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Episode Day 80 (Wed 16/10/13) Eviction Night #10

Yeah, I don't expect Tahan to have the most votes after last week. Although because of that they may be in a frenzy, everyone knows what happens when you think your favourite is going to stay and get complacent.
The show started on time tonight. Luckily, I switched on early!
Ooooo, boos for Mikkayla. Her public perception has taken a battering.

Wow. Someone is dominant there.
Queen Mikka will be safe! Haters choke on dust...she still has two lives left. Hoping for a shock eviction i.e Tahan, but Boog just doesn't have the support
better throw Boog some more votes...bye bye Mikkayla
Sonia, sftu...every single week you've had "the most votes than ever before" :rolleyes: