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Pencils and inks by Moonee on ArtStation, colours by me

Just a quick character shot because I can't decide on what to actually colour next...

Pencils and inks by Jesse Wichmann Comic Book Art, fan colours by me
Did this one just to give those skin tones a go!

Pencils by Gianne Edrian, colours by me

This has sat half done on my HDD for about 2 years now so decided to finish it off.

pencils by Diego Bernard, inks by ???, colours by me

This one just seemed to keep getting bogged down again and again, but for what it's worth, here it is...
Had some fun with the "Times Square Billboards" as you can see 🙂

Stellar Blade​

pencils and inks by Kodiart on DA, colours by me.

A very loose sketchy lineart which entailed a LOT of cleanup by myself of stray lines etc. so things aren't necessarily 100% correct. I had to use the screaming chicken bird from a Pontiac Trans Am for instance for her costume as I couldn't find it anywhere. :p

Plus I've never played the game so I have no idea if the background and her sword make sense, but they look good like this.

Pencils by Kodiart on D/art, colours by me

I'd never heard of this character before now..

pencils by Jim Lee, inks by Scott Williams, fan colours by me.

(Prints will be $12,000 thank you...:P :P )

Pencils by John Royle, inks by Eeshwar, colours by me.

I actually coloured this one after getting the highres off John for fun back in 2016. Yesterday, Sam Johnson who owns Geek Girl, asked if I still had my highres file (which I did) as he wants to use my coloured version as a level reward in his upcoming kickstarter. Woohoo!

I had to change the billboard from the original Coca Cola sign as Sam's kickstarter plan doesn't account for getting sued into oblivion by Coca Cola for trademark infringement. So I just made what you see here up by cutting and pasting some other old stuff.
Additionally some tweaks were made to her face.

pencils by Michael Turner, inks by Pendacon on D/art and fan colours by me.

Really, I just wanted to do the sunset & wave

X-23..errr...Pool..? <-- new pic! :)
pencils by Artgerm, colours by me.

Taking the 'Sensational Spiderman' pic by Artgerm with Mary Jane dressed as X23/Deadpool, and making one small change to the belt buckle, and you get X-23 dressed as Deadpool. Which is kind of appropriate with the new movie out I guess :P :)

pencils by Brett Booth, inks by LordKai on D/art, colours by me

Keeping with the current Deadpool trend

Kimberly - Streetfighter 6

pencils and inks by "Xorjin" over on Artstation, colours by me.

All my new pictures of late have either been blues or beige colours it seems. Time for something a little brighter!

Harley Quinn.

pencils and inks by Megan Hetrick, fan colours by me.

I've been doing yet more fixes on that 64 page graphic novel "Exo Nautilus" as Andrew gets it ever closer to actually being printed (Almost there now and almost 3 years into the project... I've also adjusted, multiple times in some cases, all but 3 of the 64 pages in this book! Not because I got it wrong the first time, but because Andrew keeps changing his mind and tweaking things...)

Anyway, in between that I've worked on this one. Nothing too original about the colouring as it follows what Megan did on hers, but some times that's just the way it is.

pencils by Jose Luis, inks by Yko Natali, colours by me.

This is only the second ever Conan picture I've done in 24 years! Go figure...

Anyway, the intention was that this was to be the two guys fighting in a snow blizzard, but then someone else coloured it like that so I had to stop and reconsider. So I thought, why not make the 'snow' bits into lava bombs and have Conan and the big bad guy fighting to the death in the middle of a volcanic eruption? (Because why not? This *is* Conan after all...)

And here we go...!


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