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I don't understand how anyone can dislike Priya?

Oh, you must've borrowed some of Mage's pointier creations. You will have to forgive my mistake, with such an erm enchanting silhouette as you most certainly do.

forgiven. And unless I develop a penchant for having a shot of penicillin jabbed in my derriere every second month, I won't be borrowing any of Vadgory's under garments. But you are correct I have an alluring silhouette, I'm quite perky.
There were grapes.
Oh dear! Shaking her head, worried expression How many? And did they taste Where they in liquid form? And when you left, did you feel different? As if hands might have been touching, your, thoughts?
I think when Priya popped a grape in her mouth last night like some pompous Roman senator's wife at a pre-orgy feast and announced to Penny "and that's why I don't (discuss things with you)", turning her head away to signal that Penny had no right of reply was a very telling moment - and indicative of her personality.
Oh yeah i remember that. That was the moment for me when i knew why i disliked her from the start. She never looked more arrogant it was shocking.
Oh yeah i remember that. That was the moment for me when i knew why i disliked her from the start. She never looked more arrogant it was shocking.
Really, I'm sure at some point she looked more arrogant. Let me think. Hmmmm, snaps fingers, I know, during David's eviction video, right when she realized she was still there and he was...gone.
There were grapes.

They weren't grapes you ninny, they were CAT treats for WHITNEY HOUSTON - and by 'treats' I mean 'reduced for quick sale' krill oil capsules.....i.....i left out in the sun to bloat over the G20 sakes was that a hot one...

Oh dear. Well, at least you won't get arthritis pain in your....erm......'robot joints'. And you're going to pop off a lot. a LOT.
Because its not funny, its ridiculous. Not everyone has the same sense of humour. Worshipping someone who is on a reality show like some goddess and praising every word she says just makes me cringe.

Because you don't get it. Why do you care so much about us?

Priya's strategy is to create conflict and plant seeds, even if there is no truth behind them. There seems to be no sense of humour there whatsoever, nor the ability to laugh at herself. I don't deny her the choice to play her game her way, given the personality traits she possesses. However, what "grinds my gears" about Priya is that there simply doesn't seem to be a nice person lingering underneath the visage. Everything "nice" she does seems to have a motivation attached to benefit herself. She showed many of her true colours that very first night, critiquing the housemates and saying nasty things based on physical appearance alone. She seems to enjoy creating an air of superiority via either intimidation, manipulating others and simply having an arrogance she constantly projects, whether intentional or not. However, this arrogance is completely unjustified, she is not special, and she is definitely not some goddess. I find her extremely unlikeable and most likely would in real life too.

And that friends, is why I dislike Priya. :thumbsup:
Yes, this! This exactly. She is the master of the white ant and it's been her weapon of choice right from the start. She eats away at the friendships the other hm's have made from behind the scenes, hiding away without being seen but chomping, chomping, chomping. She's said herself she is happy with everything she has done in the house so she apparently doesn't see it as a negative trait, all of this behind the scenes play. I doubt it is just a gameplay she's using for BB though, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was her normal behavior with her RL friends. Like davidftw, she's not someone I would seek out to spend time with either. I wouldn't trust her and her personality doesn't appeal to me. I don't hate her, I just wouldn't want to spend time with her. Not my cup of tea.
She's honest. She's insightful. She's kept the game interesting with her game playing. She's considerate.

HOW do ppl not like her?!?! It's beyond me!!!
She is patronising, superior, mean, nasty, not that intelligent, out of her depth, unrelatable.
Thats a few of the reasons why I don't like her :)

I thought it was interesting last night how many of those videos she was a participant in. Either talking about someone or being spoken to about someone. To mean, that is just a mean person. But I didn't like Jade or Estelle either and others loved them.
I love Priya but I understand why people would dislike her a little, but not with the passion that some people hate her.
Nah rubbish. They call her argumentative and smug because she is. She treats the other hms like she is their intellectual and moral superior when that is what she argued very insistently that that was one thing she doesn't do. She said she doesn't put people down when that smug smirk is exactly that - a huge put down. It's a physical sign of her invalidating their argument. I think she thinks she's far more intelligent than she actually is. She behaves as is she's an oracle of all wisdom when she appears to be just average intelligence but with an inflated opinion of herself. I'm not a Priya hater but I'm not blind either. Ryan is a sly little prick but just because he is that, doesn't mean he's wrong about Priya. Arguing with her would be like getting pecked to death by a duck. She just doesn't shut up. It's not because she's female, it's because she's Priya.
I love you Raphael!!!!!!!!!!
This is my exact argument.

She ain't all that and a bag of chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She isn't as smart as she thinks.
She has a massive ego.