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World will be a better place once this creature carks it.

So? It's still a generalization.
You could have said any of number of things but you chose to say that.
She was completely in her right.

Please don't tell me you're serious with that, for real?
That is possibly the most uneducated comment I have read in a longtime.

I am somewhat gobsmacked that people here are justifying their attitudes in relation to racism and the plane crash. Three people died, imagine being the family of those who died and seeing that racist not funny news report.

It's all about timing, giggling at the word bowel fine, laughing at silly names, fine. Making fun of a a plane crash where people died, not fine.
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Meh ... "racism" is merely another nonsense and arbitrary division cooked up by left-ards so they can maintain outrage and create new excuses to legislate against personal freedom.

The reality is that there can be no such thing as racism while humanity consists of but a single race. As for literal ethnic groups, well if you really want to properly catagorise then there are basically as many divisions as there are individuals

Currently "racism" can only truly exist in fantasy environments that have races other than humans, such as in Star Trek, Babylon 5, and Doctor Who.

BTW, isn't Captain Kirk actually practicing beastiality when he gets it on with somebody from alien race ?

Meh ... "racism" is merely another nonsense and arbitrary division cooked up by left-ards so they can maintain outrage and create new excuses to legislate against personal freedom.

The reality is that there can be no such thing as racism while humanity consists of but a single race. As for literal ethnic groups, well if you really want to properly catagorise then there are basically as many divisions as there are individuals

Currently "racism" can only truly exist in fantasy environments that have races other than humans, such as in Star Trek, Babylon 5, and Doctor Who.

BTW, isn't Captain Kirk actually practicing beastiality when he gets it on with somebody from alien race ?


Spoken like the fat, white, anglo, male that you are.

And your psychobabble just doesn't explain some people spitting at others and telling them to go back home.
Spoken like the fat, white, anglo, male that you are.

Nah, I'm slightly mauve coloured genderless toroid able to change my astral form at will.

As for the aging but amazingly engineered chemically powered electrically controlled "in the image of God" body I drive, you obviously have not been looking too closely @ my happy snaps for they clearly show it to be of woggy middle-eastern appearance with it considerably likely that a well known "father of many peoples" fella from ancient times known as Abraham contributing to its DNA.

And your psychobabble just doesn't explain some people spitting at others and telling them to go back home.

Your ignorance certainly appears to. :D

Anyhoo, you're in a forum now and so, just like our tralalalad, you can be anyone you want to be.

With that in mind, why are you choosing to be a victim ? Is that your preferred way of getting your jollies ?

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It's all about timing, giggling at the word bowel fine, laughing at silly names, fine. Making fun of a a plane crash where people died, not fine.

First and foremost, given the level of humour you display when posting in this forum, I am not sure if in all fairness the role of self-appointed Humour Police is really an appropriate position for you.

I am somewhat gobsmacked that people here are justifying their attitudes in relation to racism and the plane crash. Three people died, imagine being the family of those who died and seeing that racist not funny news report.

And in response to your gobsmacking, humour has been a coping mechanism for tragedy since Jesus was nailed to the cross (bless me qkt Priest person for I have sinned... Ha!). Religion/illness/tragedy can be great comedy fodder. There were inappropriate 9/11 jokes being texted before the second plane even hit Tower 2 and inappropriate Steve Irwin jokes were abound before the stingray had lined poor Steve up for the bullseye shot. Whether it be princess Diana's tragic and untimely death, Michael Jackson fiddling with kiddies, starving children, disease, teenage pregnancy or impotence, we have seen all used and abused in the name of our want for laughter. You prefer to be outraged, and that is your right. I on the other hand am not offended by the play on Asian names, and thankfully there is enough room for both of us.

I think the reason behind inappropriate humour is simple. Laughing makes you feel good; when I read those names which had been tweaked to suit crash lingo, it made me laugh and that felt good. You see, fun people like to laugh, be laughed at, and laugh at others, and in my experience fun people can pretty much find humour in the most inappropriate places. Laughter can be found in every situation. I can remember my two brothers and I spending our last night in a single hospital room with our Dad before he died, and we seriously laughed most of the night and I am not talking a subtle hehe, I am talking crying and dribbling on yourself laughter, (though truth be told, Dad did end up dampening our moods a little when he did finally give up the ghost in the wee hours). My brothers are particularly funny people and I think because of the way we chose to process what was happening, it made the burden of the situation easier for us to bare. While certain aspects of that night were amongst the saddest I have ever experienced, I take comfort in my memories of laughter and even all these years later, when I think of it, it is a night that can still make me smile despite the tragedy woven through it.

When it comes to a response, you can choose to be outraged or you can choose to have that delightfully wicked giggle, it is up to you. Some people quite simply prefer to be outraged and indignant, and that’s okay. Personally if I am going to be outraged, I would prefer to save it for the brutal and racist attitude the majority of Australians seem to have when it comes to boat people illegally entering this country trying to flee war and persecution, rather than waste it on Y-u So Seri Us.

I must say, nothing like forum debate first thing in the morning to get the juices of the grey matter pumping!!!!
Spoken like the fat, white, anglo, male that you are.

Well look at you!

For someone who feels victimised and racially vilified by a joke you feel is inappropriate because it uses Asian inspired names, you don’t mind ignorantly racially profiling based on a picture do you?

While I agree heartily that judging by the abundance of photo/video evidence we have seen, your dear old Unkie Ders may be fat, he may be bald and he may be desperately unattractive, but to presume his heritage could be considered offensive, particularly by the racially sensitive in here. I think given the fact the man was found abandoned in a cardboard box at the front steps of the church as a new born baby would demonstrate that he himself doesn't know exactly which race copulated and birthed him, for you to generalise in this way could be considered racially insensitive.

It really is clearly an insensitive presumption on your part. As usual your attempt to be profound on the injustice of what you see is racism, while questioning a fellow posters racial ethnicity in an insulting manner, leaves you looking ignorant and barely literate. Lucky for you I don't give a fuck either way, I just love watching exactly how far you can stick your fat badly booted foot in your mouth.

It must be said, if you really are a lawyer, with opening statements using language like “slopehead” “chink” and “slanty eye” and closing arguments which places what could be an incorrect racial generalisation on a fellow posters ethnicity when debating racist behaviour you really must be the WORST lawyer of all time!


P.S. While I am on the subject of inappropriate racial generalisations, with a nose like that I am leaning towards Unkie Ders being the long lost son of an Israelite.
Nah, I'm slightly mauve coloured genderless toroid able to change my astral form at will. *

As for the aging but amazingly engineered chemically powered electrically controlled "in the image of God" body I drive, you obviously have not been looking too closely @ my happy snaps for they clearly show *it to be of woggy middle-eastern appearance with it considerably likely that a well known "father of many peoples" fella from ancient times known as Abraham contributing to its DNA.

Ahhhhhhh, so you are thinking wog

Let's just say, I think we can both agree, the DNA in your Gnozo sized nose will solve the mystery, though my money is still firmly on Israelite.

Anyhoo, you're in a forum now and so, just like our tralalalad, you can be anyone you want to be.

I love this obsession you have with me Uncle Bernie! *I think you including me in a thought process that didn't really involve me at all is just so cute! If I wasn't such an attention seeking narcissist it would probably be a cause for concern.

I think the bigger question is who do you want me to be Uncle Bernie?
Nah, I'm slightly mauve coloured genderless toroid able to change my astral form at will.

As for the aging but amazingly engineered chemically powered electrically controlled "in the image of God" body I drive, you obviously have not been looking too closely @ my happy snaps for they clearly show it to be of woggy middle-eastern appearance with it considerably likely that a well known "father of many peoples" fella from ancient times known as Abraham contributing to its DNA.

Your ignorance certainly appears to. :D

Anyhoo, you're in a forum now and so, just like our tralalalad, you can be anyone you want to be.

With that in mind, why are you choosing to be a victim ? Is that your preferred way of getting your jollies ?


Talking about other people's fucked up sense of humour does not make me a victim, I'm no victim, and deflecting is precisely what people do who know what they are doing is wrong.

Regardless of whether racist jokes are funny, it is not funny to proliferate those dumb jokes. And I do not give a shit what any of you try to argue, my mother was absolutely right - you accept/tolerate/put up with/laugh at dumb racist jokes, you accept and proliferate racism.
And your still a white male.
Talking about other people's fucked up sense of humour does not make me a victim, I'm no victim, and deflecting is precisely what people do who know what they are doing is wrong.

Are you serious?!

When you said:-

As someone with Asian heritage, and an Asian surname...............
fuck off dickheads who think slopehead/chink/yellow/slanty eye, or any 'funny'names derived from another language......= humour,

You took an issue which wasn't in fact about you, and made it ALL about you:- classic victim behaviour.

Regardless of whether racist jokes are funny, it is not funny to proliferate those dumb jokes. And I do not give a shit what any of you try to argue, my mother was absolutely right - you accept/tolerate/put up with/laugh at dumb racist jokes, you accept and proliferate racism.
And your still a white male.

But moving right along to your next flawed cluster of thoughts.

Your opening line states “regardless of whether racist jokes are funny, it is not funny to “proliferate” those jokes”, so in essence what you are saying is, even though you find the racist joke funny – you mustn’t laugh out loud or share the joke. That makes about as much sense as deliberately and knowingly choking someone to death and then doing CPR to try and bring them back to life.

But moving right along…

We have already established that the racial and cultural origin of the original sin which resulted in Uncle Bernie’s birth cannot with 100% certainty be established. However with a nose like that, we know he has a sprinkle of something exotic.

To still be screeching Uncle Bernie is white, like it is a crime, suggests you must live in the land multiculturalism forgot. So what do you believe exactly constitutes as being white enough for this white class system you have dreamed up? Do you class an aboriginal child, who has white skin and red hair aboriginal, or are they not black enough for you? Do you begrudge a Lebanese man, who has light skin and hair due to his Caucasian mother, his Lebanese heritage because he isn’t dark enough? When your own Asian characteristics are barely recognised in your children’s children’s children, do you then remove it all together? How exactly do you decide which ones are white enough to be considered what you have decided to be "Derspatz" white?

I seriously cannot believe a woman who claims to have this extensive educational background could say something so offensively ignorant and not even realise it. Do you not see the fundamental of racism at its core is to ignorantly assume or decide someone’s race, and then negatively judge them on it? The facts are you have about as much idea as I do when it comes to forum members and individual race and culture and yet you feel you have the right to decide which mould to place them in purely on a photo.

I think you might need to go back and talk to mummy about the characteristics and traits she was trying to impart in you when teaching you about the differences and diversity of culture, because clearly judging by this nonsensical babble, you clearly missed what she was trying to instil in you when it comes to proliferation, racism and the broader community.
Sooooo, has anyone here ever watched....

While I am on the subject of inappropriate racial generalisations, with a nose like that I am leaning towards Unkie Ders being the long lost son of an Israelite.

^ lol

Anyhoo, back to the nuwz, this time from here (coz the main link is paywalled) and the comments are more interesting anyway :).

Nick Cater agrees some single women bloom in their freedom. Yet:

For the past 500 years in England, and latterly in Australia, a combination of social stigma and an absence of welfare kept the illegitimacy rate at about 5 per cent.

With the spread of permissive attitudes in the 60s, the rate began to creep up. By the time Whitlam came to power, almost 10 per cent of births occurred outside of marriage… In 1973, the Whitlam government introduced sole parents benefit, making it possible for single women to keep their babies and survive.

Today more than a third of births in Australia are ex-nuptial…

The demographic profile of the single mother makes uncomfortable reading, and indeed it is almost always a mother; fewer than one in five single parents are male.

About 40 per cent of lone parents left school before Year 12, compared with 24 per cent of partnered parents. Single mothers are less likely to work. Four out of 10 are considered low-income families; when both parents live together, the proportion considered low-income families is less than two in 10. Two-thirds of lone mothers live in rented accommodation, and two-thirds rely on welfare payments as their main source of income. There is no glossing over the ugly facts: single parent families have hard and unstable lives…

.... the evidence from a series of studies suggests that children living with only one biological parent are more likely to suffer assault…

[Lucy] Sullivan claims that the socioeconomic distribution of sole parents benefit invites the conclusion “that many sole parent births were not unintended, and that unmarried motherhood has become something of a profession” among less-skilled women with low wage-earning potential… “By the early 1990s it could be declared with confidence that the social theories and associated polices foisted on society by the Progressive Left in the second half of the 20th century were fallacious and destructive.”

Pope re-births the original version of the CO2 tax


Vatican offers 'time off purgatory' to followers of Pope Francis tweets

Papal court handling pardons for sins says contrite Catholics may win 'indulgences' by following World Youth Day on Twitter

In its latest attempt to keep up with the times the Vatican has married one of its oldest traditions to the world of social media by offering "indulgences" to followers of Pope Francis' tweets.

The church's granted indulgences reduce the time Catholics believe they will have to spend in purgatory after they have confessed and been absolved of their sins.

The remissions got a bad name in the Middle Ages because unscrupulous churchmen sold them for large sums of money. But now indulgences are being applied to the 21st century.

But a senior Vatican official warned web-surfing Catholics that indulgences still required a dose of old-fashioned faith, and that paradise was not just a few mouse clicks away.

"You can't obtain indulgences like getting a coffee from a vending machine," Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, head of the pontifical council for social communication, told the Italian daily Corriere della Sera.

Indulgences these days are granted to those who carry out certain tasks – such as climbing the Sacred Steps, in Rome (reportedly brought from Pontius Pilate's house after Jesus scaled them before his crucifixion), a feat that earns believers seven years off purgatory.

But attendance at events such as the Catholic World Youth Day, in Rio de Janeiro, a week-long event starting on 22 July, can also win an indulgence.

Mindful of the faithful who cannot afford to fly to Brazil, the Vatican's sacred apostolic penitentiary, a court which handles the forgiveness of sins, has also extended the privilege to those following the "rites and pious exercises" of the event on television, radio and through social media.

"That includes following Twitter," said a source at the penitentiary, referring to Pope Francis' Twitter account, which has gathered seven million followers. "But you must be following the events live. It is not as if you can get an indulgence by chatting on the internet."

The adage "Nuthin new under the sun" springs to mind ...

Carpetbagging is still carperbagging regardless of whether it is done by left-ardian environtologist (of the Church of Environtology) "waa, the sky is falling" CO2ophobes with their taxing of plant food, or if it is done by Semiramis & Tammuz worshippers with their "get out of hell for a fee" scam, yes ?
