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Episode Day 53 (Thurs 19/09/13): Daily Show (90m)

I don't think it's the hair thats the problem, dark skinned people normally tend to have darker underarms from the rest of their skin tone and that from a distance it can look hairy.

I have dark skin so I know what you mean, but Tahan's arent actually dark (she must wax her armpits) so her hairs are quite dangly
ps your avi reminds me of the grinch :p
Couldn't someone really eff Tim or Tahan over if they wanted. Especially a nominated person who wouldn't want Tahan to win.
I don't think it's the hair thats the problem, dark skinned people normally tend to have darker underarms from the rest of their skin tone and that from a distance it can look hairy.
I thought that too but then the other day they looked totally different. Not dark at all. I think her stubble is just more noticeable than on a lighter skinned girl. I'm sure she's not letting a forest grow.