Day 21

Footage from Monday’s nomination show.

The housemates are freaking out about the “accidental” slip up of Sonia talking about House 1 and House 2. Layla thinks that it’s a joke, Benjamin thinks it’s not, the others are just yelling over one another. Michael says that there would have heard if there was another house nearby, and that “Big Brother would never make a monumental mistake like that.” All of the housemates change their opinions like a revolving door. Big Brother announced that the housemates can leave the lounge room.

In the bedroom, Michael is looking at the bookcase door which leads to the Executive Bathroom. “This is confusing me,” he mutters to himself.

Out in the back yard, Ray is climbing the wall trying to see if he can spot the other house over the fence. He thinks that maybe some light in the distance could be the spot. The housemates are called to the Diary Room.

Big Brother: Housemates. You have heard something tonight that you were not supposed to. The existence of the second house. The viewers have been watching you, in what has been referred to as ‘House 1’ and a second group of housemates in ‘House 2’. Both houses played the secrets game, both housemates have nominated and both houses have just had their second eviction. It was Big Brother’s intention to inform both houses of each other’s existence at a later date. But, tonight’s unfortunate slip up has left Big Brother with no other option but to bring forward the original plan which was due in a few weeks time. Beginning tomorrow, and continuing over several weeks, both houses will compete in a series of challenges against each other. The house that wins the most challenges will stay and continue on in the game. The losing house will be closed, and housemates will return to their normal lives.

Michael asks whether they can base nominations on the fact that challenges need to be completed in order to win – Big Brother says they are.

Big Brother tells the housemates that he showed the second house a highlights package of both houses to ensure that the housemates had no doubt that another house existed. He says that he will show the housemates shortly. “I can just assure you that we are going to win,” says Sarah.

Ad break.

In the lounge room, the housemates are waiting for the highlights reel to be played. Layla says she doesn’t want 14 new housemates and that she wouldn’t be able to be herself. The video package plays – 28 housemates, two houses, $250,000.

Josh: The way I’m dealing with this is just… there’s no second house. I’m just gonna keep doing what I’m doing. Why should we change the way we are interacting with one another? It’s been going okay, there’s been no major problems, let’s just keep doing what we’ve been doing.
Sarah: The girls look really hot and skinny…
Bradley: Who cares if they’re hotter than us, who cares if they’re smarter than us, they seem to me like the more “traditional” housemates, so they’ve clearly put us in here for who we are so we should just keep on keeping on as we are.
Estelle: I think we just naturally have to keep going…
Sarah: The strongest team is going to win!
Benjamin: I think it’s going to make us stronger. We are going to stop competing with each other and we are so together. And if you hate someone in the house, go up to them and say to them, you know what, we’re a team. We can’t have three days not liking each other. We’re gonna have no days of not liking each other.

Zoe is clearly pissed off there is a second house. She’s gone red and looks surly. “But it’s so mean, you come in here knowing you could be evicted and your time could be up early, the fact that you’ve given up your life to come in here and the possibility that they could shut down just one house because you lose a bloody challenge, it really pisses me off.”

Benjamin: Who cares, the other house is crap, we’re just going to beat them!
Stacey: Let’s just stick to what we’ve been doing and we’ll deal with whatever we have to deal with when it comes, as a collective.

Zoe comes to the Diary Room. She thinks that the house doesn’t have the glue that keeps the house together anymore and that they are falling apart. “I am scared that with this whole thing … we’re going to fall apart. People are going to start concentrating on what should be done and what we think needs to be done for challenges instead of just being ourselves.”

In the bedroom, Michael chatting with Estelle, Stacey, Angie, Josh, Brad and Layla. He says that he does not want this to change anything or anyone to be pushed to do something different. Benjamin says that there is a division in the house – one in the bedroom and one outside, and both are saying different things. One says they need to fitness and emotional workouts, and the other is the polar opposite.

Back in the Diary Room, Zoe says there are 14 people and she is anxious to have a little chance to get to know them “but I am actually genuinely freaking out.”

Ad break. Nominations begin.

Also on Behind Big Brother