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Love Island Australia - Coming to 9Go & 9Now

That's where you are wrong. Grant is a genius with the most morals and values on the show. He is grateful and generous. It makes me so ecstatic to see that Grant is still on the show with Tayla.

it makes me sad. it makes me look up into the stars and curse his name. his name that brings shame upon this show.
Apologies for being a bother but how did my Cassidy portray herself last night?
And am I given to understand there will no longer be late screenings?
I have the facility to record the earlier version as I like to watch Masterchef.
Hopefully some people have this facility too and we can all agree on a time to watch together that suits all.
@Affable . Your thoughts? Or would this be far too difficult to arrange?
I know its a big ask cos people have their own routines etc.
I like "live" posting with my BBB brethren. Dont think I could watch the show on my lonesome.
Too much intellectual stimulation for my brain to handle alone:p
so I'm having to watch this on the QT as Mr Crimmy has finally drawn the line after the last lot ... lol (I'm surprised he's lasted through The Bachelor, Bachelorette and BIP to be honest!! He's a HoneyBadger fan so I THINK I'll be able to get him back in time for the Bachelor - but then I don't know if I'll be able to stick with it lol)

anyhooo ....

I don't think I've ever wanted so badly to grab a couple of women by the ears and bang their heads together - of course I'm talking about Cassidy and Tayla/Tala/Taylor (can't be bothered checking the spelling)

who in their right mind would even bother looking sideways at that scumbag lying a$$wipe Grant??

before last night I wanted Cassidy to be sent home asap because she's basically allowing herself to be his doormat ... I was giving Tayla/Tala/Taylor the benefit of the doubt because her diaryroom chats were at least based on reality - ie "I know he's bad but I can't help having these feelings for him - I'm trying not to" ... etc etc and I saw some glimmer of hope that she'd move on

then last night - WTFuckettyFuck!!!

Cassidy still needs to go - wondering if she was Erin's doormat last night choosing John James (wtf is with the 2 name thing anyway!!) - they were thinking they were taking Millie's choices (had Natasha shown any interest in Elias prior to this?) and sticking it to her?

Erin's a jealous little pitbull when it comes to Eden - and Millie doesn't play by her rules aka "the girl code according to Erin" (made up as she goes along to suit her own purposes)

I just find Cassidy plain annoying now and a bit of a drip ... but then the whole house is pretty much full of drips ...

I really don't know HOW I get myself drawn in to watching this ... and not sure how long I'll last - who am I kidding - I'll be stuck watching it to the end :bang::bang::bang::bang::bang:
I fell asleep, just before the ditching ceremony
Justine isn't so bad......he has really grown on me for having a good attitude
Natasha is a bitch......and her face is so swollen looking, it looks huge and puffy
Cassidy = moron go home
Nasty how they stitched Millie up
When Grant & Eden chat.......I want to smash meat pies in their bogan faces
Josh is likely the next 'boy' to get dumped

And you wankers, you don't have 'feelings' for someone in 4 days or whatever, you have lust

And what is the plan for future viewing?
Continue at 10 or 10.30pm????

I shall be watching late still, and @timmydownawell it is on late on Thursday if you feel like still joining in, can't be missing much
And what is the plan for future viewing?
Continue at 10 or 10.30pm????

@Affable . Your thoughts? Or would this be far too difficult to arrange?

This might be where I draw the line and stop viewing. So annoyed they removed the later viewing. It will send Channel 9 a strong message.

I just don’t see it working if we choose an agreed time. Too many spoilers will be posted in here as some will be ahead and some will be behind...
This might be where I draw the line and stop viewing. So annoyed they removed the later viewing. It will send Channel 9 a strong message.

I just don’t see it working if we choose an agreed time. Too many spoilers will be posted in here as some will be ahead and some will be behind...

we can agree to use spoiler tags until a certain time?
Apologies for being a bother but how did my Cassidy portray herself last night?
And am I given to understand there will no longer be late screenings?
I have the facility to record the earlier version as I like to watch Masterchef.
Hopefully some people have this facility too and we can all agree on a time to watch together that suits all.
@Affable . Your thoughts? Or would this be far too difficult to arrange?
I know its a big ask cos people have their own routines etc.
I like "live" posting with my BBB brethren. Dont think I could watch the show on my lonesome.
Too much intellectual stimulation for my brain to handle alone:p

Even though I don't usually join in for the "live" posting, I think channel 9 dumping it is idiotic, and only confirms what Mr Stickyfingers and others think of the way that channel is run. The fact that quite a few very dedicated reality tv watchers here are either quitting or considering quitting because of this is very unfortunate but perfectly understandable.
A show like this NEEDS the interactive discussion or it just dies a lonely death.
I too prefer to watch Masterchef live and record the other shows for later, but by the time I get through them all it's around midnight. If Love Island was on at 10:30 or whatever I could possibly squeeze it in, but I'm not ready for it at 8:30 on a minor channel.