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Would you have taken the $50,000?

YES! I definitely would've taken it. The way I see it, would you rather $25,000 to self-evict and miss a few weeks of the house (and ALSO not have to face being evicted due to lack of popularity on the outside) or spend another few weeks in there and get evicted with zero in your bank balance?

Even if you had your heart set on the win, the whole point of the BB game is unpredictable, and BB might throw a spanner in the works to prevent you ever winning, or someone else might be offered money to leave/some other circumstance and you may end up winning with less than 25k prize money. You never know.
I just figure your time could be up the following week. I've taken what I can from the experience, why not make a gain from it financially as well. Plus I would start to overthink why bb was offering me this amount, and whether there was a reason they wanted me out, so it is possible they could stop airing me or portraying me in a bad light if I don't take the offer. So my chances of winning becomes slimmer. Just take that money and run!
I honestly think they never considered themselves winning the show when they made their decision.

Being in there is a once in a lifetime opportunity that a very small percentage of people get to do.
If I was aware of how bad the show is being treated and that it's a sinking ship, then yeah, I'd take the money and get the hell out of there..
I would have taken the money. As for the "I want to continue the BB experience" - baloney. 6 weeks in I say you have pretty much experienced BB - if it was just 1 or 2 weeks into BB then yeah I could understand wanting to stay. They both have a chance of winning just like any other HM but I think Aisha thinks she just might win it. Can't pinpoint why just a vibe I get from her - Aisha going into BB and venting about Cat and Lawson - that plays to the audience. If it really bothers that much go and confront Cat and Lawson. Always mentioning how she was cheated on by a previous BF - plays to the audience. Aisha being upset about whole Marina/Travis flirty thing - again plays to the audience. The showmance with Travis - sometimes I get the feeling she doesn't even like him that much.
I just figure your time could be up the following week. I've taken what I can from the experience, why not make a gain from it financially as well. Plus I would start to overthink why bb was offering me this amount, and whether there was a reason they wanted me out, so it is possible they could stop airing me or portraying me in a bad light if I don't take the offer. So my chances of winning becomes slimmer. Just take that money and run!
Right. Leaving on a high note instead of being evicted because you are the least popular amongst a group would appeal to me as well as the money.
I can understand why they chose not to take the money, I would have though. Travis knows he was the most saved housemate up against big competition. He probably believes he is very popular on the outside considering he's been up for eviction every single week and saved. I would of thought Aisha may have considered it. She already has the $20,000, that would round up to $45,000 which is huge.
BB should have said to Aisha, I will give you $50,000 to self evict.

He shouldn't have included Travis.

I would have taken the money & run to the exit doors.
If Aisha ALONE was offered $25,000 to leave and refused, she was stupid to do so. I don't think she has a chance of winning.
Aisha is both arrogant and delusional if she believes she could win...Or Aisha is hoping to ride on Travis's tailcoat until the end in order to receive/mooch money off Travis if he wins. Unfortunately Travis to me, has a high chance of winning judging by the cheers and cackling from the audience during each live episode. I don't want him to win but he's popular and is a strong contender. I would have taken the money, but I'm a jerk who would have been voted off in episode 1. If I was Travis however, I would have refused the $50,000.
Good point. I think Aisha co
could definately be a model. I'm not sure if she is already. And no doubt they will do the mags, sell their love story lol.

While I think Aisha is beautiful, I personally know previous contestants on Australia's Next Top Model who were STUNNING and beyond Aisha in every single way in terms of becoming a model. These girls from AUNTM had the professionalism, intelligence, beauty, measurements, body standards, training and IT factor beyond Aisha's potential. These models, despite their TV exposure have failed in the entertainment industry. I know two who have worked so incredibly hard to get absolutely no where. If these professional models struggle to get a big break, Aisha has no chance. Especially with the "tacky" stigma BB holds.

Aisha might get a few gigs after the show such as Zoo, or whatever...However nothing long term. She won't make a career out of it unless she has connections.
She does however have great potential to become a wag. I see that clearly.
Some people would pay that much money for a day in there, So I understand why they stayed.

Though I think travis is a tad delusional thinking he can win and take the final money

blind leading the blind with them two