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Episode Day 80 (26/11/14) Grand Finale (NB: Live Spoiler warning, site-wide)

You're a bloody legend, sticky!

Fair enough, Skye's not the most popular HM on the threads or on SM but I think she has played a friggen incredible game for someone so young. For all the criticisms out there, she will do well after the show, regardless of whether she is 3rd or the winner!!!

Listening to @timmydownawell and Co... Love it!!

...I have to agree with you about Skye having a longer '15 minutes of fame' than the other two... they will fade into oblivion like Ed from last year... Skye will last a bit longer popping up here and there on TV like our incredible Tim Dormer methinks... go Skye you good thing!... cheers.
White prom dresses, don't look great with blue hair - ARIAS
Shepherd i think just won something.
I love the ARIAS, last year was really good, lots of great live performances.