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Rewatching BB Australia 2013 (while waiting for new season)

What a sweetheart he was, and so hilarious. Animal cruelty, misogyny, homophobia; all the wholesome values I try to teach my kids. If you throw a bit of racism and religious hatred into the mix he'd be just about perfect.

The man is a complete creep.
But still a perfect housemate x o x o

But still a perfect housemate x o x o


I remember that the bb site which had a board too, was the most entertaining part though. I have to admit from that perspective, it was pretty entertaining. I was a kate fan at this time and the arguments on there were pretty hilarious. There were a few Glenn fans that would shit stir others and even though they shit me to death, they succeeded in pressing my buttons as well as others. The best thing to happen was when there looked to be a chance that Vesna would win... Oh man! That was crazy times! I had to suck it up when she was evicted, that was pretty hard too.

Hahaha yes I was a member of that forum during the Channel 10 years. I recall there was a massive forum fight one year between the Jamie/Katie's and the Jamie/Krystal's that went for months :roflmao:
Adding Heath to the mix made him so much worse
I am 99.9% sure he was stoned on the night he went into the house. His entire interview with Gretel on stage and when he enters the house is completely strung out. It was though he didn't know what was going on or where he was.
I am 99.9% sure he was stoned on the night he went into the house. His entire interview with Gretel on stage and when he enters the house is completely strung out. It was though he didn't know what was going on or where he was.

if his post show antics are anything to go by, this wouldn't surprise me, I just remember him trying to hit on Gretel...
Glenn was just awful, he didn't have any redeeming qualities to him. He had no empathy for anyone or anything, thought only about himself. When you add to the mix that I can't stand "blokey blokes" then there you go. Heath was on a whole 'nother level of "wtf" though, I can't believe someone like that can possibly exist.

I had a "blah" vibe about Kate from the start of season 5 and when her homophobia came out it sealed the deal with me. Also, worst argument against gay people ever? "My boyfriend turned out to be gay so therefore I hate gays".

Vesna placing third ;_; Oh how I was gunning for her to win. Even worse is season 1 Sara-Marie losing to Ben BY ONE FREAKING PERCENT, and then Ben WINNING.

Guys which BB AU series is the best? I wanna watch that.

Depends on your taste. If you like gimmicks etc then 8, 10. If you like back-to-basics then 1 is lovely (season 2 I found a bit boring, + worst winner ever). For sex and controversy and overall sensation then 5. Season 9 you should watch because of the queen in my avatar. Can't comment on 3, 6, and 7 because didn't watch (yet).
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Glenn was just awful, he didn't have any redeeming qualities to him. He had no empathy for anyone or anything, thought only about himself. When you add to the mix that I can't stand "blokey blokes" then there you go. Heath was on a whole 'nother level of "wtf" though, I can't believe someone like that can possibly exist.

I had a "blah" vibe about Kate from the start of season 5 and when her homophobia came out it sealed the deal with me. Also, worst argument against gay people ever? "My boyfriend turned out to be gay so therefore I hate gays".

Vesna placing third ;_; Oh how I was gunning for her to win. Even worse is season 1 Sara-Marie losing to Ben BY ONE FREAKING PERCENT, and then Ben WINNING.

Heath was like a character from a poorly written American Pie-type spin off. Except if American Pie spin off's added turkey slaps.

That's the argument for a lot of prejudice against other groups of people. It has not changed, even as recently as last year on BB we saw Tully make the same argument about men as a group. The whole "I have had a bad experience with one member of this group, therefore I hate/fear/give up on them all". It's just sick and lacks any real thought.

The 2005 result defies belief. There is a conspiracy there, there has to be.
I didn't get to start watching Big Brother till about '08. I'd love to get my hands on all the seasons, and watch them all from the beginning.
I was just watching the new promo on YouTube and decided to watch an episode from last year (ep 49 and 50) and at the 4:40 mark Tully is topless. I remember like that day after this episode it was pointed out on here that Tully was topless, but seeing it again just make me laugh so hard. I'm sure somebody must of noticed it like a producer/a suit at Nine. I just can't believe it made it to air.
I was just watching the new promo on YouTube and decided to watch an episode from last year (ep 49 and 50) and at the 4:40 mark Tully is topless. I remember like that day after this episode it was pointed out on here that Tully was topless, but seeing it again just make me laugh so hard. I'm sure somebody must of noticed it like a producer/a suit at Nine. I just can't believe it made it to air.
Wasn't that a "Late Night Feast" episode? One of the sugar sisters also flashed on a LNF episode.
Wasn't that a "Late Night Feast" episode? One of the sugar sisters also flashed on a LNF episode.
No this is a daily show, Yes I do remember that the LNF that had some boobs in it. I'll PM you the link to the episode that I'm talking about.

EDIT: I just tried to PM you and it said I'm not allowed to start a convo with you weird