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RUOK today, housemates hate getting over the top


Well-Known Member
It's national RUOKDay today

I'm not sure I've seen anymore hatred to a housemate than I have this year with Tully. I know that housemates put themselves up and open to public criticism, but the Tully stuff is probably starting to get over the top. Some of the stuff on the I hate Tully Facebook group is a disgrace. I'd be guessing her family are going to have an unfair task looking after her when she is evicted.
While I don't agree with a lot of the things that are being directed towards Tully, despite my own dislike of her, Alex and the other people behind the scenes have to take SOME responsibility over the fact people are getting so worked up over it. I am not, in any way, condoning some of the vile things I've seen written, but the show thrives on having people emotionally invested in the characters, and they create shows that will produce the most emotional response in its viewers. Tully did the crime, and will face the consequences (her girlfriend breaking up with her and other friends being disappointed in her, on a personal level) but the dislike for her had been building long before that. Then the stuff started happening with Drew and the hate started to flow more readily. Then the show capitalised on the scenario, which is within their means to do so because it was pulling ratings. But it just continued to generate more hate and they continued to capitalise on that. The momentum if hate was building and it wasn't hard to see that. Like I said, I don't condone what's been said, but BB aren't completely faultless in it either, since they were capitalising on the story and hoping for an emotional response in people. It's hypocritical to turn around and condemn that when you could see it happening a mile away.
Lol what a hypocrite Alex is. He and his colleagues choose which puppets they want to be the hero and also the villain so he can shove hs sanctimonious bullshit up his arse. Tully has acted appallingly and the simple fact is that he's chosen to air it, that being the case he can't blame the public for their outrage given it was all his doing (along with Tully) in his relentless quest for the almighty ratings. Can't have it both ways Alex.
dont show it then bitch

IS that info from ALEX REAL????????
Agreed Jo-Bot! WTH produces a reality show then quotes, the first stone message?!!?!?
HE put her emotionally abusive BUTT in there.
Alex is a clown. If you can't handle the heat stay the fuck out of the kitchen. Going on a show like Big Brother you need to have thick fucking skin and be able to take any and ALL criticism, no matter how vile. If you can't handle it then don't fucking sign up for a show that follows your every movement 24/7.

People lack responsibilty these days. Stop fucking making excuses.

dont show it then bitch

It says absolutely nothing, apart from the fact you have more time than me. Congrats I guess?

more time in 8 years? thats nothing. it says I havent been booted or needed to get a new username cause of trolling behaviour. I am well respected here. It's a shame most of the old members arent here to tell you that.
Alex is a clown. If you can't handle the heat stay the fuck out of the kitchen. Going on a show like Big Brother you need to have thick fucking skin and be able to take any and ALL criticism, no matter how vile. If you can't handle it then don't fucking sign up for a show that follows your every movement 24/7.

People lack responsibilty these days. Stop fucking making excuses.


Bravo!!!!!!! ALEX certainly doesn't mind when the viewers pour in hundreds of thousands of dollars to "SAVE" the HMs, but then says the viewers don't have a right to speak their mind about a reality show, where he is responsible for inserting such characters.
HE can't have it both ways and it seems very SENSITIVE himself about the issue. Did he think that the HM with the mother with an unfortunate illness would be Aussie's sweetheart?!!? WELL, maybe he should have done his job and reviewed her own psych evals a little further, ya know, what most people do... by DOING THEIR JOB!

AGREED! If the fire is too hot, he needs to get the hell out!

Am flabbergasted at his response. In all actuality, he as the producer (or whatever his title maybe) should maybe, as a responsibility to the public, make a statement on behalf of the show, that actions inside the house, good or bad, are not condoned by the show or channel. OR have learned professionals explain to the viewing audience what is happening with particular HMS (or the one in question) so that the public understands better.

That being said, BIG BROTHER's whitewashing of specific behavior and behaving like "cheating" or "emotional abuse" is acceptable??? well that is just not acceptable.
more time in 8 years? thats nothing. it says I havent been booted or needed to get a new username cause of trolling behaviour. I am well respected here. It's a shame most of the old members arent here to tell you that.

Considering this forum is lenient when it comes to bans, you having a account for 8 years also says nothing. Keep trying though.
IA. The hate Tully is getting is over the top.

I think I just need to avoid Tully threads lol, because both extremes upset me. I don't like seeing her "fans" defend what she's doing with Drew, or pretend it's nothing, or deny the fact it's hurting someone on the outside. But the extreme "haters" who talk about throwing bricks at her on eviction are taking it way too far. I legitimately worry about how she's going to cope when she gets outside and I think the longer she stays in there, the worse it will get for her.
dont show it then bitch


although, bravo to alex for trolling all of facebook. he'll get an even bigger rise out of even more people, increasing the buzz, increasing the attention on his show, increasing ratings, increasing advertising rates.... and the whole while retaining plausible deniability that "oh my gosh, it's not our fault! we asked them to stop!"

yeah, you're like ben standing in front of the mongolion hordes asking them to stop and have a shower before raping and pillaging.