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Episode Day 19 - Daily Show - Friday 16 August 2013

Channel 9 stop trying to make AGT happen, Its not going to happen

Every time I see "AGT" I keep thinking it has something to do with gays and transgender ppl rather than Australia's Got Talent. Kinda reminds me of LGBT I guess.
I love you Drew but seriously - get away from Tully! She's pathetic and a problem causer! Do what YOU want to do! Stuff her!
Question: did Mikk put herself on the couch or was it a group decision?
Tuky warns Drew about Jade's tactics

Drew is getting mixed signals...Tukky telling it like it is.

"i Don't want you to get hurt.

Tim thinks he has "lost" Drew :(

Time hates that Drew has succumbed to Jade's charms

Drew just wants to cuddle....AWWwwwwwwwwwwwww

now they have a big hug :)

(Drew is SO lovely)

Tim and Drrew are aiming to frame the dog for taking and ?ripping clothes

Ha ha ha The dog growls at them when the ywalk through the lounge..LOLOL

The end
Note to Drew - stay away from the ladies (Tully and Jade) - they seem like nothing but trouble. If you are looking for trouble stick with Tim - at least you'll have fun.
Tuky warns Drew about Jade's tactics

Drew is getting mixed signals...Tukky telling it like it is.

"i Don't want you to get hurt.

Tim thinks he has "lost" Drew :(

Time hates that Drew has succumbed to Jade's charms

Drew just wants to cuddle....AWWwwwwwwwwwwwww

now they have a big hug :)

(Drew is SO lovely)

Tim and Drrew are aiming to frame the dog for taking and ?ripping clothes

Ha ha ha The dog growls at them when the ywalk through the lounge..LOLOL

The end

Thank you Medusa :) Feels like I'm right there watching it too! :D
Did everyone else get the 5 min AGT promo at the end?? Surely that time could have been used for BB!

Question: did Mikk put herself on the couch or was it a group decision?

Yeah I really don't get why she's on the couch? I wouldn't be sleeping on no couch.
Every time I see "AGT" I keep thinking it has something to do with gays and transgender ppl rather than Australia's Got Talent. Kinda reminds me of LGBT I guess.

I think of the acronym for something after a night drinking :\
You and I have so much in common ie we both live on the coast, we both like having sex with men, but when it comes to picking great housemates, you suck!! (bad way).

I love Rohan!!

ewww you're just sad :p
Every time I see "AGT" I keep thinking it has something to do with gays and transgender ppl rather than Australia's Got Talent. Kinda reminds me of LGBT I guess.

What about the dude in the wheelchair dangerously spinning on the pole with a silk rope?!

He needs to be careful! Stunts like that will break your back!!!!