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Post BB Housemate Antics - Part 3

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  • timdormerI’ve loved sharing my life on social media, but there’s one special part of my life I haven’t shared with you all until now…this last year I fell in LOVE with the most beautiful person. His name is Ash, he's my best friend and he truly gets me and has made me very happy!

    I’ve always considered my sexuality to be fluid and I’ve never been interested in labels which categorise and divide. I’m only interested in celebrating what we all have in common, the freedom to share the most precious beautiful gift that holds this magnificent universe together…LOVE.

    I’m proud to now share our story in the hope that other misfits like myself who don't quite know where they fit in life won’t give up. LOVE yourself, and I hope one day LOVE finds us all! And for those who don't understand us...I hope you get there one day.
    Check out this weeks @whomagazinewhere Ash and I shared our full story freely for you to read. ❤️

Bondi Beach

Penny Higgs
4 hrs ·
Women be walking round with a face full of fillers and lips three times the size of what they had, no wonder their children grow up to look nothing like their parents. Everyone walking round as a different version of themselves. I believe in doing what makes you happy, but I also believe unrealistic expectations of what a pretty face is, is influenced hugely by social media. We look to the wrong people for inspiration and trends. That girl you idolise on social media you see travelling to a different country every week, you have no idea what she does for a career, but you follow her for a glam lifestyle, over plumped lips and gorgeous clothes, well chances are you idolise a girl that has to sleep with cashed up old men to support that lifestyle. Women who take their clothes off for money, young ladies, you're looking to the wrong people for inspo. The successful ones are those who don't update their entire life to social media, the ones working on their art and creating whilst no one knows their business, the girls comfortable enough to wear no makeup, the ones who know their self worth is not based on the shape of their body. These are the women we should be inspired by, the people who do good deeds without the applause, it's the people you don't notice, they're the ones to watch out for. Insecurities are loud, confidence is silent. A healthy mind is far more attractive than a self made face. To the quiet achievers. The same goes for men, a pretty face can't stimulate anyone if you haven't got the depth and mind to back it up. But these are just my views. Just one view. On a world that's forgotten what matters.

Smackdown! And so true.
......Women who take their clothes off for money, young ladies, you're looking to the wrong people for inspo.
Penny quote.

Is she plain stupid. Wow what an idiot.
Penny who owns NO CLOTHES
Penny who posts like a PORN STAR
Guess she is pissed off competing with plastic Skye
......Women who take their clothes off for money, young ladies, you're looking to the wrong people for inspo.
Penny quote.

Is she plain stupid. Wow what an idiot.
Penny who owns NO CLOTHES
Penny who posts like a PORN STAR
Guess she is pissed off competing with plastic Skye

oh yeah that's true.
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