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Who shouldn't win?

People who shouldn't:
Skye - doesn't deserve it at this stage, although if Kim Kardashian can earn money for pouting and tantrums...
Cat - completely unaware of her self and who she really is as a person. For her age, that is depressing.
Travis - smug.

People who should:
David - because he is one of the more honest ones, and he is weirdly likeable.
Ryan - because he is unashamedly a sarcastic b*tch and I love it. So much sass.
Priya - because she is incredible. Intelligent, mature, and funny.
I was.

Benjamin had sweetness to him. He was extremely funny, warm (to his housemate friends) and at least he wasn't cocky or smug.

Travis is not funny. He is selfish. And the only 'warmth' he gives is when he pashes chicks. Does he really have a close friend in the house who isn't his sex buddy? :bored:

Benjamin had sweetness to him.


I don't think 'sweetness' means what you think it means. Not in this universe anyway.
Great question.

For me it is definitely Sam. Cannot stand him and think he is so sneaky.
Others but my opinion could change in the course of the show are:

Cat. Sneaky (guess I do not like sneakiness in people) (my opinion could change)
Sandra: Bingo She is a snake and a hypocrite and a follower. (do not think my opinion of her will change)
I've never really hated a Housemate before but this season is full of firsts for me.
TRAVIS should definitely not win. I purely hate him for the exact reasons @Shackles states:
"His revolting personality and smugness". Please get this :wacky: off of my TV.

He is not worth so much emotion SepiaBird.
I remember during BB 3 in The Netherlands I really hated one guy. Then a few months later we met all the people of the BB house and he was there and guess what? He was the nicest of them all. He became a friends and since then I have decided no more hating people on telly. (Although Lance Armstrong made that very hard for me. Especially because his lying and smug face was there every season from 2000) but seriously I have learned that if I really hate someone the joy of watching reality tv is no longer there so I try not to. (but it is hard) roll eyes.gif Okay enough of the preaching.whip.gif
I would be unhappy if Sam or Travis won. But honestly, the winner of BB has never bothered me, even if I disliked them.
Sam... After the aisha thing ...showed he is a hater...when a joke goes from funny to degradation you got to question underlaying personality. To me he was punishing her.

Travis ....the entire macho posturing and being dumb as fuck is annoying.

Ryan ....weasel....mutters under his breath, the entire definition of inder the radar. Ive had wet socks who have more personality...and whats with the 30s hair?

Priya....avaricious, manipulative and duplicitous

Lawson......wish he was a better magician and he could make himself disappear