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The Birthday Conspiracy


New Member
Is it just me or do a large number of housemates seem to be (conveniently) celebrating their birthdays in the BB House?

It seems strange to me that out of a group of 23 people so many could have birthdays over a three month period.

Is this a coincidence or a deliberate decision by BB to choose housemates that would provide the opportunity for "party nights"? Let's face it, everyone is keen to tune in when the HMs have a bit of grog in them. It means more intimate conversations, spa snogging etc.

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It's pretty obvious it's a deliberate decision made by the producers to spice it up every year with a few parties and possible juicy moments.

I hate to break it to you, but selection for entry into the house is skewed in just about every possible way ;)
Another opportunity for BB to supply weight conscious housemates to have a gorgefest, after all they haven't had one since Xmas Dinner saturday!,-Sunday pudding and xmas dinner leftovers, no,-Monday cashed up treat shop up........!!!!
deffy said:
Another opportunity for BB to supply weight conscious housemates to have a gorgefest, after all they haven't had one since Xmas Dinner saturday!,-Sunday pudding and xmas dinner leftovers, no,-Monday cashed up treat shop up........!!!!

I can't believe how much weight the girls have gained including Claire, even with their excercise regimes in place with their own personal trainer.....

To the topic someone told me that they dont' normally have Cancerians in the house which is late June and July Birthdays, this year it seems there has been a number of Crabs although not sure who....
Think about it.

23 housemates = approx 2 birthdays per month
3 months = about 6 birthdays

How many have we had?... not that many surely.
katie, john, jamie, krystal soon,
The way to look it is think of your own personal circle. Are the birthdays pretty even across all the months or do you find you have more friends having birthdays in certain months. I know in my group we have a high Sept/Oct count. It just seems there's a birthday in there every couple of weeks which I don't think is very random.
Claire - 17th June
Danielle - 8th June
Jade 16th May
Jamie 28th June
John - 2nd May
Katie - 23rd May
Krystal - 12th July
Michael - 16th June
Rob 18th July
No doubt in my mind almost all the birthdays in the middle of the year - 9 in the 3 months that BB is on and most of the others in March or August.
It may also have been done to ensure plenty of clashes. A house full of cancerians makes for plenty of moods too.
Ash, Perry - Pices
Dino - Aries
John - Taurus
Claire, Danielle, Katie, Michael - Gemini
Jamie, Krystal, Rob - Cancer
Darren, Karen, Tilli - Leo (YUK)
David, Anna - Virgo
Lauren - Libra
Camilla - Scorpio
Elise, Jade - Saggitarius
Gaelan (born on Christmas day) - Capricorn

Would one wonderful aquarian be too much to ask for?
Apparently in Australia more people are born in september than any other month. Something to do with the female body preparing to give birth in Spring?

Or possibly it's just nine months after Xmas and New Year's Eve. ;)
Narrow escape from another birthday, when they declared Xmas in July, it would have been Gaelan's birthday, too!!
Danielle got a bracelet, earrings, and necklace set for her birthday, have any other birhday HM's received gifts?
Katie had a digital camera at her birthday to take photos for later...
Oh yes, and I remember everyone put together a pillow case full of presents for Katie too.
Don't you think it's kind of unfair that these people were chosen because of their birthdays??? I mean if you're thinking of applying for BB next year don't bother if your birthday falls outside those months!

Personally I think it's suss.
Well why don't we grab 23 BBBA forum members and see when their birthdays fall? The next 23 posters state your bday (don't have to say year).
Im willing to participate in this experiment 18th Sept which makes me a Virgo :D