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by hackers do you mean government agencies who are watching us all the time on every website we visit or every email we send? building up a database for all our internet habits so they can blackmail us into serving our country or something like that?
No. People trying to use your webcam without being noticed, install backdoors/cryptolockers, steal your identity etc etc.
No. People trying to use your webcam without being noticed, install backdoors/cryptolockers, steal your identity etc etc.

Exactly like what the government does. One has to be aware of this so one can take precautions from these eviil type of government agencies. I would explain more but these walls have ears.
King of Thailand has died. Was seen as a stabalising force in a country that often has coups. His sucsessor, his son, is not as well loved.

Yeah and a Year or Mourning - What a Sad place to visit or be around! My Boss just got married to a Thai Lady and she will be coming here at Christmas. I hope I do not have to see her weep for a year! All repect for that King, He was so well respected and that is awesome. Pity that a bit of that Kings compassion etc did not rub off on his child. Might have been a bit too busy to groom him that way. I have not read the whole story, so I am not able to really judge. I just know that my bosses wifes in turmoil with this news
Yeah and a Year or Mourning - What a Sad place to visit or be around! My Boss just got married to a Thai Lady and she will be coming here at Christmas. I hope I do not have to see her weep for a year! All repect for that King, He was so well respected and that is awesome. Pity that a bit of that Kings compassion etc did not rub off on his child. Might have been a bit too busy to groom him that way. I have not read the whole story, so I am not able to really judge. I just know that my bosses wifes in turmoil with this news

I agree with what you have posted.
Every week at least one car smashes somebody's house, usually more than one, it is an epidemic, people can't drive & they give them a license anyway.
Every week at least one car smashes somebody's house, usually more than one, it is an epidemic, people can't drive & they give them a license anyway.
Frightening isn't it, what some people think of their driving skills.
So Miranda Kerr has more security on her empty home than stupid barge arse trashy K had - for her person & bling.

Security at Kerr's house attacked by thieves, Kerr not at home at the time.
Every week at least one car smashes somebody's house, usually more than one, it is an epidemic, people can't drive & they give them a license anyway.


I'm a poor driver, but even i have trouble comprehending how someone could put their car in the above picture situation.
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Lovely & well deserved @Alias
They should give one to Leonard Cohen too, before he dies

Yeah, quite a few people have said that. I'm not very familiar with Leonard. I should probably have a listen to him.

I so thought of you @Alias, when I heard this news :artist::thumbsup:

Spotted Leonard in 1985 at Honolulu Airport - was too young and shy to approach him for a conversation or an autograph, back then !

Cool Hooley! The most famous person I've ever spotted in the street is Bob Hawke. :wacky:
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Yep it is a frightening epidemic, @buck07 , 2 or 3 is commone every week - and we don't have a fence, eek.
But we have many trees should be enough buffer.

Clearly there needs too be a scenario in driving tests you must pass to avoid smashing up houses.
I find it weird nobody else is focusing on this problem.

Every picture tells a story ...

Yep it is a frightening epidemic, @buck07 , 2 or 3 is commone every week - and we don't have a fence, eek.
But we have many trees should be enough buffer.

Clearly there needs too be a scenario in driving tests you must pass to avoid smashing up houses.
I find it weird nobody else is focusing on this problem.

Every picture tells a story ...


Clearly poor Trump is scared of getting his hair all messed up.
With this next bit of ridiculousness, wondering should we start a dumbest ever thread?
Stupid internet people?
Dumbarses trying to be internet influencers, who are dumber than a lampost????

Please help with what we can call this kind of idiot...

'I guess you think women PEE out babies too': Self-styled 'meninist' student mocked on Twitter after telling women to 'control ur bladder' in a rant about why TAMPONS should not be given away free
  • Student sparked outrage by claiming women should 'control their bladder'
  • Ryan Williams said females should 'close their legs' in rant against tampons
  • Insisting women should pay for sanitary items, he said: 'Pay for your own'
  • He wrote: ''Tampons should not be free. If u can't hold it until you get to a toilet. I don't urinate everywhere and expect free nappies #selfcontrol'

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I mean, OMG does not even come close, but that could be the title I guess.

Picture, because you need to see the stupidest face

he may look 12, but no it is 19, so no kid excuse