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Priya Appreciation Society

Having some fun with the deluded - nothing more. To quote me, "Why would anyone quote Skye??" O_O

Are you trying to tell me that Priya is NOT a goddess?

I honestly believed the overwhelming number of scriptures I'd seen here. And why would so many people make paintings of someone that was a false deity? Are you saying that Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper was A FANTASY?!

OMG I sold my house to fund voting for her in the House! I even disowned by family who refused to worship her. And you are telling me all of this was done as part of some huge LIE force-fed to me by other posters?

Has my sanity been exploited? What about my Prignity? I mean dignity! Fuck, I need help. Please, someone, save me.


HA how DELUDED of you not to understand, despite all the evidence presented across this forum, that it's a bit of intellectual tongue-in-cheek. If you don't agree with it, don't call us deluded, respect us. Otherwise, we won't respect you.
Are you trying to tell me that Priya is NOT a goddess?

I honestly believed the overwhelming number of scriptures I'd seen here. And why would so many people make paintings of someone that was a false deity? Are you saying that Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper was A FANTASY?!

OMG I sold my house to fund voting for her in the House! I even disowned by family who refused to worship her. And you are telling me all of this was done as part of some huge LIE force-fed to me by other posters?

Has my sanity been exploited? What about my Prignity? I mean dignity! Fuck, I need help. Please, someone, save me.


HA how DELUDED of you not to understand, despite all the evidence presented across this forum, that it's a bit of intellectual tongue-in-cheek. If you don't agree with it, don't call us deluded, respect us. Otherwise, we won't respect you.
Every time @lefrancais schools someone I get all tingly inside and it makes me so horny! lol

Are you trying to tell me that Priya is NOT a goddess?

I honestly believed the overwhelming number of scriptures I'd seen here. And why would so many people make paintings of someone that was a false deity? Are you saying that Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper was A FANTASY?!

OMG I sold my house to fund voting for her in the House! I even disowned by family who refused to worship her. And you are telling me all of this was done as part of some huge LIE force-fed to me by other posters?

Has my sanity been exploited? What about my Prignity? I mean dignity! Fuck, I need help. Please, someone, save me.


HA how DELUDED of you not to understand, despite all the evidence presented across this forum, that it's a bit of intellectual tongue-in-cheek. If you don't agree with it, don't call us deluded, respect us. Otherwise, we won't respect you.
Ah, we are a sensitive lot aren't we? If only you could see the tongue firmly implanted in my cheek - the same tongue in cheek that the pristian world is founded on, but alas, you're all a bit too sensitive about your own "intellectual" version to even contemplate that it's being used right back at ya. How "disrespectful". :tongue: