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Why does Tahan get more hate than Tim?

I think intent goes a long way in explaining it. Although there are superficial similarities between them there's an underlying difference IMO. Tim seems to have a kind of deep down, genuine affection for most people (with the possible exception of Ed and maybe some others I'm forgetting). Even when he's making fun of people it doesn't seem nasty, it just seems like the kind of teasing your brother would do. It's hard to explain but the way he talked about the rocks was a pretty good example... he seems to have a genuine interest in people, even people who annoy him like crazy, and notices things about them and will talk to them and try to understand them better. He'll laugh at Jade and tease her about her shortcomings but she still feels okay being around him because deep down he's not really malicious.

But when Tahan is talking about someone it seems like her intent is to hurt and belittle. The fact that she's always giggling and laughing as she whispers about people is very reminiscent of the cool girls group at high school. Even though what they're saying might be true, or hilariously funny, it's still cruel and the intent is to humiliate. It just makes me uncomfortable to watch her because I don't enjoy seeing people embarrassed in that way.

Ben would beg too differ. Tim's teasing is for the most part harmless but he has crossed the line numerous times with housemates he knows won't bite back.

The same argument people use to defend Tim can be applied to Boog yet his fanbois argue that she's a bully, go figure. :rolleyes:

Coming from someone who doesn't have an outright favouritte out of Drew, Tahan, Tim and Boogs, and thus no bias, it is clear that Tim's one of those funny flogs who loves to take the piss out of people, paying them out every chance they get but has a hissy fit of epic proportions when anyone dares to return some of that medicine his way.

I respect and appreciate the amount of energy and fun Tim's brought to the house but you have to a one-eyed fanboi not to admit the guy has been a prick on many occasions and reacts badly when it's his turn to be the butt of the joke and cries out that it is bullying. That I do not respect.
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Because Tim doesn't come across to me the same way Tahan does.
Yes, they both like to stir the pot and create conflict, but their characters are completely different.

Tim is always open to being friends with people, even though he's competing with them, or doesn't always see eye to eye with them. Tahan picks out people she doesn't like, and treats them horribly. An example being the chocolate thing with him, Drew and Ed. they all enjoyed that, despite the Tim-Ed rivalry. Take Tahan and the Sugar Sisters. The only time they ever did anything funny together was when Tahan had to be a Sugar sister, and even that was a task from Big Brother, which Tahan didn't enjoy.

I could never see Tim mocking Mikkayla's eating habits, or calling his friends on the outside "fat and ugly". Whenever someone is having a hard time, Tim always tries to comfort them, like with Ben and Mikkayla. Tahan isn't like that.

Every arguement Tim was involved in was as much the fault of the other person as it was Tim. Mikkayla, Ed and Heidi were as much to blame for their beef with Tim, as Tim was. Yet, we still don't know why Tahan had such a hatred for the Sugar Sisters.
Ben would beg too differ. Tim's teasing is for the most part harmless but he has crossed the line numerous times with housemates he knows won't bite back.
Can you give some examples? I'm struggling to think of a good example though you're probably right; after all, no one's perfect. For the most part I'd argue his heart is in the right place, though, and no matter how much joy he takes in needling other people, he wouldn't want to genuinely hurt them.

The same argument people use to defend Tim can be applied to Boog yet his fanbois argue that she's a bully, go figure. :rolleyes:
Well, maybe other people say Boog is a bully but I don't. So can't really argue there.

Coming from someone who doesn't have an outright favouritte out of Drew, Tahan, Tim and Boogs, and thus no bias, it is clear that Tim's one of those funny flogs who loves to take the piss out of people, paying them out every chance they get but has a hissy fit of epic proportions when anyone dares to return some of that medicine his way.
Well, my opinion is coming from someone who doesn't have a favourite out of Tim, Boog, or Drew. I think they're all, for the most part, pretty good people. Of the three, Tim has probably given the most in terms of entertainment.

But as I said before, Tahan is different from my perspective because there is something uncomfortable watching her mock others. When Tim, Drew or Boog makes a funny comment about another HM I don't feel as bad about laughing because it seems to come from a nicer place than when Tahan gossips about other HMs. Probably not making much sense here but hopefully someone gets what I'm trying to say :)
Well, we don't really know that, do we. No one can dispute that Tim got by far most of the airtime. Most of us knew as far back as week two, that Tim would take it out. How did we know that?

Oh, I know there are still doubters, I personally would much prefer if Tahan won, but let's just be realistic for once.
To think that Tim is not going to win, is equivalent to Jade believing she'd have a future with Ed.
Why are you so sure Tim will win? I think Tahan and Jade both have just as bigger a chance as Tim to win.
Jade?? I don't hate her or ever dislike her. I think she is nice enough but fuck she is DULL.

Tahan I get. She is entertaining and energetic and amusing etc but Jade? Boring!!!!

Tim has entertained us from start to finish and he has been himself to us from start to finish. He has been honest about playing the game he has been smart and he has still been kind. Much as I like many things about Tahan she has been seriously nasty at times. I can't just pretend Tahan wasn't a bitch any more than I can't pretend Drew didn't played around with someone in a relationship ...or that it was Tully be honest the simple fact it wAs Tully shows he is a fucking moron, her being in a relationship already was just evidence as to his lack of morals on top of his already dubious decision making

I liked his golden sweater analogy tho, and I still like him a lot more than I do Ed
Because Tim doesn't come across to me the same way Tahan does.
Yes, they both like to stir the pot and create conflict, but their characters are completely different.

Tim is always open to being friends with people, even though he's competing with them, or doesn't always see eye to eye with them. Tahan picks out people she doesn't like, and treats them horribly. An example being the chocolate thing with him, Drew and Ed. they all enjoyed that, despite the Tim-Ed rivalry. Take Tahan and the Sugar Sisters. The only time they ever did anything funny together was when Tahan had to be a Sugar sister, and even that was a task from Big Brother, which Tahan didn't enjoy.

I could never see Tim mocking Mikkayla's eating habits, or calling his friends on the outside "fat and ugly". Whenever someone is having a hard time, Tim always tries to comfort them, like with Ben and Mikkayla. Tahan isn't like that.

Every arguement Tim was involved in was as much the fault of the other person as it was Tim. Mikkayla, Ed and Heidi were as much to blame for their beef with Tim, as Tim was. Yet, we still don't know why Tahan had such a hatred for the Sugar Sisters.

The hatred and nastiness Tahan had for the sugar sisters were disgraceful and calling maikayla racist was just over the top. I think Tahan was just jealous of the sugar sisters - not because they are more beautiful then Tahan, but she just doesn't like any competition.
The hatred and nastiness Tahan had for the sugar sisters were disgraceful and calling maikayla racist was just over the top. I think Tahan was just jealous of the sugar sisters - not because they are more beautiful then Tahan, but she just doesn't like any competition. rock!!
Tim has demonstrated, to some degree, a conscience and sympathy for his fellow human beings.
Why are you so sure Tim will win? I think Tahan and Jade both have just as bigger a chance as Tim to win.
Seriously, Jade doesn't stand a chance. She made a fool out of a once likable, appealing girl AND her fans and supporters, by letting herself get carried away and lost in a fantasy, it was never more than that. We all saw it, even the HMs saw it, Jade was the only one who just refused to see it. "It should have been me..." she said when Ed was evicted. What does that mean?? Girlie, you are delusional, you need help. (Ed that butterbrained moron couldn't even look at her, he paid more attention to the canine than to Jade), yet even that she failed to see.

Now of course we are left with the sympathy vote... crunch the numbers and you'll see that it can't stand up against Tim and Tahan.

Tim will win - I could make preposterous claims and then you would accuse me of making preposterous claims :D so let me present you with the lesser evil: I have ESP :cool:

I would love to engage in a wager, but that's against my religion.
Well, we don't really know that, do we. No one can dispute that Tim got by far most of the airtime. Most of us knew as far back as week two, that Tim would take it out. How did we know that?

Oh, I know there are still doubters, I personally would much prefer if Tahan won, but let's just be realistic for once.
To think that Tim is not going to win, is equivalent to Jade believing she'd have a future with Ed.

I don't think most of us knew at week two Tim would win, most of us thought Ben would take this out. I definitely wanted Tim to back in week two, though. I don't think it's that unrealistic to think Tahan will win over Tim. The last few times she's been up she's pulled huge percentages, and a lot of people on here are voting for her (I know, doesn't represent everyone). She also had a much bigger percentage than Tim that week, so no, it's not unrealistic.
Tim has demonstrated, to some degree, a conscience and sympathy for his fellow human beings.

So has Tahan, she made sure Mikkayla knew she looked beautiful and to be confident in herself when she couldn't fit her dress the night mr. clooney came into the house but everyone seems to look beyond that!
I don't think most of us knew at week two Tim would win, most of us thought Ben would take this out. I definitely wanted Tim to back in week two, though. I don't think it's that unrealistic to think Tahan will win over Tim. The last few times she's been up she's pulled huge percentages, and a lot of people on here are voting for her (I know, doesn't represent everyone). She also had a much bigger percentage than Tim that week, so no, it's not unrealistic.

This is debatable as is my reasoning, the only way to see reality in this case would be by numbers which we will never see. When Ben's popularity kept growing I was a bit surprised (by the numbers again), but I think I saw it for what it was: The lovable, clumsy, sweet, gay guy with pyjamas and pics of his mum and gran and the oohhh and uuhhh in the soundbytes of the replays. What's not to love? But novelty has a tendency to wear off, I knew that.
The audience is controlled by the 'entertainment factor' which, more than we are aware, is directed by promotion and the BB production team.

I felt (though this may have been misinterpretation on my part) that Ben had been plan B from the beginning. Plan A being Tim and Drew in tandem, the two being able to feed of each other and provide entertainment. Everyone else, boys and girls were just fodder.

If Tim and Tahan are the last two standing, which appears likely, there's no doubt in my mind that Tim will win.
The hatred and nastiness Tahan had for the sugar sisters were disgraceful and calling maikayla racist was just over the top. I think Tahan was just jealous of the sugar sisters - not because they are more beautiful then Tahan, but she just doesn't like any competition.

So has Tahan, she made sure Mikkayla knew she looked beautiful and to be confident in herself when she couldn't fit her dress the night mr. clooney came into the house but everyone seems to look beyond that!

That was when they were still friends and the fact that Tahan decided to mock Mikkayla weeks later for the exact same thing, making the "why can't I fit into my dress?" comment, kinda diminishes any support she showed Mikk on that issue.
The hatred and nastiness Tahan had for the sugar sisters were disgraceful and calling maikayla racist was just over the top. I think Tahan was just jealous of the sugar sisters - not because they are more beautiful then Tahan, but she just doesn't like any competition.

Mikkayla did make a lot of jokes and comments about Asians. Just because she is Korean does not make it ok to perpetuate, especially when it wasn't coming from a place of love, but from disdain. Tahan, also being partially Asian, had a right to be put off.
I haven't posted anything at all this season, but this thread has prompted a reply. I have not enjoyed watching or listening to Tahan at any time throughout this season. She is the epitome of the 'mean girl' that most of us would have encountered at school.

For me, personally, every time I saw/heard her comment derogatorily about any of the other female HM's, it brought back many personal memories of being bullied by people very similar to her.

People have commented in this thread that she has been 'hated on' for being beautiful. The irony of that statement is that in all probability, her beauty has most likely contributed to her intrinsic feelings of superiority over less attractive females. Therefore, when she says she is just being honest, and saying it like it is, she holds herself up as the benchmark for certain standards. And when other females don't meet this criteria, then she feels entitled to comment on their weaker/poorer traits.

I have not enjoyed watching or listening to any segments with Tahan in them, in fact, her presence in this year's show has certainly detracted from my overall viewing pleasure.
i haven't posted anything at all this season, but this thread has prompted a reply. I have not enjoyed watching or listening to tahan at any time throughout this season. She is the epitome of the 'mean girl' that most of us would have encountered at school.

For me, personally, every time i saw/heard her comment derogatorily about any of the other female hm's, it brought back many personal memories of being bullied by people very similar to her.

People have commented in this thread that she has been 'hated on' for being beautiful. The irony of that statement is that in all probability, her beauty has most likely contributed to her intrinsic feelings of superiority over less attractive females. Therefore, when she says she is just being honest, and saying it like it is, she holds herself up as the benchmark for certain standards. And when other females don't meet this criteria, then she feels entitled to comment on their weaker/poorer traits.

I have not enjoyed watching or listening to any segments with tahan in them, in fact, her presence in this year's show has certainly detracted from my overall viewing pleasure.

hallelujah !!!