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I'm A Celebrity 2024: Episode 9

Do you like or dislike the eating trials?…

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Callum is certainly getting his money's worth of thrills horrors and air time in this 😂
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…I’d immediately push the whole cake as hard as I could against my chest and curl over as much as I could… cheers.
…ha!… Michelle was predicted to win this by her team by a kilometre because she’s a ‘Super Athelete’ and she failed miserably… she only had one coin to Callum’s four lol!… cheers.
…thank god Robert didn’t say… “what have the celebrities been thinking about from day one?…FAMILY and letters from home”… thank god it was ‘food’… cheers.
A what?
Never heard that one before 🤔

…when we were kids in London England in the mid 60’s… if one of us kids were having a tantrum our mum would say… “ having a fidder fadder are we?… while your stamping your feet beat the dust out of the carpets for me will you?”… lol!… I remember it as clear as day lol!… cheers.