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Episode Day 92 (28/10/13) Daily Show (90 mins)

do you live with Tim? He's obviously pissed them off on a regular basis and as the group gets smaller its more obvious so people are finally saying something and he cant take it. Why did BB cut out what he said to Boog? favouritism

Yeah! That just reminded me - why weren't we shown the argument b/n Tim & Boog at dinner?
most of these people's problems are simply the difference in intelligence.

Bottom of the barrel - ed/jade, dim, and no real sense of humour, conservative because they are too dumb to think outside the box

boogs - medium intelligence, street smarts, good sense of humour. She's far from smart though, doesn't get subtle differences. She is nothing like tim, having a sense of fun doesn't make you tim my dear.

Tahan - is bright, but she has a different female perspective, so she isn't always on the same wave length.

Drew/tim - very, very smart. And it pisses the others off that ttd can outthink them.

Tim was in damage control trying to play the game. It's the end of the run and other people are starting to play hard and he can't handle it and so trying to play harder.
I so want Drew to at least beat Ed now.

If I could vote, I would invest money into Drew. I wish Tully hadn't endorsed Eds brother. Wasn't sure why she did that.

I just think Drew should outlast Ed and Boog.

I wonder if I can vote from overseas? A text to Australia might cost a fortune!!
Shut the fuck up Ed.

It's not like they threw hydrochloric acid on Ed and Jade. THAT is being victimized, jackass!!

Tim is not a bad person!!

My blood seriously is boiling now. If that pathetic excuse for a man isn't evicted on Wednesday I may burst a blood vessel in my head.

the first step is realizing ya have a problem....hahahaha
only trying to look out for ya becos your one of many who make this BBAU experience excellent for me
no blood vessel bursting, ya Hear?
I am a Tim fan, but couldn't help wondering if his visit to the diary room and telling the other housemates that he'd been crying was a bit of damage control after the argument with Boog. That said, he may have just been letting his guard down and showing his vulnerable side.

I'm enjoying the friendship that has developed between Tahan and Boog. It's nice to see the 2 of them having a laugh together.

Was glad to see Ben back, but would've preferred Tim to be in there instead of Boog.

And finally...Drew makes a very sexy elf
I get that Tim would be super annoying to be with in that situation but Ed crying about why do bad people get made out to look better etc and talking about Tim...please.

Ed cried to Tim about the prank in the bedroom when defending Boots (when it wasn't his place) yet in the kitchen when trying to tell jade he will get them all back said (he has been on the end of footy pranks that were 10 times worse) he is such an idiot. I reckon drew could sneak home this year. He's the dark horse for me
i am a tim fan, but couldn't help wondering if his visit to the diary room and telling the other housemates that he'd been crying was a bit of damage control after the argument with boog. That said, he may have just been letting his guard down and showing his vulnerable side.
Great post, but I'd put Jade on Boogs' level, and leave Ed on his own tier of stupidity.

I fucking *loathe* the anti-intellectualism that goes on in the house. The most blatant situation that pissed me off was on the weekend, when Tim was entertaining the housemates with details about the flora growing on the wall. Drew seemed genuinely interested, and they were talking about it, and Boog said, "oh, sorry, I just fell asleep" and other comments about how boring it was. Like, fuck, I get that you're too fucking retarded to value information just for the sake of knowing, but when others are participating and clearly enjoying the conversation, at least have the social awareness to shut the fuck up if you have nothing to add.

There's more too, like "what's the Vatican", Drew's rant about "facts" the housemates regurgitate, and the whole geography clip from the other night. It just really annoys me seeing that shit, these shit idiots walking around being proud of their stupidity. At least Jade doesn't shy away from that sort of thing -- recognises that she's not particularly smart, but seems willing to stop and listen to learn something. Boog is just an idiot, though.

Then when they get into fights, they all bitch and moan about how Tim argues them into feeling like they're wrong. All it is, though, is that they don't have the mental capacity to figure out how to clearly and succinctly express themselves, and he does. None of these idiots have any sense of self-awareness except Tim and Drew. And Tahan -- I don't love her, but it'd be unfair not to admit that she's self-aware, and behaves accordingly. For the rest of them, though, they could fall in a hole and die and I wouldn't care.

Far out.

Sorry, it's a bit of a rant, but I guess I've reached my breaking point this week, too.

what YOU said
Peeing in a bath & peeing on peas that where going to be eaten if totally different.
Boog went too far. That's a given and something she copped to doing at times. Tim had every right to be upset. BUT as for peas getting peed on, it's really not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. Who knows if Mr. Clooney has peed on them. Peas in gardens could be peed on by any number of creatures. And fertilized by manure. Wash the damn things and get over it.
A-Fucking-Men! p.s - Tahan has hardly been seen the last two weeks! I sometimes forget she's even there!

becos Tahan haters cried about favouritism and the rich boyfriend...
what she did admit was great...she learned in the BB house not to slay people with her words
to not jump defensive....let the shite roll off her back and you love people, hence give them the tools to break
you but Trust they will love ya enuf to not break you....
to everyone asking where tahan was on the episode, have you ever considered that maybe she's just not doing anything entertaining? her only entertaining quality is her bitchiness & she's been much less bitchy lately (which i like because i couldn't stand her bitchiness).
I'm really happy to see this chat between Ed and Tim. From both of them. It really touched me to hear Ed say he'd have Tim's back outside of the house and for Tim to say he just wants Ed to give him the benefit of the doubt just once.

and Ediot, the genius admitted to OZ and Tim that he is playing the game (ya know how it is in HERE and we are down to the final week) and my only cards are to chip away at your strength in the game.....hellllooooo, Ed....its Not woorrking...adjust your strategy and fake pretend you love Jade...but do it quickly
The show tonight was all about Tim. Becoming a twerp and he's completely lost the plot!!!!!!!!!!!

He goes on about Ed all the time and how he would like Ed to support him just the once.
Well has Tim ever supported Ed in the house. It ought to go both ways.

Ed is growing on me. Think Ed may make it to the final week.

Nine seems to want Drew to make it to the final week now. I've noticed Drew is getting rewards his way with people coming in
and he's winning the group awards quite often which is annoying Tim. Why can't Tim be happy for Drew ??

Drew had Tully come in and tonight Ben was in the Xmas when Drew and Boog was in there.
No doubt the big wigs at Nine want Drew into the final week.

Tim played a great game up to about two weeks ago then slowly but surely has lost the plot.
and Ediot, the genius admitted to OZ and Tim that he is playing the game (ya know how it is in HERE and we are down to the final week) and my only cards are to chip away at your strength in the game.....hellllooooo, Ed....its Not woorrking...adjust your strategy and fake pretend you love Jade...but do it quickly

They've all played well to get to the final week and a bit. Doesn't matter how you get there in the end.
I've seen people win it that have been boring before. Its a good game plan. Aussies like the character of the honest bloke
without all the agro.

Ed's game plan is more like the early series of BB on the 10 network.

Drew's game plan is like the modern ones where don't get into any arguments and sail through to the final week.

Final week game plans will change.

Tim's game plan is all over the shot. Starting fights with everyone and I think its starting to show on everyone left in the house.

Now Tim goes running off to the BB diary room like Drew was doing a little while back.

Tim asks for Ed to back him up just once yet Tim has never backed Ed up at any point in the game.

And Tim in the diary room crying for past housemates he misses. He's hoping they see it and get then supporting him no doubt on the outside. Thought Tim wanted Mikk out. He certainly was trying to bring Ben down to make it easier to win. Gets rid of him then starts to cry. crocodile tears.

Last scene on tonight's show showed Tim in bed looking quite lost and wondering where its all gone horrible wrong for him.

Tim is now on the outer with both groups and he's done it to himself. Sad to watch.
Omg did boog say that?

I missed some bits of tonights ep.

Ha...boog just dug a very deep grave for herself.

And I love how she thinks she can win...LOL

OK,OK i'm back to wanting Tim for the win

he is Masterful at this one swoop he ensures that boogsi is evicted next eviction, Ed is evicted on Wedn, gets my lady Jadey to believe he actually cares about her, took tickets off all the remaining HMs as too weak to stand up for him, called out to the splenda sister, mikka, ben fans to vote for him becos he misses them sooooo, cried in the diary room about no one loving him to BB, sat next to Ed and Jade (complained he was a third wheel) and they moved away from him ( why DID specialEd move the lounger closer to where the other HMs sat (to get some film?) got Ed to admit that his cards of "destroying" tim is just gameplay...boxing with Mr. Clooney...I am reminded what Tahan said : every move he makes and every word he utters is to further himself in the Game...Well Done, Tim, Well Done....
"Tim is now on the outer with both groups and he's done it to himself. Sad to watch."

Wait for it....Wait for it...Tim is masterful at this game!

he said he wants Ed gone...his next victim is boogsi
when Ed and boogs leave we will see the Tim of old (he knows he can beat Jade and Drew)
not sure if he will turn on Tahan his only real competition or will relax and have fun his final week...
Yeah! That just reminded me - why weren't we shown the argument b/n Tim & Boog at dinner?

They showed to much of this, Became boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its BB not the Tims fan club tv show.

There are others in the BB house.
I like the interaction with Drew and Boog. Tim doesn't like it because he's lost all control over the other housemates.
The housemates have finally woken up to Tim and Tim knows it.

That last scene with Tim looking at the ceiling in tonight's show tells me Tim knows the others have had enough of him.

Tonight Tim thought he's go from being with Tahan, Boog and Drew to being with Ed and Jade who have had enough of Tim too.
Tim laying down talking to Ed and Jade and Ed asks for a massage. I thought Jade would massage while Tim was with them but instead Ed and Jade move over to where the others are and Tim is left all alone. Tim gets up and goes in to sulk in bed.

Tim has done it to himself. He creates kaos which was funny with a bigger group but now as the numbers get smaller and smaller they get to see Tim targeting the same person over and over where in a large group he could light spot fires everywhere and walk away.

Tim can throw insults to others but can't handle it when anyone dares to speak up against him.
OK,OK i'm back to wanting Tim for the win

he is Masterful at this one swoop he ensures that boogsi is evicted next eviction, Ed is evicted on Wedn, gets my lady Jadey to believe he actually cares about her, took tickets off all the remaining HMs as too weak to stand up for him, called out to the splenda sister, mikka, ben fans to vote for him becos he misses them sooooo, cried in the diary room about no one loving him to BB, sat next to Ed and Jade (complained he was a third wheel) and they moved away from him ( why DID specialEd move the lounger closer to where the other HMs sat (to get some film?) got Ed to admit that his cards of "destroying" tim is just gameplay...boxing with Mr. Clooney...I am reminded what Tahan said : every move he makes and every word he utters is to further himself in the Game...Well Done, Tim, Well Done....

I think you will find Boog isn't up for eviction. Its between Jade, Drew, Ed and Tim this week.
Tim will be the one that will leave this week.
"Tim is now on the outer with both groups and he's done it to himself. Sad to watch."

Wait for it....Wait for it...Tim is masterful at this game!

he said he wants Ed gone...his next victim is boogsi
when Ed and boogs leave we will see the Tim of old (he knows he can beat Jade and Drew)
not sure if he will turn on Tahan his only real competition or will relax and have fun his final week...

tim nominated tahan and probably would have turned on her but she wasnt up for eviction lol.