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Sarah: Nice Girl? Or Boring and Fake?

Sarah seems like a nice girl. Nice people do tend to be a bit boring, and she also seems to have done a bit of 'work' on her mental state - keeping an optimistic outlook, looking out for and meeting other peoples needs ... the sort of motivational literature that gets foisted on you if you sell things for a living, especially if you are living on commission.
The nurturing thing I think is a stress reliever (when you are in a very stressful situation, you tend to cope better and have lower levels of anxiety and physiological stress if you are preoccupied with the welfare of another person.) It comes across as fake, because Brad, Josh etc don't need Sarah to look out for them, they know and we know they don't, and Sarah is no better able to look after them than they her, or she herself - Big Brother is in control and everyone knows that.

From the very start, or at least, by the time the girls joined the boys in the house, it seems the other housemates have been pushing Sarah out. If there was a good reason to nominate her, they would be discussing it. As it is, they are saying things to each other like 'but you can't hold that against her' (although they would clearly like to) and in the end agreeing that she is a nice person (although Charne and Ben seem to be the only people who don't dislike her).
I would not be surprised if Bradley nominated 'momma-bear' on Monday for being fake, rather than being overbearing and patronizing to him in order to feel useful and in control within herself. After all, if he nominated her for mothering him, the first question would be why he didn't ask her to stop, and the real answer would be 'because if I told her to stop doing it, she would and then I wouldn't be able to nominate her for it.' The only real problem the housemates have with Sarah is that she is so reasonable, that if they raise an objection with her, she is sure to find some annoyingly unobjectionable compromise.

I think being a good person is more important to Sarah than to any other housemate. Estelle and Ben are the only other housemate that has mentioned integrity as something that matters to them, but they are less clear than Sarah about what their values actually are and the extent they will sacrifice personal convenience to adhere to them is another matter again. Michael and Ray don't talk about personal integrity, but they act as if they have very definite ideas of what it is, and it matters to them, and consider it in every choice they make. Layla and Zoe seem to mindlessly assume that they are good people, and I have not seen them treat others in a way that would suggest that they are not. Bradley, Josh, George, Ryan and Stella seem able to be quite malleable for the purpose of fitting in, getting on, or 'being strategic' (Poor Ryan. The strategists never talk about being strategic.) Angie seems to be extremely pragmatic.
Only Sarah seems to think that she has to prove she is a good person, and that every word she says, every plate she picks up for Brad, every favour she gives Zoe, is a proof of how good she is, but every time she fails to act or even to notice an opportunity to help someone, is a negation of that proof. It's like the rock of sisyphus, every minute that she is not doing good, negates all the goodness she has done. She is also the one that talks about 'not needing other people to be validated'. I am guessing she had or has had someone hyper-critical in her life, who tore her down in order to make themselves feel powerful (and to do what they could to make her feel unable to live without them, as any sane person would.) Her 'fake' behaviour could be a way of vindicating herself against accusations of being the kind of person nobody else would put up with ("See, I am a good person, I am, I am.") I think this other person was/is a guy, because it is guys (Josh, Bradley especially) who are being most irritated by it. Zoe is the only girl who seems to resent and suspect Sarah's 'niceness', Ryan seems to be the only guy oblivious to it.

I would love to see more of Sarah with Ray: Sarah could be as close as he will ever get to 'a woman that doesn't talk' - as Wynter said, just a compilation and reflection of his scintillating life. They could be the perfect Stepford couple!
Is it just me, or does anyone else get a creepy vibe reading that letter? If my boyfriend wrote a letter like that, I would be reading into it stuff like "The girls in the local brothel keep me informed on what you are up to in the house".
Sarah does not come across as fake as her boyfriend. 'Georgeous!' as in 'You captivate me like no other, Georgeous!' seems particularly patronising. And does Ryan (whoever he might be) really think four of five quotes straight out of '' will help?(how?) or is it just that Frizee could not fill a whole page with his own sentiments and sought inspiration on the internet.
which one is she in the header? from right to left # please
Is it just me, or does anyone else get a creepy vibe reading that letter? If my boyfriend wrote a letter like that, I would be reading into it stuff like "The girls in the local brothel keep me informed on what you are up to in the house".
Sarah does not come across as fake as her boyfriend. 'Georgeous!' as in 'You captivate me like no other, Georgeous!' seems particularly patronising. And does Ryan (whoever he might be) really think four of five quotes straight out of '' will help?(how?) or is it just that Frizee could not fill a whole page with his own sentiments and sought inspiration on the internet.

hes desperate he thinks he will lose her, he has a drama like many young men do especially with yr first love. As usual we mere men usually try too hard and come off looking needy and controlling and if she achieves sucess his pain will be worse. sad but true.
Is it just me, or does anyone else get a creepy vibe reading that letter? If my boyfriend wrote a letter like that, I would be reading into it stuff like "The girls in the local brothel keep me informed on what you are up to in the house".
Sarah does not come across as fake as her boyfriend. 'Georgeous!' as in 'You captivate me like no other, Georgeous!' seems particularly patronising. And does Ryan (whoever he might be) really think four of five quotes straight out of '' will help?(how?) or is it just that Frizee could not fill a whole page with his own sentiments and sought inspiration on the internet.

No, it's not just you. I thought the same thing. I posted somewhere..where this letter was posted before (can't remember what thread) that it looked like BB had told him to go really over the top with the romantic sentiment because it couldn't possibly be a real letter. Either that boyfriend is ultra clingy/needy, the letter is a joke or Sarah should be careful around this guy. It's way over the top IMO. There is something a bit scarily obsessive about it. It's all very well if she's as madly in clique'd love as he is... but if she's not.....
Boring? God yes.

After reading the updates about her getting mad a Ray during Estelle's party, I can't help but dislike her even more. By the sounds of it, all he did was dance "aggressively" and suddenly he's a horrid person. I guess we'll have to wait to see it, but to be quite honest at the moment Sarah sounds like a silly drama queen. Go home.
Which one is Sarah?

The drama queen with the constant look of disapproval on her face. Lobster.....nice body, head full of shit.

Princess sarah.....ewwwwwwwwwwww
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Anyone who constantly talks about how eating meat is wrong is annoying.
Sarah's a nice person, but typical of regional town. Homespun values but a little unworldly and naive.
I find it weird she is so full on re animals yet is happy to sell cars and insert foreign objects into her body (implants)? Pretty sure animals were used to test breast implants.
Had an epiphany tonight while watching the conversation between Sarah and Estelle. Sarah is Gretel's daughter!
If all that happened with Ray was what was shown tonight she completely over-reacted. She was also very patronising and self righteous with both Ray and Estelle.
She better be nominated tomorrow night so we can send her boring self righteous home. She is the worst. The way she insists on being touchy-feely with people while she's putting them down is so disturbing to watch - I don't like Angie much but I loved it when she called her out on it when Sarah was doing it to her. The way she tries to hold their hand or rub their back while saying rude or hurtful things is just mindblowingly passive aggressive and strange.

And as a rule I don't trust people who seem to care more about animals than people. I don't care if you're a vegetarian or a vegan, it's your personal choice so do whatever you want, but don't get on a high horse about it and be passive aggressive towards those who do choose to eat meat. For example I cut all red meat out of my life a couple of years ago but I don't go bringing it up to people at every opportunity. People like that shit me off. Let others eat whatever the fuck they want to eat, humans are naturally omnivores, deal with it.