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Who shouldn't win?


The pen is mightier than the sword.
What housemate just shouldn't win and you would be pissed greatly if they do?

For me...

Lawson - He's a magician; obviously he wants to make money out of this show and be famous. Oh, and at this point, he does seem like an obvious winner.
Travis - His revolting personality and smugness. I really don't want to see that personality of his being crowned.
Sam - Very similar to Jamie'06; boring, maybe a bit more gossipy.
Skye - I made a thread on her. I really don't buy her. Not to mention, like Lawson, she is also a clear favourite.

I don't care if the others win (not that the're my favourite)...All in all, I want a shocking winner (hell, make it Cat or David - far from my favourites but they'd be good shockers anyway)....
Why do you say that?

Im just not a fan of a person who changes themselves to fit in, and personally I dont buy the whole victim thing, why would he go into the big brother house if he is so insecure? just dont get it, I think he is playing on the victim card something shocking! I like an entertainer
Im just not a fan of a person who changes themselves to fit in, and personally I dont buy the whole victim thing, why would he go into the big brother house if he is so insecure? just dont get it, I think he is playing on the victim card something shocking! I like an entertainer


The whole point of David is that he hasn't changed himself to fit in. Which would in turn suggest he's one of if not the least insecure people in the house.

He's the only one in there who hasn't at any stage felt peer pressured into joining a 'cool group' clique.

The whole point of David is that he hasn't changed himself to fit in. Which would in turn suggest he's one of if not the least insecure people in the house.

He's the only one in there who hasn't at any stage felt peer pressured into joining a 'cool group' clique.

He has remember when he was asking people for advice

even when he is like, none of my friends would date any of the girls in here, and then says because i have no friends! cmonnn!!! #victim
Aisha - very quiet. Involved in a showmance to keep herself in the house.

Cat - too much of a fence sitter. If she came out of her shell a bit she could have been ok. She's nailed her own coffin shut with this whole Lawson thing.

Ryan - pot plant although we have seen more of him lately. Thing is you shouldn't need to disappear for awhile. You need to build up a fan base from the start.

Skye - manipulative actress playing it up for the cameras. Plus I don't want a ditz winning the money.

Travis - up himself. Thinks he's all that. In a showmance to get through. Plus he makes me sick.

Ideally Priya would win it. I could handle David and maybe Sandra winning it. So far I don't mind Leo. But we don't know them all very well. I keep expecting to get to know them but the seasons about half over. It's crazy.
I've never really hated a Housemate before but this season is full of firsts for me.
TRAVIS should definitely not win. I purely hate him for the exact reasons @Shackles states:
"His revolting personality and smugness". Please get this :wacky: off of my TV.
I've never really hated a Housemate before but this season is full of firsts for me.
TRAVIS should definitely not win. I purely hate him for the exact reasons @Shackles states:
"His revolting personality and smugness". Please get this :wacky: off of my TV.

Weren't you 2 fans of Ben 12?

It's interesting because he fits those 'unflattering' descriptions to a T as well. Personally I'd take Travis over Ben 12 any day of the week. I know what I'm gonna get from Travis and feel completely comfortable being around his ilk because of it, whereas with Ben '12 though I would not trust that guy as far as I could throw him. He's a snake in the grass as far as I'm concerned and that's putting it mildly.
This is harder to answer than who should this point in time I don't have any favourites. So atm my answer is NO-ONE. Bring on the next intruder please.
At this point I haven't seen enough factors of entertainment/true colours given by the housemates to wholeheartedly agree with who shouldn't win at the end. But, if a winner was crowned now I would cringe if Cat, Lawson, Sam, Sandra, Ryan, Aisha or Travis won.
Weren't you 2 fans of Ben 12?

It's interesting because he fits those 'unflattering' descriptions to a T as well. Personally I'd take Travis over Ben 12 any day of the week. I know what I'm gonna get from Travis and feel completely comfortable being around his ilk because of it, whereas with Ben '12 though I would not trust that guy as far as I could throw him. He's a snake in the grass as far as I'm concerned and that's putting it mildly.
I was.

Benjamin had sweetness to him. He was extremely funny, warm (to his housemate friends) and at least he wasn't cocky or smug.

Travis is not funny. He is selfish. And the only 'warmth' he gives is when he pashes chicks. Does he really have a close friend in the house who isn't his sex buddy? :bored: