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Episode DAY 17: DAILY SHOW (60m) + CONFIDENTIAL (30m)

OMFG "come and scratch my back if you want" who the fuck demands that? Oh yeah - Jade.

Someone who has someone else watching them sleep. He might as well do something useful instead of just staring at her. Reminds me of the scene in the second Bridget Jones' diary movie when Bridget stares at Mark Darcy while he's sleeping and he tells her to stop watching him and go and find something to do
Every time Surly/Alex makes a "joke"...

I actually think Tahan is very sexy, which is a lot coming from the big girls blouse that I am....
JADE lets face it, ed broke up with you because you have a big mole on yourface

You know I only noticed it for the first time tonight, its a HUGE mole, at least there are two moles in the house, Jade's cheek and Rogan Josh
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