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@Jam, @Connoisseur , @Sweetgeek

And anyone else interested pertinent to earlier sex & morals discussion generated by Lambie, etc.
This is on very soon -

Sex: An Unnatural History


SBS 2, 9:20pm, Fri, 25 Jul 2014, 30 minutes


The last 50 years have seen a dramatic shift in human sexuality. With sex becoming less about procreation and more about gratification, this provocative and playful six-part series questions the danger of humans becoming ‘unnatural' sexual beings. Joining series host Julia Zemiro are philosophers, anthropologists, scientists, nudists, historians, linguists, authors, journalists and ordinary Australians to contribute their thoughts and expert advice on the world of sex.

Julia Zemiro

Series, Australia, English, Documentary

I saw this a couple of years ago mainly cos Julia was hosting it. Was interesting viewing.
It was interesting to see how our perceptions have changed.

I agree women are more liberated in today's society and I think it's wonderful. The taboo topics though, I don't believe our perceptions will ever change and for good reason. The part where the guy says that we have taboos to keep our humanity intact- no! Normal people know right from wrong. And that's as simple as it is for me.
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With sex becoming less about procreation and more about gratification, this provocative and playful six-part series questions the danger of humans becoming ‘unnatural' sexual beings.

Considering the following snippet from the ancient texts about how things will be in the final times, tis hardly surprising. realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.


Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.

@Jam, @Connoisseur , @Sweetgeek

And anyone else interested pertinent to earlier sex & morals discussion generated by Lambie, etc.
This is on very soon -

Sex: An Unnatural History


SBS 2, 9:20pm, Fri, 25 Jul 2014, 30 minutes


The last 50 years have seen a dramatic shift in human sexuality. With sex becoming less about procreation and more about gratification, this provocative and playful six-part series questions the danger of humans becoming ‘unnatural' sexual beings. Joining series host Julia Zemiro are philosophers, anthropologists, scientists, nudists, historians, linguists, authors, journalists and ordinary Australians to contribute their thoughts and expert advice on the world of sex.

Julia Zemiro

Series, Australia, English, Documentary

Damn! I missed it! I will catch up and watch, though. It sounds really interesting.
Oh my! Why is this man so angry? His t-shirt says keep calm but.....I thought logic was supposed to look at the whole argument. As a female priest I have heard all the points in the second video before. I don't particularly take offence at what he said (even though I don't agree) but I must admit to not being a fan of his delivery.
Oh my! Why is this man so angry? His t-shirt says keep calm but.....I thought logic was supposed to look at the whole argument. As a female priest I have heard all the points in the second video before. I don't particularly take offence at what he said (even though I don't agree) but I must admit to not being a fan of his delivery.
Yeah in most of his videos he is very angry, but that does not change the information in them.
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Information which comes from a bias (as does mine admittedly). As for the existence of Jesus, many non Christian scholars do accept the Josephus references even if not in their entirety. But Josephus is not the only reference. Other first century acknowledgements of a Jesus worshipped by followers can be found in Roman Tacitus, Suetonius, Thallus, Pliny the Younger, and the Babylonian Talmud. As for the second video, well I'd better not even start except to state that I (and many others) refute his interpretations especially of verses quoted out of context and without background.
to claim jesus never existed is like claiming israel doesn't exist.

anyhoo, back to the news ...


This is an excellent article by Ben Saul on the doubtful merits of Australia's pro-Israel policies.

a freedom hating totalitarian minded left-ardian writing for / published by Oz's freedom hating totalitarian minded socialist / left-ardian ministry of freedom hating totalitarian minded left-ardian propaganda ?

I wonder what their collectivists goal could be other than the death of democracy and replacing it with the tyranny of totalitarianism ?

Like, could it be that they and their ilk all long for a day when they can say to their children that once upon a time ...

... there were folk who held the view that there was a Creator of the Heavens and of the earth and all that was seen and unseen and that there was a plan and purpose behind life, the universe and everything.

... that those people were of the view that what was then called "the bible" was basically a handbook on not only how to get the best out of life as objectively set forth by the Far Superior Than Humankind Intelligence Who Created Life In The First Place, but also what was and is and will be the general arc or "beginning, middle, and end" for the aspect of creation called 'humankind".

... that a particular blood line of people were to be the Creator's "chosen" people and nation for the purpose of being both an example and blessing, among other things and that those who blessed them would be blessed and those who cursed them would be cursed.

.. that the very existence of those people and nation basically proved that there is a Creator of the universe as well as a plan and a purpose for it and that the so called "bible" could be relied upon, especially in matters pertaining to the Creator's love towards His creation and there being an afterlife, a Heaven to gain and a soul to lose.

... that, after many years and many attempts by all sorts of freedom hating totalitarian minded left-ardian regimes, the so called "chosen" people and nation were finally wiped from the face of the earth, thereby proving the "bible" incorrect and unreliable and therefore there NOT being any such entity as a "Creator" nor any kind of Intelligence in the universe that is superior to humankind and definitely no such thing as any kind of plan or purpose to life, the universe, and everything nor any such thing as an afterlife, a heaven to gain or a soul to lose.

... and they all lived happily enslaved and purposelessly ever after ?

Anyhoo, the bible makes it plain that much of the world will be aligned against Israel in the final days before the return of our Creator, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, to finally complete what was promised and begun oh so long ago.

So, keep it up left-ardians ... your hatred of Israel (etc) is helping bring closer the day our Creator, Lord, and Judge shall directly and personally intervene.

What an exciting time to be alive ! :p :)

Okay I'm actually a catholic. Therefore I believe there is a god, therefore I am somewhat religious, but by some people standards not enough or at all. And I do not pretend to know enough about my faith nor do I know the bible back to front. Anyhoo... If there is something I truly believe and follow is that Jesus showed human kindness, irrelevant of what a person did or believed. So you are quite wrong if you think I hate Israel, what I hate is the civilians especially children who are suffering. What I hate is that no one is helping them, what I hate is that religious fanatics from any religion argue a case about their faith and why this needs to happen rather than showing humanity and seeing this is wrong. You really think god is going to care about your arguments? If you are a bad person you are a bad person. If you are a good person you are a good person. Being a chosen people does not guarantee a thing, being a person who accepts wrongs for the sake of a bible does not guarantee a thing- it guarantees that you idolised the bible to overlook bad human behaviour. The last time I checked, that wasn't what Jesus was about.

I'm not going on some religious rant, because that's not what this is about. This is about all of this not being ok to say people deserve to die over a book.
Okay I'm actually a catholic. Therefore I believe there is a god, therefore I am somewhat religious, but by some people standards not enough or at all. And I do not pretend to know enough about my faith nor do I know the bible back to front. Anyhoo... If there is something I truly believe and follow is that Jesus showed human kindness, irrelevant of what a person did or believed. So you are quite wrong if you think I hate Israel, what I hate is the civilians especially children who are suffering. What I hate is that no one is helping them, what I hate is that religious fanatics from any religion argue a case about their faith and why this needs to happen rather than showing humanity and seeing this is wrong. You really think god is going to care about your arguments? If you are a bad person you are a bad person. If you are a good person you are a good person. Being a chosen people does not guarantee a thing, being a person who accepts wrongs for the sake of a bible does not guarantee a thing- it guarantees that you idolised the bible to overlook bad human behaviour. The last time I checked, that wasn't what Jesus was about.

I'm not going on some religious rant, because that's not what this is about. This is about all of this not being ok to say people deserve to die over a book.

Compassion is a wonderful thing, Sweetgeek. I do not mean to offend you or other people who believe in a god, but I do take offence at the rantings of one of our fellow members here. If there is an all-seeing, all-knowing god (and as an atheist, I clearly do not think there is), surely he wouldn't have a 'teacher's pet' and call one ancient middle eastern tribe 'the chosen ones'. If Derspatz lives his life on the writings of misogynistic, tribal zealots that are some thousands of years old (clearly 'our Ders' is Old Testament), then that is his choice. However, he does Jesus, who I do believe existed, lived his life with compassion and railed against the accepted dogma of the day, a great disservice if he ever mentions Jesus's name in one his diatribes.

I actually gave up reading Derspatz's posts a long time ago. It is only out of respect for you that I read this one. It is the last time that I do. Clearly I'm a 'freedom hating totalitarian minded left-ardian'. I will wear that badge with pride, given it's source.
Compassion is a wonderful thing, Sweetgeek. I do not mean to offend you or other people who believe in a god, but I do take offence at the rantings of one of our fellow members here. If there is an all-seeing, all-knowing god (and as an atheist, I clearly do not think there is), surely he wouldn't have a 'teacher's pet' and call one ancient middle eastern tribe 'the chosen ones'. If Derspatz lives his life on the writings of misogynistic, tribal zealots that are some thousands of years old (clearly 'our Ders' is Old Testament), then that is his choice. However, he does Jesus, who I do believe existed, lived his life with compassion and railed against the accepted dogma of the day, a great disservice if he ever mentions Jesus's name in one his diatribes.

I actually gave up reading Derspatz's posts a long time ago. It is only out of respect for you that I read this one. It is the last time that I do. Clearly I'm a 'freedom hating totalitarian minded left-ardian'. I will wear that badge with pride, given it's source.
I will wear that badge proudly too :)

Just so you know, I'm never offended by anyone's belief and their opinions about it. I find it interesting in all honesty. I like having my thoughts challenged- how else would I gain an understanding of the world and the people in it if I cannot learn about it through other peoples thoughts. I even had a laugh at those vids above haha. I am more bothered at lack of compassion too
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@Jam Jesus most certainly did argue against the dogma of the day. He was very against people living the old Jewish laws for the law's sake. Love and compassion came first. He also said he was there for all people - one of the last things he said was to go and make disciples of ALL nations. For an atheist you have a pretty good understanding of what Jesus was on about.
@Jam Jesus most certainly did argue against the dogma of the day. He was very against people living the old Jewish laws for the law's sake. Love and compassion came first. He also said he was there for all people - one of the last things he said was to go and make disciples of ALL nations. For an atheist you have a pretty good understanding of what Jesus was on about.

Thank you, qtkt. I'll wear that badge with pride, too.
Clearly I'm a 'freedom hating totalitarian minded left-ardian'.

Really ? So, considering the context, which one are you ... are you the author of the article you linked to here or do you have a job with the publicly funded self serving propaganda outlet that published it ?

If there is an all-seeing, all-knowing god ..., surely he wouldn't have a 'teacher's pet' and call one ancient middle eastern tribe 'the chosen ones'.

(blatted the bit about your illogical faith ... I'm not interested in your religion especially seeing how it brings nothing worthwhile to life, the universe, and everything :D)

Clearly you missed the bit about Israel being an both being an EXAMPLE and a blessing ... or failed to realize that "example" can be either a positive or negative thing. The Children of Israel have most certainly done their crimes ... and done their times / been made "an example" of for it.

If you bothered to do a little bit of study you'd soon realize that the purpose of that particular "chosen people" (and they are not the only "chosen" folk, BTW) was/is not only in relation to being the blood line that our Creator was born as one of us into and all of that, but also is in relation to being a witness, testimony, reassurance, and proof that we are not all alone nor abandoned in this Universe. That there is a creative force greater than us, a planned beginning, middle, and end for this aspect of creation, and that the final results shall be worth everything that the wonderful and awful gift of "free will" has done.

Anyhoo, "today i ..." was pleased to see that I'm not the only one in Oz with an appreciation of the bigger picture ...

from here:

All this was foretold in the Bible. The Jews are God’s people and that is why they are hated by Satan and his progeny. And where God does not reside, Satan takes up residence.

Islam hates Israel because the Koran predicted that Jews would remain a diasphora. The Islamic response is to try to make Israel cease to exist.

Jew hatred is a deep-seated Satanic force. It is supernatural and not from this world, so do not try to understand it in worldly terms. It is the same force that created The Final Solution. It infects the left because they are Godless. They rationalise their hatred but ignore truth.

There is no difference in the spirit in the hearts of the those pictured marching and in the hearts of those running gas chambers in WWII. Same same.

Watermelon Crusher (Reply)
Mon 28 Jul 14 (02:17pm)


1. The Jews are God’s Chosen people.
2. The Bible has many prophecies about those who seek out to destroy the Jewish people.
3. In the New Testament, those who seek to do this are aligned to Anti-Christ, particularly in the book of Revelation.

Join the dots to figure out who are:
a] the Anti-Christ’s followers;
b] the Beast’s followers; and
c] Satan’s (or the Devil’s) followers.

By the way, they are ALL defeated by Jesus Christ at his Second Coming.


Mike of Darwin of Darwin (Reply)
Mon 28 Jul 14 (01:40pm)


I can think of only one credible explanation, and it’s deeply sinister.

Yes. But not unexpected for those who read history, particularly biblical history. The day will come when the world rises up against the Jews. That cannot be avoided.

I marvel at those who decry the Bible while playing their part in bringing to pass exactly what is forecast by the prophets recorded therein. Ignorant or wilfully blind?

Ancient Mariner (Reply)
Mon 28 Jul 14 (01:38pm)


can you imagine if Muslims were being forced out of Christian countries or being told if they didnt convert to Christianity, they would be executed and hung on sharpened stakes in town squares, as a reminder to other Muslims that didnt convert
Oh how the left would howl in outrage
But Muslims forcing Christians out of Muslim countries, and Christians being beheaded are ok with the left
Also the left are quite clear on what they want with the Jews
The Left want the Jews eliminated from the face of the earth

RightWingNuclearArmedDeathRabbit (Reply)
Mon 28 Jul 14 (12:51pm)
AJ of Here replied to RightWingNuclearArmedDeathRabbit
Mon 28 Jul 14 (01:51pm)
Not only the Jews, Rabbit. Everyone who doesn’t submit to their totalitarian rule. They’d happily eliminate all conervatives, climate deniers, Christians and white men as well.

Robclo replied to RightWingNuclearArmedDeathRabbit
Mon 28 Jul 14 (02:19pm)
Consider two groups of people:

One of them refuses to define themselves as victims and insists on standing on their own two feet.

The other endlessly wails about how they are victims of external evils and cries out for all the help they can get.

Which one of these groups of people provides the left with the best opportunity to grow their numbers, power and funding?

Anyhoo, anyone know how many Syrian women and kids were killed last week by fellow muslims ?

... or how many Australians were murdered while still in the womb by fellow Australians ?

And this puts the silly debate about our first world problems of semantics in it rightful place. Poor, poor Palestine. Thank you, Sweetgeek.

The thing is, those that support Israel don't see Palestinian life as being equal. They are unmoved about their suffering and think they deserve it. They then like to talk about the great hardship on Israel for having to do such actions.

that Egypt has torn down the wall between themselves and their folk in Gaza.

that the folk in Gaza have used funds given to them to build bomb shelters for their women and children instead of tunnels for their terrorist army into Israel.

that the descendants of Ismael have started to love their own children more than they hate the descendants of Isaac.

that, in terms of the actual gender and age demographic in Gaza and all the efforts of the Gazans to put women and children in harms way while also trying to inflict harm upon innocents in Israel, Israel has actually done a pretty good job at avoiding harming women and children. That, all things considered, if things were actually as indiscriminate and heartless as left-ardian media wants us to believe, then the ratio of fatalities should be far different than it actually is.


You still fail to grasp that the people in Gaza are suffering under brutal oppression. If they built no tunnels, fired no weapons, they would still be locked up inside a giant prison.

Tunnels, rockets, everything is a side effect of locking people up in giant ghettos to rot.

The tunnels, oh the material that is meant to go to civillian uses is rebuilding from the last mass bombing by Israel. The tunnels also have a lot of legitimate uses. The blockade against Gaza is extreme. Israel wasn't even allowing them at one stage to import such things as crayons, pasta, lentils, soccor balls, candy, pens, chocolate, tomato paste, juice, chips, cookies, a4 paper, stationary, musical instruments, clothing, cups, glasses, light bulbs, blankets, shoes, needles, sheets, light bulbs, culterym rockery, electrical appliances, rishing rods, fising lines, giner, batteries for hearing aids, wheelchairs and many more.

These are just some of the things Israel has at times blockage the civilians of Gaza from having.

Then tunnels became a necessity for survival.

Destroying tunnels for self defense is one part of it. The other is because they defied Israels blockage and the control and oppression Israel wants to break the Palestinian people.

You know how in the past colonial nations would have broken subservient populations. Or how slave owners had slaves that just did what they said and never questioned, spoke up or ran away. Israels goal is to break the Palestinian people to be like that. It simply won't work though.

Israel has done a terrible job at avoiding harm to woman and children. So to claim other wise is fallacious. They blew up kids playing on a beach. That is the level of not caring. They tell people to evacuate to a school which they then blow up.

It is indiscriminate, the plan is firstly to destroy as much of Gaza as they can. So the citizens focus on rebuilding their life for the next few years. Second is to kill as many as they can to work with breaking them as a people.

The reason the civilian deaths isn't higher is purely because more than 10% of the residents are in UN shelters and huge numbers are all far away from the bombing, well as far as they can be. They know they are not safe because of how indiscriminate Israel is.

How can Israel tell a huge section of Gaza to evacuate and then claim they aren't indiscriminately bombing?

to claim jesus never existed is like claiming israel doesn't exist.



Or to claim the Palestinians were not living there before Israels existence.

Do you know there are Palestinians who have been living for 70 odd years in refugee camps, while their house has an Israeli family living in it for all that time.
Whole villages and areas had the Palestinians forced to flee and then Israeli settlers moved into their houses and took their business.

That is not right.

Joan Rivers is an idiot. She must be going senile because she has a very short term memory. 'Palestinians started it?' They were invaded, occupied and forced into exile. So no, they did not start it.

Her whole analogy is also completely devoid of reality. It's hard to tell if people making that argument are deliberately lying. Whether they really are that blind and ignorant to the facts, or whether they are racist/bigotted and inherently believe the Palestinians never deserved to be treated as human beings, that European settlers right to colonize trumps the right of the local populations.

I was listening to a Howard Stern rant supporting Israel. Same old shit as this and more. The same old lies that nothing was there. That it's all anti-semitism. However later into it he gave away something really revealing. Made reference to it's like saying America should give the land back to the Indians. So for all this giant big rant with all sorts of ignorant and false statements about the area of palestine before the creation of Israel. All these falsehoods about the concept. Let it slip that he knows entirely that it's a colonisation issue. So it was all deliberate lying which comes from an underlying bigoted ideology.

This is the problem, there is deliberate misinformation based on these ideologies. That's why it's best to deal in the facts.

Was the area Israel was created in populated?

Was the creation of Israel unfair to the majority of those people?

What happened to those people?
They were forced into exile and fled by refugees as their homes, towns, cities, farms were destroyed or taken over.

Has this initial conflict ever been resolved?

Is Israel still continuing to create refugees, take over the land these original inhabitants had.