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New Off Topic Thread ..... (Everyone: please be nice)

True. But needs to be worthy. And have high annoyance levels.
You dont scarcely approach that for me.
Youre nice. And I like you.

Yeah, fighting expends too much energy.
I don't have a beef with anyone.
Though reepbot may not like me if I'm nice.
Plus I thought you might appreciate the superhero implications.
Plus I thought you might appreciate the superhero implications.
You know I did.
Dont think you cultivate them on purpose. Or for non-fun purposes.
Think you might tho. Any attention is good attention.
An idiom I am so far from understanding.

I don't cultivate them in real life. Mainly because I keep my mouth shut.
I dont know jack.
But if thats stassi.
Im sold on her. And i know nothing about her cept from affys testimonials