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Did Tully hook up with big brother voice actor?

Your implication about gays and replies afterwards were fine though?

Hahahaha you would be VERY busy saying the same thing to many others who have said similar things.. Good lick with that!
I said earlier that the only way I'd believe he is gay, is if he made a tweet that said"tickets to my bumhole are exclusive for penis"
But now..I found even more solid proof-






No offence but she strikes me as one of those people who can't go through life without having a relationship with someone. I wouldn't be surprised if she's cheated more than once in her life either. And then you also have to remember that media is a dirty industry to get into. A lot of questionable things are hidden from the public eye.
Don't you think they decided to play a game and you all fell for it and not the media?

Does it really matter what Tully called him, she says she loves everyone and its a known fact that housemates do keep in contact with crew after leaving the Big Brother House.

Why not play it up, more people are talking about you and the more you will get noticed.

Tully was at Tonight's Eviction in case Drew was Evicted.