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Masterchef 2018

...haha!... I'll tell you what oddjob... I promised that I'll watch at least 2 more episodes so why not come for at least tonight's and tomorrow night's shows just so that I have another person to sling shit at the show with?... I promise you my friend... it is so awful that even my sweet Sophie cannot persuade me to watch the whole season methinks!... lol!... it could be TV history in the making as being the worst ever Reality TV show in the history of TV in Australia!... that's how bad it is!... how can you possibly miss that for even just 2 nights?... lol!... cheers.

So you’re saying it’s so bad all other shows will seem better by comparison?
Very true.
Best seafood Ive had is catching squid off a pier and then immediately cleaning and flash frying it on a portable gas stove with salt and pepper.

...yes Fuzz... catching Fish etc yourself and flash frying them without anything else added to them are brilliant... and... another way that I like cooking whole Fish (after cleaning them first of course) is with making a Foil 'cradle'... slicing up a Lemon and filling it's cavity with the slices... add a small sprinkling of Garlic infused oil and putting some sea salt and cracked pepper on top and then sealing the foil pocket and placing it in the oven until it's cooked... I love it!... cheers.
Would I have any support from my BBB brethren if I pitched my own cooking show to the networks?
Fuzz's Fresh Fish Fiesta.
Every episode would guest star one of the BBB family demonstrating their own fishy creations.:)

...DO IT!... DO IT!... DO IT!... DO IT!... DO IT!.. I'll go on it for sure!... lol!... I make a mean Lobster Mornay... I'd give it a go for sure!... and... what a great name for a show!... lol!... cheers.
...haha!... I'll tell you what oddjob... I promised that I'll watch at least 2 more episodes so why not come for at least tonight's and tomorrow night's shows just so that I have another person to sling shit at the show with?... I promise you my friend... it is so awful that even my sweet Sophie cannot persuade me to watch the whole season methinks!... lol!... it could be TV history in the making as being the worst ever Reality TV show in the history of TV in Australia!... that's how bad it is!... how can you possibly miss that for even just 2 nights?... lol!... cheers.
You certainly have a lot of similarly thinking people on social media.
So you’re saying it’s so bad all other shows will seem better by comparison?

...EXACTLY!... now you understand!... lol!... so!... have I convinced you?... are you in?... at least for the 2 shows that I've committed to if anything else?... lol!... cheers.
...thanks for all the fun tonight folks!... it's been a blast and I may even have a TV career out of it!... lol!... so!... will you be with us in 'Love Muscle Island' tonight then oddjob?... cheers.