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Priya Appreciation Society

I realised last night that it didn't matter to me if Priya and David bickered and were competitive with each other.. I like Priya for herself and not the back and forth of a game.
Her insight, her love for her husband and understanding of what really matters in life. She gets it, and that's what I relate to. I love her vulnerable moments and that the fact that her kind of beauty doesn't fit into the stereotypical 'Aussie girl' mode but is just as striking. I hope she makes it to finale along with Dave (whom I also like for his individuality and personal quirks and characteristics). Glad we all have a week off this week :)
@MADONNA SIS, today I thought it would be a good idea to catch the bus to my exam today instead of drive (it wasn't) BUT, there were two teenagers sitting infront of me and one said "Do you follow Prisus Christ on twitter?" I think I shat myself out of shock.



Ah, we are a sensitive lot aren't we? If only you could see the tongue firmly implanted in my cheek - the same tongue in cheek that the pristian world is founded on, but alas, you're all a bit too sensitive about your own "intellectual" version to even contemplate that it's being used right back at ya. How "disrespectful". :tongue:
Like deity, like freaks. You do realise these heathens follow a false prophet who felt 'bullied' by Dave's harmless little teasing with the boys. I don't think 'humour' is in their idol's vocabulary so it probably isn't in the freaks dictionary either. :angelic:
Are you trying to tell me that Priya is NOT a goddess?

I honestly believed the overwhelming number of scriptures I'd seen here. And why would so many people make paintings of someone that was a false deity? Are you saying that Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper was A FANTASY?!

OMG I sold my house to fund voting for her in the House! I even disowned by family who refused to worship her. And you are telling me all of this was done as part of some huge LIE force-fed to me by other posters?

Has my sanity been exploited? What about my Prignity? I mean dignity! Fuck, I need help. Please, someone, save me.


HA how DELUDED of you not to understand, despite all the evidence presented across this forum, that it's a bit of intellectual tongue-in-cheek. If you don't agree with it, don't call us deluded, respect us. Otherwise, we won't respect you.

What kind of SERVING with a SIDE of SHADE.
Am I just forgetting something....
When did that apparent argument/discussion between Priya and David in the living room occur? With her calling him a hypocrite?