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Does BBAU have a problem with POC?

Who are these assertive women that have been voted out early? Were they booted for being assertive or was there some other reason? What exactly do we mean by assertive? If men weren't being assertive doesn't that mean that being assertive probably wasn't the best thing to do? Because being assertive paints a target on your back. Gives you an easy reason to be nominated.
Who are these assertive women that have been voted out early? Were they booted for being assertive or was there some other reason? What exactly do we mean by assertive? If men weren't being assertive doesn't that mean that being assertive probably wasn't the best thing to do? Because being assertive paints a target on your back. Gives you an easy reason to be nominated.
Assertive man = decisive
Assertive woman = bitch
I wasn't being vague.
