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Episode Day 64 (Mon 30/09/13) Intruder Eviction (120m)

The conspiracy theories were far more interesting than the truth! You just wait for that next KFC Dinner where someone "disappears"!

Oh my God. They made chicken nuggets out of Justynn? That's horrible.

Vote on the Jump-in app which of the female intruders should be made into zinger fillets now.
What did we all learn from tonight's episode?...

That porcelain veneers are something that you don't do by halves!

Always remember that.

If they are veneers, then she's got about 8-10 thousand $$$$ invested in the top half of her mouth :)
I think people are judging Madaline too quickly. Yes bb is showing bias, but that's not her fault. I actually don't mind her yet. I'll be honest though, if she doesn't get along with tahan, then yeah I don't want her. She has enough hate in her in the house
I voted for Boog but it has nothing to do with Maddie or the BB bias as that stuff's not her fault. I just really liked Boog after her interview with Sonia and entrance in the house as did many others in this thread. Unless Maddie could somehow top Boog she was never going to get my vote. Doesn't mean I don't like her though.
Same. Discounting Madaline just because Big Brother is showing favoritism in its edit (what other reason does anyone have? she was on screen for like 3 minutes) is just another way of being swayed or manipulated. I think we should access Boog and Madaline on how they integrate into the house, not just to screw whatever we suspect BB's plan is. And yes, if Madaline causes problems for Tahan, she's out!
Exactly. 3 minutes and some people are already saying some over the top things. Yup tahan is a toughie, but too much against her now. I say out with the haters ;)
I voted for Boog but it has nothing to do with Maddie or the BB bias as that stuff's not her fault. I just really liked Boog after her interview with Sonia and entrance in the house as did many others in this thread. Unless Maddie could somehow top Boog she was never going to get my vote. Doesn't mean I don't like her though.
I'm not referring to people like you. I know you are one of the reasonable ones lol. That's fine that people like blog more. I'm just talking of those that are saying some pretty horrible things and attacking her for bb bias, when she doesn't have any control over that.
Yes, we need to mark the date in our calendars so we can start a rumour that the intruders are missing because one of them went nuts and flushed the other one's head in the toilet etc...
I'm going with tried to strangle with a curling iron cord this time I think.
Exactly. 3 minutes and some people are already saying some over the top things. Yup tahan is a toughie, but too much against her now. I say out with the haters ;)

I'm not referring to people like you. I know you are one of the reasonable ones lol. That's fine that people like blog more. I'm just talking of those that are saying some pretty horrible things and attacking her for bb bias, when she doesn't have any control over that.
haha blog. I know you didn't mean that but I can only imagine the way people misspell her name, especially on their phones!

Yeah she's definitely not to blame for any of that crap. Not even for BB trying to stage her as competition for Jade or to ruffle Tahan's feathers. Unfortunately because of this horseshit Jump-In voting people are only going to have a few minutes of real footage to judge her on.
random thoughts

- wow, was that justin eviction badly handled, let me count the ways. 1) the vote was on a mobile app that 2) doesn't work on all phones and 3) is subject to people's willingness to install it, but even then 4) voting closed in 24 hours from entering the house, so 5) the vote was based on literally minutes of footage, and then 6) the eviction took place before the weekend, so 7) the evicted hm didn't even get a chance to extend their influence/impact, but instead 8) we were blacked out all weekend so 9) the entire weekend live feed sucked, all so that 10) the HM winds up dumped within 30 minutes of the start of the show and 11) they do not even make an appearance on stage... seriously? what a waste.

- let's face it - the production team is either lying (ie it was not planned this way but was cobbled together for other reasons) or is incompetent (ie because that entire event was shit). i know, i know, why can't they be both, amirite?

- so then we get the rest of the weekend compressed into about a 10-15 minutes segment, mostly from the newest shopping task and the fallout from it. i don't think tim and tahan could have come out of that looking any worse. not only did they both sit in the diary room hand on heart proclaiming their honesty, but just about every piece of footage in the show showed them being dishonest (seriously tahan, you lied about voting for nathan just the day before! how dumb are you?!)

- speaking of how dumb tahan is, not only does she lie about voting for nathan and get caught out when BB announces it was not unanimous (strike 1), but she then admits to one of the HMs that it was her (strike 2), only to try to deny it when confronted with the admission (strike 3). this speaks exactly to the selfish sense of entitlement she's exhibited all game, which comes through in all her interactions and ultimately leads to no one wanting to be close to her... why are you alone?

- boog is likable, like nathan, but how bad was sonia's interview with her? seriously, she's not a whore for you to throw at the single male HMs. but the producers just had to ask those questions and then press when they didn't get the answers they wanted.

- the lawyer is obviously keeping her cards hidden. you don't tell the crowd, who is voting, how you plan to manipulate them into voting for you. that's like announcing to the table that you're bluffing in texas hold em. for that reason, she's going to be "playing the game" more like tim, tahan and justycottynpyckynmynute were, but I've get even less faith that she'll deliver than the last intruder did.

- at this point, both mrs. riddim and i are feeling force fed - like we've gone to a great restaurant only to have someone else order and they've ordered an IV for both of us. this isn't the big brother we signed up to watch, we're drip fed storylines from manufactured events rather than getting the full BB experience.

thankfully, these forums make the experience somehow cathartic :cool:
haha blog. I know you didn't mean that but I can only imagine the way people misspell her name, especially on their phones!

Yeah she's definitely not to blame for any of that crap. Not even for BB trying to stage her as competition for Jade or to ruffle Tahan's feathers. Unfortunately because of this horseshit Jump-In voting people are only going to have a few minutes of real footage to judge her on.
Whoops, I meant boog, autocorrect is taking control over here lol. I liked boog more btw. I think she comes across as extremely cutesy and down to earth. She does seem like a fire cracker too, but not in a harshful manner. Time will tell
after viewing her entrance again I see I was wrong <gasp> to say Madeline ignored Ben and hugged everyone else - she hugged Ben 2nd ... and WAS friendly towards him ... <sorry Maddie> ...

however still at first viewing prefer Boog as a housemate but hate the way Mikkayla of the fake voice, and the Squealie Sisters gather around her to try to shut Tahan out ... to be fair - Jade doesn't really do this as much as the others ... and she doesn't squeal & go stupid as much as the others do ...

Hated the whole we're girls so all we can do is squeeal, screech, giggle and talk about when we do our nails! and really thats all thats important that we need to talk to our new housemate about ...

this episode has solidified my dislike of Mikkayla and my need for her to exit the building. She is the bitchiest in the house right now and I'm sick of the fakeness, the horrible laugh and the bossy boots personality.