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The Walking Dead

I'm not advocating that she traipse off, but it seems to me that she is ambivalent about the whereabouts of her sister.
If I were in her situation I would want to hope that my sister was still alive. Talking or thinking too much about her would probably cause to much pain, so she just remains silent about it. No doubt she's worried. I just don't think she could cope with losing her father and her sister so close together.
If I were in her situation I would want to hope that my sister was still alive. Talking or thinking too much about her would probably cause to much pain, so she just remains silent about it. No doubt she's worried. I just don't think she could cope with losing her father and her sister so close together.
reactions are different in the time to wail and moan and mourn people.Find out she is alive and then move on,she probably assumed like Rick did about Judith, that Beth died at the prison
reactions are different in the time to wail and moan and mourn people.Find out she is alive and then move on,she probably assumed like Rick did about Judith, that Beth died at the prison
She has since been told by Daryl though that she is alive. So she knows she was alive after the prison. She just doesn't know anything now. She's just keeping on keeping on and that's all she can do right now :)

I've been hearing people complain about Maggie not caring about Beth for basically a year now - since the episodes where they had to leave the prison. Maggie is one of my favourite characters and I often feel like I have to defend her.

In all honesty - she probably does talk about Beth - it's just they decided not to show that in the editing :p ;) ;)
She has since been told by Daryl though that she is alive. So she knows she was alive after the prison. She just doesn't know anything now. She's just keeping on keeping on and that's all she can do right now :)

I've been hearing people complain about Maggie not caring about Beth for basically a year now - since the episodes where they had to leave the prison. Maggie is one of my favourite characters and I often feel like I have to defend her.

In all honesty - she probably does talk about Beth - it's just they decided not to show that in the editing :p ;) ;)

she is one of my favs too,who knows what their relationship was like pre-ZA but if I recall in the last season or the one before when they were at the farm,Beth tried to commit suicide,there is only so much a person can take before they shut down their emotions and go into survival mode.We can't have them bemoaning their fate and loss of the loved one otherwise it goes back into soap opera mode and plenty of people complained about that,they wanted action and now they are getting action.Can't please all the people,all the time
she is one of my favs too,who knows what their relationship was like pre-ZA but if I recall in the last season or the one before when they were at the farm,Beth tried to commit suicide,there is only so much a person can take before they shut down their emotions and go into survival mode.We can't have them bemoaning their fate and loss of the loved one otherwise it goes back into soap opera mode and plenty of people complained about that,they wanted action and now they are getting action.Can't please all the people,all the time
Exactly :) It's a different world.
If I were in her situation I would want to hope that my sister was still alive. Talking or thinking too much about her would probably cause to much pain, so she just remains silent about it. No doubt she's worried. I just don't think she could cope with losing her father and her sister so close together.
That could be it. I guess it is interesting to me that she volunteered to go with the DC folks instead of looking for her sis.

Other than that, I like your avatar. ;)
That could be it. I guess it is interesting to me that she volunteered to go with the DC folks instead of looking for her sis.

Other than that, I like your avatar. ;)
Well Glenn really volunteered for it and she's going to stay with Glenn. I'd be hopeful that maybe if there's a safe zone in DC that Beth would wind up there anyway? Somehow? :p I do hope they reunite though. One of them has to die eventually. Maybe one will die when her sister was almost there and it'll be so tragic and sad? :p ;)

I do adore me some elephants <3 :)
That could be it. I guess it is interesting to me that she volunteered to go with the DC folks instead of looking for her sis.

Other than that, I like your avatar. ;)
maybe she feels that by helping Eugene get to DC to share his knowledge that there is hope for a better world and that in their minds is more important[DOUBLEPOST=1414512010][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well Glenn really volunteered for it and she's going to stay with Glenn. I'd be hopeful that maybe if there's a safe zone in DC that Beth would wind up there anyway? Somehow? :p I do hope they reunite though. One of them has to die eventually. Maybe one will die when her sister was almost there and it'll be so tragic and sad? :p ;)

I do adore me some elephants <3 :)
I love elephants,whenever go to our national parks I love to see them
maybe she feels that by helping Eugene get to DC to share his knowledge that there is hope for a better world and that in their minds is more important[DOUBLEPOST=1414512010][/DOUBLEPOST]
I love elephants,whenever go to our national parks I love to see them
My favorite as well. An elephant never forgets.
I love how fast paced this season has bee. It's actually started off being really strong and I hope it maintains this all the way through. I am really intrigued what will happen next as I can't guess.
Since the termites I thought we would all grow to love have sadly been exterminated. come on! It was just a leg, and bob's leg at that. He was tainted meat people! And no one except Sasha really liked bob. Who did it hurt. They bandaged it up and he didn't bleed out. I bet they even had a good sauce. Yum bob bq. Oops, I digress, since the termites have been orkinized, who will provide the rickster et all the chance to pit their brain power against another group of sweaty, dirty, zombie bait? WHO!?!?!?!
glad to see them head off to dc. hopefully the entire season is going to be spent on the road.
i was also pretty glad to see rick deal with the terminus people in a logical manner. i was really dreading an entire season dedicated to whats-his-head a la "the gov'ner"
glad to see them head off to dc. hopefully the entire season is going to be spent on the road.
i was also pretty glad to see rick deal with the terminus people in a logical manner. i was really dreading an entire season dedicated to whats-his-head a la "the gov'ner"
that was tedious I spent the whole season thinking just kill him already.They must have a bigger bad guy in the wings,comic book readers any idea who that may be?