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True Blood

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I don't know how I'd feel to be honest having to kiss another woman. But then again I don't know how I'd feel having to reach into someone's face and pull their jaw out either..
That said, I'm not an actress who chose to be in True Blood - where, let's face it - people get it on with anything and everything with great regularity and you're more than likely be called upon to portray many depraved, violent, and other acts generally considered quite offensive.
That I feel is the beauty of the show - that campy quality it has whilst carrying on extremely outrageous acts for our entertainment makes it extremely watchable. The fact it's SO over the top makes it seem like they're taking the piss at themselves and I love that.
I agree that I find this season a lot better than last because there is some of that humour back in it.
I think if you chose to be an actor, and you chose to be on a show like that, you should be comfortable enough in your own skin to separate acting from personal feelings. In fact I think he's weak as piss IF that's his reason for not being in it. Surely he knew it wasn't Disney..

I just LOVE True Blood! You're right; it's so over the top and tongue in cheek and that makes it even more fabulous.

What I don't get about this actor who quit the show because he didn't want to be in a scene portraying (pretty mild, fully clothed) gay sex is that, frankly, it's just sex. I understand that sex is quite common on our planet and between consenting adults, it does no harm, is not surprising and is not really news worthy.

On the other hand would he refuse a role that portrayed a violent serial killer such as Anthony Hopkins portrayal of Hannibal Lector? Or Christian Bale in American Psycho? Or even Michael C Hall in Dexter? Does he think that these actors are really corrupt, murderous menaces to society? (I always thought that it was acting.) Consensual sex is commonplace and normal and innocuous. Murder is about as antisocial, dangerous and vile as you can get.
Umm.. you're kind of straying way off the point here. Nobody's talking about sleeping with directors, they're talking about acting in a role.
Fact is, we're talking about True Blood. Nobody forced him to be honest and I seriously doubt people have such clauses within contracts for this show (let's be serious now).
It's also got absolutely nothing to do with romanticising acting as if it's a higher calling. You're right, it's a job. A job you know what it's likely to entail going in. So do it.
Thanks for proving my point :)

Is this addressed to me? I was under the impression I was persona non grata and had no intention in repeating the same mistake again of upsetting posters who find my posts offensive, namely jade stalkers...oops I mean dedicated passionate followers. I kid, I kid. :p

You know it's just a bit of friendly ribbing/teasing and not meant to hurt. :)

Umm.. you're kind of straying way off the point here.
I'm stating a fact. Actresses (especially those at the top of the tree . i.e Angelina, Julia Roberts etc...)routinely make it very clear what they're willing and not willing to do. Nobody thinks less of them as so-called thespians for doing so, at least not by anybody whose opinion is worth a damn. It's their body and their life and they'll be damned if their going to be dictated by a bunch of strangers on where they draw the line in their chosen profession.

Nobody's talking about sleeping with directors, they're talking about acting in a role.

You'd be surprised how common it is. It really is no different to desperate actors hoping for that big break to agree to gratuitous nudity (HBO is renowned for it) for the sake of being given an opportunity even though they're uncomfortable with it, that otherwise might go to someone else. As far as I'm concerned there's a very fine line between staying true to one's craft and placating every director's demands in the hope of fulfilling their acting dream. In a lot of cases, it's the one and the same thing. Like I said this is acting, let's not pretend is some precious art form (a la Da Vinci and co) that only a handful are capable of pulling off.

Fact is, we're talking about True Blood. Nobody forced him to be honest and I seriously doubt people have such clauses within contracts for this show (let's be serious now).

As a matter of fact that's how Luke was able to wiggle out of TB or else the TB producers would've sued his arse to kingdom come and he would not be currently working on another project. His contract stipulated exactly what his role entailed and there was no mention of a gay love interest hence why he signed it in the first place. On a whim the producers decided to change the direction of his character for the new season, Luke didn't agree with it so he was able to bail with relative ease because of it.

On a related knote the girl who plays Danny in GoT originally signed a contract where she agreed to do nude scenes. Once the show took off though, she realised she had some bargaining power and succesfully amended that part of the contract and she now has a body double to replace her in the gratuitous nude scenes.

Thanks for proving my point

*ahem* If you say so. :conf: :p
So has anyone else been watching? Sookie hooking up with Bill again, a couple of days after Alcide dies. And what about Jess and Hoyt?
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So has anyone else been watching? Sookie hooking up with Bill again, a couple of days after Alcide dies. And what about Jess and Hoyt?

She never seemed to love Alcide as much as Bill, but it does feel a bit rushed from "I hate you" to "I want you", even with the 6 month gap.

I don't know where they are going with this Jess/Hoyt/Jason/Bridget thing but I don't think I am going to like it. Jason has always been morally bankrupt about this stuff but Hoyt was generally a good guy.
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She never seemed to love Alcide as much as Bill, but it does feel a bit rushed from "I hate you" to "I want you", even with the 6 month gap.

I don't know where they are going with this Jess/Hoyt/Jason/Bridget thing but I don't think I am going to like it. Jason has always been morally bankrupt about this stuff but Hoyt was generally a good guy.

Yeah, even the Hoyt being the one to shoot Violet thing and getting upset with Bridget about having children - Hoyt was always a nice guy, seems out of character and an unnecessary story line.

I'm glad they gave a bit more airtime to Tara's death, although again it seemed unnecessary, but it did redeem Lettie May's character a bit
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Yeah, even the Hoyt being the one to shoot Violet thing and getting upset with Bridget about having children - Hoyt was always a nice guy, seems out of character and an unnecessary story line.

I'm glad they gave a bit more airtime to Tara's death, although again it seemed unnecessary, but it did redeem Lettie May's character a bit

I still dislike Lettie May intensely. Sookie is just ... Sookie, and she lost me after the first season. The ones I'm interested in are Eric, Pam, Hoyt and Jessica. I'd like to see where Sam and Lafayette end up, too.
I still dislike Lettie May intensely. Sookie is just ... Sookie, and she lost me after the first season. The ones I'm interested in are Eric, Pam, Hoyt and Jessica. I'd like to see where Sam and Lafayette end up, too.

Same - I'd be happy if the Sookie storyline ended, it's very repetitive. I love Eric, Pam and Lafayette - they are the stars, they should have their own shows. I don't like what they have done with the Sam character the last few seasons - he used to be a big part of the show, now he seems like an extra.
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Same - I'd be happy if the Sookie storyline ended, it's very repetitive. I love Eric, Pam and Lafayette - they are the stars, they should have their own shows. I don't like what they have done with the Sam character the last few seasons - he used to be a big part of the show, now he seems like an extra.

Sam is a big part of True Blood, nonetheless. I love his character, even when it's sidelined. Moyettes should always have stayed Moyettes.
Ha! I only say Moyette's when I've had too much Southern Comfort, if you get my drift. Of course it was Merlotte's! O_O;):facepalm::happy:
Ha! I only say Moyette's when I've had too much Southern Comfort, if you get my drift. Of course it was Merlotte's! O_O;):facepalm::happy:

I knew exactly was you meant - I just thought you might have been pronouncing it like a real Louisianan :D
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It's like nothing of note has happened this season, it's been a complete waste of time. Like I said before I cannot wait to be over and done with this show. :thumbsdown:
Aaah! At least Ginger's lifetime wish has been fulfilled. The writers must have had a ball writing that scene.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself - no one is forcing you to watch it.
Are you ever going to reply to one of my posts without twisting my words and using it as an excuse to chastise (troll) me? :confused:

I don't feel sorry for myself, I honestly don't know where you got that from. However this show needs to put its faithful fans out of our collective miseries, it is painful watching what it has been reduced to by incompetent muppet writers in charge of the script nowadays.