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A CHALLENGE to Prisus Haters

Society isn’t homogenous. You can be intelligent and racist. Intelligent and sexist. Stupid and racist. Stupid and sexist. Stupid and non-sexist, stupid and non-racist, intelligent and non-racist, intelligent and non-sexist. They are all pervasive in society and they all overlap to different degrees at different levels of society. You’re simplifying the issue by thinking only certain groups can hold certain biases, just as I probably oversimplified things by making a broad generalization about the attitudes of the average Australian. Women can hold sexist attitudes about women and belonging to a marginalized race doesn’t make you immune to holding racist beliefs. Bringing this back to the original point I made about Priya, I’ve seen people serve her hatred based on varying degrees of all three of these things, so the point I made point still stands.

Yes, please. Continue to SCHOOL with such undeniable TRUTHS.

You conveniently omitted the “relatively” part. That’s kind of important. Yes, people get hurt, but if you think a reality TV show in any way shape or form is of real world consequence in the grand scheme of things, you’re kidding yourself. You keep trying to dismiss me by calling out so called “logical fallacies”, yet here you are doing the exact same thing with an ad hominem attack, attempting to dismiss my intelligence and discredit the validity of the things I say by attempting to stick me with labels such as “shallow” and bringing into question my empathy. You did the same thing in your last post by subtly dismissing me based on my age. "Perhaps those of a younger demographic, (than I) find her appealing. *shrug*"

So WISE, so much more LIFE EXPERIENCE than me. Silly young me, so shallow and naïve! Don’t go thinking the patronising tone of your posts is lost on me. You’re finding random things I say to take out of context to start new arguments where there are none so as to derail the argument from what it originally was about. STRAW MAN FALLACY.

I’m not trying to convince you to buy into the hype. I don’t really care about your opinion of Priya. I’m defending myself. I have that right when you choose to take things I say out of context and make negative assumptions about my intent.

Except I haven’t personally insulted you in anything I’ve previously written, nor did I intend to and I’ve made that abundantly clear. You assumed I was, and so I defended myself and tried to clarify things. I didn’t want you to assume things, which you HAVE A TENDENCY TO DO.

I could say the same for you. You have deliberately misconstrued several of the points I’ve made to try and dismiss my position. Read my post, I’ve pointed it out for you. You don’t break it down point-by-point, you pick out things that you can spin to suit your agenda so you can distract people from the fact you’re ignoring/dismissing the actual points I do make.

This whole entire argument started with YOU making assumptions about my post. You invited me to defend my position. Of course it’s defensive. Don’t try and dismiss my arguments by brushing them off as being “defensive”. If sticking up for yourself is called defence, then I’m defensive as hell.



Your intellect is second to none. RAVISH ME
So many Priya fans constantly reference Tim from last year when referring to Priya, as if they are somehow "like-minded".

Who SERIOUSLY thinks Priya and Tim are alike?

NOTHING about Priya is like Tim.

Tim worked his ass off last year to get to where he did, and he took major risks that will never be forgotten!
What has Priya done to actually be even compared to Tim!?
She couldn't even use the powerplay properly and at many times didn't even realise that no one was moving up or down the red zone to clear zone, BB had to actually prompt her to look properly and COUNT.

You all go on about how intelligent she is but I'm sorry, what has she done that has shown true intelligence?
She puts on this oh I'm so sophisticated voice and people are suddenly all OMG she is so intelligent.
She says what everyone thinks yet she says it in an 'I'm so much better than you' way so people think she's superior.

People comparing her to Tim are truly giving her a compliment.
Yes Priya deserves to make it top 3, but praising her intelligence is kind of annoying when in my opinion she definitely is NOT the brightest in there.

Well done to her for acting the way she has, like her shit doesn't smell and she's so superior and has a god complex, but in all honesty, this girl you're all praising as the most sophisticated and intelligent women in 2014 BB is a huge lie.
Priya has not once shown true IQ and wit, she's managed to get the dumb kids follow her around and talk to them like she does to her class of 10-13 year old students. Yet I have not once seen priya interact properly with people like David and Ryan.
She didn't like Cat at first because she thought if anyone could play the 'superior brain of the house' role better than the teacher, it would be the midwife.

Priya is ok. I am definitely not a hater but you guys are definitely placing her on this pedestal that she does NOT deserve to be on.

She struggled so many times when we were meant to see true intelligence and wise decisions on her behalf.
Priya is simply...
She's a bore.

Talks slow, unwarranted self importance, and contributes nothing to the house.

When she had a go at David for "bullying her" (poor baby) and waved her finger in his face, I thought that was very telling.

If she was a guy you can bet their wouldn't be this strange one-eyed cult.