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Survivor Cagayan: Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty

Did you all notice Tony voted Trish out too?

I love Tony, Spencer and Woo.
Interesting 2 brawns & 2 brains left - so survival in jungle, beauty gets you nothing. However, none of them are ugly, plenty could have been on the beauty tribe, woo, tash etc.
Tash - never actually used the supposed 'brain' she has, she was more brawn, and attractive so could or should have been on another tribe.

Thoughts on the original premise? It is rather amazing Spencer and Kass are still there. Spencer has fought damn hard and by himself mostly.
I think Kass has played it hard (whether you agree with her timing or not) and her planting the seeds of doubt and paranoia in Tony's mind have definitely had a bearing on the way it has played out. But then, had she stuck with the Brains instead of flipping on them it could have played out even better for herself and Spencer, and Tony would likely have been gone by now, putting them in an even better position.
Woo is an idiot to a fault....oh well. He'll have a hard time living down throwing away a million dollars all because he believes in 'honour' and 'decency'. It's a harsh lesson but one hopefully he'll never have to learn again.
ZOMG what a moron, no idea at all. Would have been much more interesting vote against Kass, I think maybe Kass could have rightfully argued a win anyway. Out of the final four, Woo was actually the biggest goat.
ZOMG what a moron, no idea at all. Would have been much more interesting vote against Kass, I think maybe Kass could have rightfully argued a win anyway. Out of the final four, Woo was actually the biggest goat.
I couldn't believe it myself when I first saw it, I thought I was in a dream. lol

I knew Woo was going to do something stupid the moment he agreed with *you know who* and stated that it he would be the "stupidest" Survivor player in the history of the game if he took *you know who* to the end. Survivor sure loves their misdirections/red herrings and that was a dead giveaway. *sigh* smh
I wish I could laugh about it but I felt incredibly depressed at Woo's stupid gullibility and angry at him for denying me a deliciously bitter jury deciding who to gift a million dollars out of 2 people they didn't respect. That would've been absolute gold. Damn you stupid Woo, damn you.

Anyway Kao Kass confirmed she was at the bottom of the original 6 member alliance at the final merger and was absolutely right in flipping on them.

Interview with Tony.

What a fantastic, entertaining, crazy, unpredictable season! I am sad it's over. So many entertaining, great players and the best of them all won! TOny deserved to win. It was sad that Woo made a stupid move that cost him the million dollars however he was a funny character. Spencer had a great underdog edit and he was a cool character because he is such a super fan and it was cool to watch him live out his dream. I enjoyed watching Kass because she was another super fan who came to play and she played hard and I like that. She had her moments. Overall I would rate this season in my top 5 of all time and that is quite simply because of the cast. In regards to players who I could see returning, Tony, Kass, Spencer are 100% coming back in the future and I think Tasha is also a strong chance. Sarah and Woo are also possibilities imo.
Tony did deserve to win for playing such a strategic game. I absolutely can't stand him though, I just don't buy that you can lie and cheat to your heart's content and pass it all off as a game if you also bring in what is important to you in real life (your wife, kids, parents, job) and swear on them, then betray that. You can't have it both ways. Play the game and lie to these strangers all you like, but don't cross the line.

I would be interested to know if he won Trish's vote after that.

I believe that Kass could also have possibly won against Woo, but that doesn't make Woo's decision any less stupid, he wouldn't have believed anyone would vote for Kass.
Best finale in ages. I don't think Woo was all that sure he could beat Tony OR Kass, so then its a case of who would you rather lose to? Woo still got money, not a million but he didn't walk away with nothing.

Cash prizes for semi-finalists.
Generally speaking, Survivor contestants who make it to the end of the show still receive significant cash prizes. The second-place contestant may receive over two hundred thousand dollars, and third- and fourth-place winners may still receive over one hundred thousand dollars. Subsequent contestants receive declining values in cash prizes, but Survivor traditionally awards cash prizes to every contestant.

So Woo, Kass, and Spencer all did all right for spending a month on an island. I like Spencer, but it seemed to me he got a lot of favoritism as this sainted player when in fact he's just a kid who likes Survivor... I really wish Survivor would stop bringing people back... I prefer all new people each season...Although I was happy when Boston Rob returned and took the grand prize.
Tony did deserve to win for playing such a strategic game. I absolutely can't stand him though, I just don't buy that you can lie and cheat to your heart's content and pass it all off as a game if you also bring in what is important to you in real life (your wife, kids, parents, job) and swear on them, then betray that. You can't have it both ways. Play the game and lie to these strangers all you like, but don't cross the line.

I would be interested to know if he won Trish's vote after that.

I believe that Kass could also have possibly won against Woo, but that doesn't make Woo's decision any less stupid, he wouldn't have believed anyone would vote for Kass.

All of Tonys chatter WAS just game, he was scrambling, scrambling, scrambling the entire game just to try and get further in it. And like he said, he lay awake every night thinking of what he had done, what damage control he needed to do the next day, the guy worked his ass off for that win and I'm really happy for him. And I'm in absolutely no doubt that he loved his dead father and he loves his wife and baby with all his heart. All that talk was just scrambling nervous chatter to try and convince people to do what he wanted....I don't really like it when ANYONE swears on family members or dead relatives or any of that, but I'm used to the fact that in desperate moments on Survivor, people go there. Aside from those comments, I love Tony. And Woo. Was happy to end it with a bromance. :)
Yep that was a very satisfying result for me even though I couldn't stand him at first. He deserved to win and I immediately thought of BB Tim when listening to Spencer's speech. Love them or hate them, they played the game as it should be played and paid tribute to it. Taking it one step further, I could even say Woo was Jade and Kass was Tahan. As Spencer said, Tony had those idols because he's the one who worked his ass off in trying to find them and he was the truest to the spirit of the game. It doesn't sit well with me when people win prizes like this by merely coasting through. I like to see them work for it and the result is one of the most entertaining Survivors for me in quite awhile.

@Meglos Parvati said in Tony's interview that Trish voted for him. I haven't watched the reunion part yet but I'm assuming since they didn't even show a second vote for Woo that everyone voted for Tony with the exception of Tash. Someone correct me if I'm wrong though.
Yes, Tony also reminded me of Tim. His focus and dedication toward winning the game. Spending his alone time thinking of where he is in the game, whats happening, and what he needs to do to further himself.

I listened to the jury and their rude comments and questions, and was glad to hear that Spencer at least was a good sport about it, but a lot of that stuff is egged on by producers I think to make it more 'interesting' for viewers. I would prefer they didn't do that, most of those comments and so called questions were cringe worthy and make the speakers look spiteful and bitter.
I am so glad It came down to tony and woo, because if it had come down to kass and woo, woo would have won by the sounds of it and like mrs butterface, I don't think it would have been a satisfying win for what was an amazing season. I did laugh at the tim bb comparison especially when tony said he had two rocks down by the water... People with rocks on mind will win it seems ;)

I agree with tony saying woo won in real life, he is seen as a good person and for that I think woo made the right decision. Though people need to separate real life with a game. Tony may have manipulated and lied etc but he isn't a bad person, the jury liked him and some of them have said that he took care of them. It's a game and he played it well. I hope great things come about for spencer. Kass, tony and spencer have been amazing to watch.