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Episode Day 73 (Wed 9/10/13) - Live Eviction #9 (90m)

People assume too many things about Tahan's fanbase.

I love Jade and Tahan almost as much as each other, and they're supposed to be enemies. How can that be? I don't approach things from just one perspective and I like to survey the whole. They're both good people, but they're both flawed in many ways. They've both made mistakes in that house and have said some nasty things, but it doesn't make them bad people. Who knows, I just find certain people endearing for various reasons.

Also... unrelated comment here, but didn't Ben's stand-up comic page say his mother was emotionally distant? Something doesn't add up here.

Its nice that you like them both :). I've always liked Tahan the majority of the time, but didn't like the bitchiness so that put me off. She's gotten better lately. I still like Jade but am getting over mikkayla. If she leaves next week I won't be surprised nor overly upset..
WEEEeeeeeeeeee for the nudie runners :D


Ha ha ha....
Glad Ben is gone, but I have to watch Ed on tv for another week!........boring!!!!
well you can thank Jade and Mikkayla for that result - people voted to save her in reaction to their nastiness.

And no one would have voted for Ed if the Drew fans didn't keep saying "Save Drew, Evict Ed".
I'm just over Tahan and her bitchiness. She's a total cow.

I can only come to the conclusion that people forget she's so nasty because of her looks.
I agree tahan can be nasty and rude there's just a way she goes about her day that I like most of the time where mikkayla and jade are always sitting in a corner obsessing and gossiping about her. It's jealousy.
I'm just over Tahan and her bitchiness. She's a total cow.

I can only come to the conclusion that people forget she's so nasty because of her looks.

I don't think she'll win because of all those reasons. There was a lot of sympathy voting happening for tahan this week

THOUGH she says it like it is to people faces and behind their backs unlike the other girls in there who do it behind people backs.

I don't think tahan is vindictive or actually means what she says, but the other girls do, and are much more hateful towards her than she is to them

BUT tahan is sassy/bitchy and probably WONT win.
Yeah, that's why Ben won last year. Stupid comment.

And Zac came very close a few years back. Australia is so not homophobic. Sure there's a few but there is everywhere. I'm with you Mikidiki.