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Outrage over no confirmation for Ben votes!

I call shenanigans

So within a week or so Tim & Ben's save votes dropped by so much, that they were both around the same percentage points as MrDull ? [ie: Ed]

I call shenanigans...

Ben fan's got complacent I reckon, they all thought "there is no way he is going home this week".
Like even I thought ed was a for sure goner when he was against ben and tim, and then when they called out Ed I was so shocked.
Ben fan's got complacent I reckon, they all thought "there is no way he is going home this week".
Like even I thought ed was a for sure goner

i could agree with that, but why was Mr Popular Tims votes also around the same percent as Eds. I can't believe Mr Ed became that popular and Tim and Bens supporters just quit voting to save them in a week.

If it smells like a fish and looks like a fish, it is FISHY
Sad as it is I think Ed's family/fans are working harder for him. Both Ben and Tim have been wearing a bit thin with viewers, Tim's numbers have been dropping each week he's been up. This week with everyone trying to get Ed out by voting for Tahan and Drew, I think Ben was forgotten.
I voted for ben and did not receive any confirmation either?!?! I voted about 50 times!! I'm so angry right now.
I voted for ben and did not receive any confirmation either?!?! I voted about 50 times!! I'm so angry right now.

You were charged though right?

It may be the SMS receipt engine fell over but if you were charged your votes should have been tallied. The fact that people couldn't call would certainly skew results tho.
One can only hope.

I am flabbergasted. This is so surreal to see him being evicted.

Disgusted by Ed still sitting there. His family is doing a terrific job. Odds are that he will either win or be a runner up to Tahan.

Pleeeeeeeeeaaaase no.

Even Tim might not go that far. Let's be prepared for a shock.

What a classic, wish I had put $10 on Ben to be booted :)

The Ed show last night got him the .7% he needed to get over the line though... Bad luck Ben BAYBEEEEE lolz
Bree was a mistake cause votes where not counted when verifying them, it was a mistake with the company they use to use. They now use Salmat.

BEN has been Evicted and he won't be returned to the house.

To all those people that complain, I guess you didn't vote enough times or you left it too late. 1 of the votes on the story on the front page has a time after the voting had closed.

I suggest, if you want to vote, vote in the 1st few days of voting that way your vote counts.

Just because you didn't get a confirmation doesn't mean your vote wasn't counted. It happened to more than just Ben's SMS voting.
After voting by sms this voting period, I did not receive the normal reply "Thanks for voting - no further replies this voting period. This is the first time this has happened - I hope the voting hasn't been corrupted!!

OMG, me too, I posted somewhere about this the other day. I voted everyone but Ed, got no "thanks for voting reply" at all, whereas I have every other time!
I remember that
OMGOD they both start with B

Bree was a mistake cause votes where not counted when verifying them, it was a mistake with the company they use to use. They now use Salmat.

BEN has been Evicted and he won't be returned to the house.

To all those people that complain, I guess you didn't vote enough times or you left it too late. 1 of the votes on the story on the front page has a time after the voting had closed.

I suggest, if you want to vote, vote in the 1st few days of voting that way your vote counts.

Just because you didn't get a confirmation doesn't mean your vote wasn't counted. It happened to more than just Ben's SMS voting.
Perfect response, it may seem like more of bens votes are seemingly not counted, but it would have happened to everyone else at the same time. And when you think about it, there's no reason why Ben fans would have seen this coming so the fact he didn't come back in the last 20 minutes shouldn't surprise.

Best solution, vote early vote often. If you want to take the risk and vote at the 11th hour, that's your fault.