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Did Tully hook up with big brother voice actor?


Didn't this woman make an appearance on big brother last year as one of the housemates mothers?
Turns out she is actually Big brothers mother....
Or maybe they just look alike..but I'm sure it's her

Hang on, I think her and bens mums teeth just look similar..
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I would like to see where exactly your getting information that he is straight.

It has nothing to do with the way he looks - the fact you jumped to that conclusion is quite offensive I think.

If you want public confirmation of the fact he is gay:
Pete Cunningham ‏@pete_cunningham 10 Dec
There's a guy on my return flight that was also on my flight 3 days ago to Brisbane. Is he the one?
He possibly deleted them due to all the attacks they got from Drully fans. I read some and they were goin' crazy! I'm pretty sure a lot of the flirting stemmed from when he told her in the house she was looking pretty or whatever.

Anyway, the dude is gay and a pathological flirt it would seem. I seriously doubt they got it on.
Saw these tweets the other day. He's deleted a heap of them. It's probably inappropriate for him to be interacting publically with Tully until the show is over. Some people will see it as a conflict of interests.
I would like to see where exactly your getting information that he is straight.

It has nothing to do with the way he looks - the fact you jumped to that conclusion is quite offensive I think.

If you want public confirmation of the fact he is gay:
Pete Cunningham ‏@pete_cunningham 10 Dec
There's a guy on my return flight that was also on my flight 3 days ago to Brisbane. Is he the one?

Huh? How is that confirmation that he's gay?
That has nothing to do with anything.

& Even if it did, he could still be bi.

Unless he has a tweet saying "tickets to my butthole are only available exclusively to penises"
Then I shall continue to believe they possibly rooted.
Tully must have also hooked up with Ed's brother too since she was in an instagram photo with him :rolleyes:
Is there any need for this whole rubbish thread - who cares one way or the other
Doesn't seem to matter if he is gay because isn't she? ;-) lol it's just an excuse gay people get with everyone!