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Drew & Tully 2013 vs Marty & Jess 2002

Marty and Jess divorced didnt they.?????????????????? can someone tell me please
Marty and Jess divorced didnt they.?????????????????? can someone tell me please
Yes they did

After 15 glorious months of marriage, apparently. And we thought it would never last!
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Personally I didn't like either "couple". Cheaters make me vomit.

Plus the fact that Marty felt the need to share with all of Australia that Jess had "a smelly hoo hoo" was class on legs right there.
Personally I didn't like either "couple". Cheaters make me vomit.

Plus the fact that Marty felt the need to share with all of Australia that Jess had "a smelly hoo hoo" was class on legs right there.

haha WHAT. don't think i remember that one!
haha WHAT. don't think i remember that one!
Yarp. On the Uncut Show. Apparently he did the old "dip and sniff" and she was less than fresh. *snort*

But to be fair they were all showering with their bikinis on so personal hygiene must have been sketchy at best.
Yarp. On the Uncut Show. Apparently he did the old "dip and sniff" and she was less than fresh. *snort*

But to be fair they were all showering with their bikinis on so personal hygiene must have been sketchy at best.

Oh iccckkkkkk...vomiticious!!
No Facebook, Twitter or even BBB forum in 2002. Can't judge what people were thinking when there was no social media.

Spot on. Plus Marty was a nice guy that aside. Tully was meant to be gay, she also sulks like a kid when she doesn't get her own way, cries all the time, is a very sore loser, back stabs, is mean and lies to make other house mates not like who she doesn't like. Its a lot harder to forgive that then a sweet farm boy who acts innocent and seems to fall for someone naturally.

I didn't agree in either case and think hate is a strong word but I dont like Tully as a person, I liked Marty as a person. I still think both counts of cheating was NOT ok.
I think its more about personality with Tully. Most people had formed an opinion about her even before the " relationship " had started.
Sorry for taking so long to get back to a discussion that I started myself. I got some sad news this morning. I meant to reply to some of these posts individually, but am a little drained. I have posted on the forums a bit today, but only in places where I could get away with short sweet one line answers.

From memory, there was a slump in Marty's popularity over it, but that didn't last long, and the viewers seemed to come around and embrace the whole thing as a cute love story. We can tell that there won't be that kind of turn around for Tully and Drew though... and I will admit that they are totally missing the "cute factor" that might have gotten Jess and Marty off the hook.

And about this.....

Plus the fact that Marty felt the need to share with all of Australia that Jess had "a smelly hoo hoo" was class on legs right there.

Argh! I either totally forgot that, or missed it altogether. I need to go poke my eyes out after reading that lol

Although, that season did have it's "Ew!" moments. Remember Jess attempting to make a pack of playing cards out of panty liners so they could play Go Fish?
It wasn't a bad year haha. And I agree, Drully totally miss any cuteness. Its all abusive and unhealthy. Its not anyone's idea of a love story.
THIS! Marty was lovable. I don't dislike Tully because she's a cheater, I dislike her personality.

She was hated before she even started hanging out with Drew, when she was still latched on to Matt and referring to him as her "house husband". She has an extremely annoying personality.

Sorry, Marty's girlfriend's name was the one thing I couldn't remember about that story, even though it was on the tip of my tongue the whole time... and really bugging me. Anyway... it was Jonelle lol

She was hated before she even started hanging out with Drew, when she was still latched on to Matt and referring to him as her "house husband". She has an extremely annoying personality.

yeah I've disliked Tully from week 1 when she got stroppy with Mikkayla over the halfway house beds, although she's had some good moments as well.