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Your Original Choice to WIN?

i actually thought tully would win based on her intro video but as soon as she went it and drew and jade entered i was so over her
I HATED Tim for the first a very proud soldiers'-bestie, I wanted to reach into the TV & punch him on the first night when he asked Matt "Have you killed someone in the name of war?" And I hated how rude & arrogant he was towards the halfway house. But once I realised he wasn't really an arsehole, and that it was all gamesmanship, I loved him. In the first few days I thought Xavier would make it to about this point in the game, and for the first month I wanted Mikkayla or Ben to win. Mikk lost her shine at the end ("I'm nominating Tahan because she's not worthy of being here") but Ben never did :)
First week I wanted Tahan to win when everyone hated her. Then from week 3 on I was a Tim fan and Tahan second.

The surprise for me was that I thought Drew was a waste and now I am liking him.
First week: Drew and Jade.

Then after Drew got with Tully and Jade got with Ed I wanted Tim to win.

Now I don't know. Probably still Tim because he tried the hardest. Though Jade would be the most honest and nicest person to win ... but she spent most of her time not trying to win but just turning into an Ed and frustrating everybody ... plus if she won Ed and his family might suddenly become very interested in her. I don't mind Tahan lately but I also feel like she hasn't really done anything to win. She is strong and resiliant .. but she's only had to be that way because of problems she created for herself. Drew .. eh .. whatever either way I guess.