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Episode Day 61 (Fri 27th Sep) Daily Show

Yep. Junk food should be heavily taxed, and the funds used to heavily subsidise fresh healthy food. Sure, people can cook it in an unhealthy way, but in general this would help a lot of people.

With justynn, it's all in the delivery of his message. he just rubs people the wrong way, has no charm /skill in the art of persuasion.

I disagree. The way he handled Mikkayla in the garden was perfect. He threatened to walk away if she didn't settle down. She refused to settle down, so he walked off.

Justynn learned a lesson about Mikkayla, about how hidebound she really is. He is going to have to do a lot of work on her to bring her down a peg or two.
If he really was a diabetic, woudln't BB have a duty of care to provide the appropriate food over and above the shopping budget?

This for sure.......maybe that is why the intruders have disappeared.

Juntstine may have had a hypo???????
He did OK by me. I am more than happy with Justynn's performance in the house so far. :) :) :)
Piss off. You know Nathan's my friend so I'm not taking what you say re the guy intruders seriously until one of them is evicted. Or Justynn is thrown out. For all I know you're just trying to pull a dibber dobber Drew, take something out of context and try to get me banned again. As I said it'll never work on me again as the mods are onto it so go dig up another tree if you're game.
At the risk of coming across as acerbic; what sort of loser gets their photo taken with ex-housemates at Wallyworld?
There are a few different types of diabetes. People that have high sugar levels and those that suffer with low sugar meaning they have to eat a different type of diet. No cure for this except if sugar levels dip below 4 then have sugars foods or foods like fruits and the like.

If the sugar levels drop to between 2 or 3 then they need to eat sugar basically to get their sugar levels up quickly otherwise they risk blacking out.

To prevent low sugar levels they need to eat fibre bread which are low gi. If they have a low sugar attack they'll be into the sweet stuff very fast as its the only way to get the sugar levels up quickly then they need to eat some wholegrain/fibre bread to sustain the sugar levels.
Piss off. You know Nathan's my friend so I'm not taking what you say re the guy intruders seriously until one of them is evicted. Or Justynn is thrown out. For all I know you're just trying to pull a dibber dobber Drew, take something out of context and try to get me banned again. As I said it'll never work on me again as the mods are onto it so go dig up another tree if you're game.

I am new to this forum. Didn't start watching the show until last week. Why get so agitated with a post.

I see Tim as annoying and really did put Justin in it. Tim has lost the plot since Justin came in. Tim reminds me of that type of person that enjoys annoying other people. Known in schools as a bully.

I'm surprised no one has gone up to Tim and let him have it. Justin the only one with any guts. Problem with Justin is that he's a country lad and although known to help people in need in his world is out of his depth in the BB house.

Justin helps with charity work and the disabled and is well regarded by many. I've never met him. I'm from Perth.
Know a few in his industry and they have glowing regards about Justin. IE When a friend needs help he is there.

Drew and Tim seem to talk to him then go running off to tell tails about him to the others. Where ED talks to Justin
and doesn't go off running to the others on what he said.

In the kitchen Drew agreed with Justin on staple food as its really what students eat then he goes running off to the girls and disagrees with what Justin said yet at the time agreed with Justin. Drew is a nodder and a person that likes to tell tails.

No time for Tim. He's a nobody wanting to be a someone. He'll be forgotten soon enough. Tim or that Asian girl to next go.

I hope Justin stays and Nathan gets evicted on Monday. Nathan is another yes man though he sees what Tim is doing but unlike Justin won't confront Tim so he's not going to last to long.
Piss off. You know Nathan's my friend so I'm not taking what you say re the guy intruders seriously until one of them is evicted. Or Justynn is thrown out. For all I know you're just trying to pull a dibber dobber Drew, take something out of context and try to get me banned again. As I said it'll never work on me again as the mods are onto it so go dig up another tree if you're game.

No I don't know that you support Nathan. But WTF are you on about me trying to get you banned? Paranoid much?
If Tully goes back in as part of an 'Ignore the Obvious' task, I'll be fast forwarding through it. If she somehow ends up back in there through some kind of swap or whatever, I'm done for this season.
No I don't know that you support Nathan. But WTF are you on about me trying to get you banned? Paranoid much?
Hmmm why would I think you'd try to get me banned? Maybe because you already tried to get me banned once with your twisted bs when you tried to say I was attacking you when my post had nothing to do with you at all and the mods told me it was in fact you. Hence why I took their advice and put you on ignore but stupidly took you off after awhile because you kept quoting me so I was getting all these notifications anyway.

Back on so don't even bother.
The arguing started before they had found out if they had won the LOL task ,so they didnt know what budget they had until later and then had more fights over what they could spend the money on....discussions had been going on most of the morning, so we don't really know exactly how it all came about.

They should also have Matt for Ed and Tahan, if it's an Ignore the obvious task LOL
[MENTION=35181]Mrs Butterface[/MENTION]

Ignore it.

It only wants a bite & you are doing what it wants.

Ignore, Ignore, Ignore.
[MENTION=35181]Mrs Butterface[/MENTION]

Ignore it.

It only wants a bite & you are doing what it wants.

Ignore, Ignore, Ignore.
Yeah it's all good. I was getting sick of the stupid notification things up top so I figured I may as well take her off ignore. Like an idiot. Lesson learned.
I noticed Juhstyn read perfectly clearly at the beginning of the shopping task. Not a hint of hesitation as you might expect for someone who says letters/words get flipped around on the page.

I must have missed him saying that about words and letters... was that tonight?
I am not defending that cretin at all (who knows what he's lying about and what he's not), but I have dyslexia and Meares-Irlen Syndrome myself, but if I had to read out a short piece like that, there's a fair chance I'd get through it ok. There's also a chance that I wouldn't... depends on a few things including the font, the contrast between the page and the print (black text on pure white is the worst), the lighting in the room etc...

It's quite severe in my case, and affects just about every facet of life. But every now and then when I do something right, someone will pipe in with "Thought you said you had dyslexia" in the most condescending, or even aggressive, tone they can muster up.