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Jade and Drew *spoilers*

Remember when Big Brother revealed Michael as the insider, then, while everyone's heads were still spinning, threw in some intruders? And it was all amazing tv because it was happening live? They could have done a similar thing here and it would be amazing, but no.
I commend Ed - he's a GENTLEMAN - he will NOT make a move on Jade quickly - in fact he might not make a move on her at all - he's sensible and realises they live in different states. Jade will be the one that comes across as desperate in my opinion. And I can tell you right now on the BB facebook page, everyone is still NO, it's "Drade" NOT "Jaded" and "if Jade doesn't want Drew I'll have him" and that they should both stay together.
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I don't get what the big deal is about Jade. She has a bit of a duckface and a bland personality to boot. The only thing that makes her mildly interesting is her ability to speak italian.


All the guys in there could do better. may have overlooked the fact that Jade has a KILLER BOD :D
No offence, but changing the name of this thread still gives it away.

lulz ... and why GAF re: subjectively determined "offence" anyway ?

^^Yep. He tried to organzie a linch mob to put me in a sack and beat me to death last night. That is not cool.

What isn't cool is a breed of (unsure what species it actually is) that appears to be the result of a deliberate and cruel crime against nature.

I was shocked to my core but quite soon I forgot all about it, now I'm shocked all over again.

lulz may have overlooked the fact that Jade has a KILLER BOD :D

Only women who have no clue as to what typical blokes would deem a so called "killer body" to be, would think so.

I'll let you in on a secret. Most Real Blokes want their women to look like Real Women and not like skinny barbie doll little girls who look like they would snap into little bits if you sneezed next to them.

I don't get why so many of you are hating on the OP. They wrote "Spoilers" in the title to be safe. If they didn't and someone came in and saw that it was about updated stuff, they could potentially go off about it. If the title was just "Jade & Drew" then I personally would assume it's about them as a fake couple and how they're doing and maybe how they'd make a great real couple.

I say kudos for trying to be safe OP.
I don't want it to be over. Something about a forced coupling tickles my fancy :D muahaha
Only women who have no clue as to what typical blokes would deem a so called "killer body" to be, would think so.

I'll let you in on a secret. Most Real Blokes want their women to look like Real Women and not like skinny barbie doll little girls who look like they would snap into little bits if you sneezed next to them.


I'll let you in on a secret. Real Blokes aren't the arbiter of everything. If some non-Real Bloke likes Jade's body that is a pefectly valid liking. The women of the world are not a giant buffet laid out especially for you and your palate. And even if they were there would be a big perspex sneeze guard in front of them to keep your nasal emissions at bay.
One person who would be upset by live streaming would be my Husband.Its bad enough I watch the show but 24/7 live streaming drove him really mad. That said the excitement I got when Dave had his meltdown and Micheals tricks with his son Ruben where highlights for me that will never be repeated with this format.

I want to see the twist faux marriage or whatever it is revealed live. Do you hear LIVE.
I'll let you in on a secret. Real Blokes aren't the arbiter of everything. If some non-Real Bloke likes Jade's body that is a pefectly valid liking. The women of the world are not a giant buffet laid out especially for you and your palate. And even if they were there would be a big perspex sneeze guard in front of them to keep your nasal emissions at bay.


Q: Which are the Real Women and which are the robots ? :D

In relation to people complaining about BB changing the rules about "Drade" and calling the HM's in to the diary room - I think the fact that so many of the HM's were wondering and debating during the week BB let the housemates have one more shot at it - he said "to clear the air" - I don't think it was so much of a change of rules, I think it was more of a clarification to all the housemates. Your thoughts?
maybe BB want some voting $$$$ early on, seeing how popular drade is. plus let them take 2 nomination spots will means 2 less 'characters' will have the risk of leaving, BB needs pranksters and drama queens for the rating, or we will all end up watching the grass grow.
maybe BB want some voting $$$$ early on, seeing how popular drade is. plus let them take 2 nomination spots will means 2 less 'characters' will have the risk of leaving, BB needs pranksters and drama queens for the rating, or we will all end up watching the grass grow.

So BB really is taking us for a ride then! How depressing!
The comments on the official BB facebook page are GOING OFF!!! Everyone is FURIOUS about the Drew/Jade sham!!!!
The sham in relation to BB giving the housemates the chance to vote against them being married! People are saying they were set up and should have won the task!

Ah ok. I thought they were upset because they weren't really married, lol.

I agree with them, I think it was a set up for them to fail
So many of you believe Big Brother rigged it against Jade and Drew but I think BB did his absolute best to rig it for them. How many times did the Housemates have to say YES WE DON'T THINK THEY ARE MARRIED? I think he asked about 7 times, "Just to clarify" "Are you sure" "1 last time". It came across to me like he was trying to talk them out of it and I think he almost did at one stage.