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Episode Day 79 (25/11/14) Triple Eviction

I know who Don Bradman is thanks to the videogame. That's how I know about cricket too. I bet there has never been a cricket game played on a U.S. network. It is way more complicated than I thought.

I didn't realize that they don't wear helmets.

That's crazy.. baseball players have worn batting helmets here for years.

They do, and he was according to the news reports. Freak accident.
I know who Don Bradman is thanks to the videogame. That's how I know about cricket too. I bet there has never been a cricket game played on a U.S. network. It is way more complicated than I thought.

I didn't realize that they don't wear helmets.

That's crazy.. baseball players have worn batting helmets here for years.
I think most people wear helmets when batting but it's also possible for a ball to freakishly deflect from the bat's edge at such an angle that it lodges in odd spots ie between guard and jaw etc
PS I believe the first ever international Test Match was USA vs Canada, in the USA, early or mid 1800's :)
it just occurred to me how utterly terrifying it must be to have penny super pissed off at you. cant you image her in an angry rage? she would be the tyre-slashing type for sure.
I just checked the voting T&C, the phone lines will still be open during the finale this year? The last two years they closed at about 4pm, before the show started, this year they'll be open till 9:15pm AEDT. Do you think that will make much difference? There'll be 45 minutes worth of footage to influence the final vote tally.

Imagine if it is 2007 all over again? ;)

To recap: Votes were so close that it more votes needed to be counted before it could be determined which way the vote was going, causing the show to run an hour late (how can you finish the finale and not announce a winner!). And didn't the voting lines jam as well? Also they showed voting percentage graphs before the lines closed causing even more mad dash voting. I'm sure the extra votes brought in the big bucks.
Remember when the final days of a BB series were celebratory?
I haven't read the other 107 pages but what happened to the videos from the family members? David's sister mentioned they filmed them, so why haven't they been shown? Last years was so much better. Now this year we get Ryan looking like Justin Bieber.