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Episode Day 89 (Fri 25/10/13): Daily Show

Seriously, these two make for the worst television.

I know. I seriously can't believe how Ed keeps surviving evictions. Imagine the final night it being between Ben and Ed. Ben would win for sure, yet he got evicted over Ed. Stupid.
Tahan happy she's not up.
BOOG saying she could only take SO MUCH of kissing Ed.
TIM wants Ed gone.
Now they are going for a Guiness World Record.. something to do with putting eggs in cups with their feet..
BB wants to see if the housemates notice the Drew young Keanu Reeves resemblance!
Ed making sure to say "it devised naturally" after hearing his brother's comments.
I know it's not the same but bit rich of Drew poking fun of relationships in the house.
Yeah true. But I can also see his point as him and Tully weren't macking on each other in front of everyone all the time. Of course we don't know if that's simply because of Tahlia or if they still wouldn't have anyway but it is annoying to watch that crap all the time.
This has to be up there with the KFC Friday ep for the worst ep of the series.

the boring producer must have been off sick earlier in the week, but is now back on board :(

bring back whoever filled in!!