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What would you have picked? Hair dryer or jacket.

Something tells me that BB is going to set Tim a challenge to steal Tahan's hairdryer and exchange it for his jacket.
They have a beauty parkour with straighteners, dryers etc ? Plus hers was taken for breaking the rules, his was thrown over the wall by Tahan in retaliation of Tim's teasing

Is that where you apply your make-up while flipping off the side of a building? =P (I kid!)
As a girl I would probably have chosen the hair dryer but for strategy and to get into a alliance with Tim he should have chosen the jacket.
Loved Tahans reaction though she was so happy
It was the right choice when you know the history behind it, but if I went into the house and hadn't been watching and knew nothing about Tahan and Tim's history, then I would probably pick the jacket as it could be an eviction night outfit, rather than a hairdryer.
It was the right choice when you know the history behind it, but if I went into the house and hadn't been watching and knew nothing about Tahan and Tim's history, then I would probably pick the jacket as it could be an eviction night outfit, rather than a hairdryer.

Problem is he hadn't seen any of that prior to going in he even said that himself. I had hoped that big brother would say something about tahan throwing it over the wall to see if that would change the choice.
What kind of Hair Dryer is that?

Panasonic silent hair dryer (I think, from just looking at the one in diary room looks similar)

I would have picked hair dryer just because it's something all the girls and (maybe boys) can use, Tahan was happy to share it and was so cute when it was given....
Tim's jacket is ugly anyways and he knows he will get back after the show....

Edit: Just googled the price and it's like 40 au dollars?! That's not "very expensive" according to Big Brother...
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