepared for remarks like 'I want to smear faeces and placenta on your walls'. The fact that you are not appalled by this sort of stuff because Tully is a scarlet woman is as appalling to me, as my 'forgiving' Tully her public indiscretion.
And don't even start me on 'the majority of people'.
(And yes, I will probably regret posting this.)

Yes, and appalling to me as well.
Actually I think expecting that in this day and age of social media is being naive. If you go on a reality TV show, you should expect to have haters, regardless of whether you are the nicest person on the earth (people will hate you just for that reason alone if it's the only thing they can pick on).

You should also expect that if you behave in a way that is not acceptable to the majority of society, then you will get even more haters.

You should also expect that you will be trolled, flamed, ridiculed, bullied and harassed,and yes, even threatened. It's stunning to realise that some of these bullies are mature (in terms of age) adults, that run families and hold down jobs, and are otherwise decent people in their real lives.

That's the way of the internet unfortunately. It has been that way since the internet became open to the public. I well recall the only time I ever cried over a comment left for me in a forum. It was 18 years ago and it was so harsh and I was shocked and upset. As I read on through the various replies I realised that some people do that just for fun. (Ha, no it didn't scar me so much that I vividly remember the date, but I do know that I was on Maternity Leave with my second child at the time).

Expecting to be treated decently is setting yourself up for a whole lot of emotional pain.

I don't agree with it but it's what you sign up for any time you willingly put yourself up in front of the public.

I am guessing that it is not a majority. I doubt if it is even a significant minority.
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